Star Trek Movies, As Ranked By Star Trek Con-Goers

I haven't seen 4 and 5 yet, so I can't speak for those, but I would have put Galaxy Quest higher on the list, possible also the 2009 movie. I don't know if I would say ID was the WORST, but it definitely belongs on that end of the list. I didn't care for the author's hating on TNG though. I've never been a big fan of TOS and I could barely make it through a couple episodes of Voyager and DS9. Apart from a moderate interest in the reboot (mostly because of the costumes), TNG is the only Trek I really love.
I think JJ's movies should be ranked MUCH higher, right behind Wrath of Khan and Undiscovered Country. Those are the only 4 worth watching. The rest are worse than the Star Wars prequels. Galaxy Quest was better than those other Trek movies, but I guess you could also say Spaceballs is better than the SW prequels.
^^Completely disagree with that first point!!! Although Galaxy Quest was indeed awesome.

Anyhow, since everyone says the list is wrong here's my take on it (best to worst):

1- ST II
2- ST VI
3- Galaxy Quest
4- ST IV
5- Generations
6- First Contact
8- TMP
9- Star Trek 2009
10- STID
11- ST V
12- Insurrection
13- Nemesis

9,10, and 11 are all really close, but the only ones on this list that I outright don't like are 12 & 13.
Here's my list:
1. ST II
2. ST VI
3. First Contact
5. TMP
6. Generations
7. ST V
8. TIE: Insurrection and Nemesis

Non Star Trek Trek movies:
1. Galaxy Quest
2. Master and Commander

Gold Key Comics Adaptations:
1. Star Trek 2009

Should be buried in a very deep hole:
1. Star Trek IV
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