SPIDER GWEN Build (Pic Heavy)

What's that saying again...Dynamite comes in small packages ;)
Good luck with the last bit of your costume!

Haha, thanks!

I have also heard back from Fabric on Demand. They were very apologetic, and said they just don't have as much experience with this new design but want to work on making it excellent. They sent me their own version of the file that is optimally set, and I will make edits from there (mostly to the back pieces, which don't line up correctly) and make it a bit bigger. Their customer service is seriously amazing.

Hopefully I can get it out to them next week to work on the legit version of this costume :D Come onnnnn tax return!
Update: Attaching Soles, Invisible Zipper, and Puff Painting

I did many things today, but still have to sew the hood and mask tomorrow!​

Attaching Shoes/Soles to the Suit
1. Pulled the sole off of some cheap loafers by cutting at the glue with an actual knife, and then prying it apart with some sort of fancy pallet knife thing?
2. Stuck the shoe part inside my suit (3rd pic) but i didn't feel the need to glue/sew those in, since my suit is so tight.
3. Took the sole and used superglue to attach them; rubberbands and binder clips helped.
4. I thought I took a picture but apparently not, but once dry I then sewed the soles to the suit using a whipstitch (it uses a curved needle that usually comes in a "repair" kit where all the needles are in a craft store). Whipstitch took forever, but holds it together and is worth the trouble!
5. I will add a picture of the final product
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Sewing the Invisible Zipper
1. You should absolutely invest in the universal invisible zipper foot, it's like $3. Would be crummy if sewing zippers all the time, but 100% worth it for this occasional cosplay use!
2. Homegirl in this video will show you how to install it and how to sew an invisible zipper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlIFCuP3sZo
- Iron the zipper down a little so it lays flatter for sewing
- The teeth go a little past wherever the line is on your print
- The excess of the zipper is closer to the edge of the seam allowance
- The fabric should be right side up and the zipper should be right side down
3. You have to use a straight stitch for this, so I stretched the suit slightly as I basted the zipper.
4. Depending on which side of the zipper you're doing, you'll stick the teeth in the foot grooves and it damn near does the work for you!
5. To line up the other side, I zipped it up. Then I folded the fabric underneath and pinned to the zipper so that all the markings lined up right. Then sew!
6. I am again not sure where the picture I took went, but will upload one later.
Invisible Zipper Foot.jpg 0402152256.jpg

Puffy Painting
1. Unfortunately, my color only comes in "Slick" but I dealt with what I had.
2. The hood actually looks like it will be okay, and worth painting before sewing. I used an applicator tip set that's pretty cheap at the craft store (metal tip yes, super worth it)
3. I decided I also want to do the arms, which is really difficult since they're already sewn. My arms are about the size of paint cans so I stuffed those in there and did as much as I could tonight.
4. On my shoes, you can tell that I'm stretching the print more than I'm supposed to, so some of the lines went across them. It was driving me crazy so I just covered it with a web pattern, even if that isn't really on her suit. I think it looks pretty discrete!
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Stitch Settings:
1. Since i forgot to share before, these are the stitches on my machine:
- Blue: regular straight stitch; used for the zipper and for the joints between fingers, because zig-zag and overlock are too wide to come to a point like that
- Red: the zig-zag stitches; just as strong, but the slanted one is better between the two
- Purple: the stretch overlock stitch that I used; it's just as strong as the zig-zag ones, but overlock loops around the edge of fabric if it's cut closely enough (this helps with the fingers especially since I want as little excess fabric in there as possible)
2. I also took a picture of the stitch settings for distance (top right) and width (bottom right).
3. The 3rd picture is an example of the overlock stitch.
4. Not really sure what sort of witchcraft the rest of the stitch settings are for, lol
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Very good effort in getting that costume done. Yeah, gloves: always a pain to do (specially with stretchy fabric:behave)...keep up the great work and eager to see the next update!
It's insane how fast you work!

Indeed! I am amazed at your prodigious output! Plus, I don't see evidence of "try to craft it, mess it up, have to start over" like usually happens when I try cosplay crafting. :(

May you enjoy the fruits of your labor! Have fun at the con! :)
This is an incredible costume. Thank you for posting your progress and all the detail in to how you're creating and building your suit. It's really useful and helpful to someone like me who purchased a sub-dye Spider-Man pattern ages ago, but has yet to do anything with it. Puffy paint scares me a bit, as I've never used it before and I'm frightened of ruining my suit. You've inspired me to think about the project again, so thanks for that. :-D
Update: The Finished Look!
I finished in time! It took an all nighter, but I'm really pleased with how it turned out! I will post tomorrow about the tail end of this build and some of the edits I made, but just wanted to thank the RPF for getting me through this in time for WonderCon this weekend :D Folks were very impressed and I pointed them all this way to learn how to make their own!


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Congratulations with the completion of your costume ;):thumbsup and thank you for sharing your WIP with us
I hope you had a blast at the Con :popcorn
Uploaded a new one, I'm not sure what happened to that one! But thanks for all the links, those photos are awesome!!!

I got super excited when I spotted them and compared them to what you'd posted here. I was pretty sure they were you! Your costume turned out really well! I love it!
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