SGU Stargate Universe Season 2 discussion thread SPOILERS possible

I am.

I just watched the second half of season 1 last week, I was REALLY not liking the way the first part of season 1 was going, it got better when they came back after the break.

I'll keep watching it as long as they dont do the 'sex thru the stones' thing anymore.
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I thought the premiere was great. By the season trailer the story advances and action should be really good. Downside is the time slot sucks and it's reflected in the low ratings... other than that the only bright side to the timeslot is I can watch SGU: then Sons of Anarchy....
Its funny how technology is changing things, the time slot I watched it in is after midnight when it was released on Hulu! :lol

I liked the premier, I thought the attempted takeover was an interesting way to bring new folks to the show.
It seemed like in that one episode Chloe's whininess did a 180°! so maybe that means the creators have an eye on what the fans are saying about it.
Am wondering whether we'll be seeing more of the Left-behinds involved with aliens.
Am hoping they don't turn the baby into some sort of "star child" like on V and bring back Carmen mysteriously powerful and all-knowing. Or inhabited by a Goa uld.
I've tried to watch a couple of episodes but all of them were too darkly filmed. I don't mean tone but visually very little light. Every corridor & room was dark. Maybe I caught the same episode every time but I can't enjoy something I have a hard time making out what's going on.
I watch SG:U when I see that it's on, and nothing more interesting is competing with it.

That said, I enjoyed reading Tycho's (from comments about becoming a recent fan:

I started pulling down episodes of Stargate Universe only because my friend John works on it.

You never know how **** like that is going to go. How many among us have gone to see a friend at Open Mic Night, only to drink and drink until the pain was gone? It was easy enough to begin watching it, because the entire first season is available on Netflix - that's twenty episodes in all, which I absorbed in the space of a week. I was like a madman at an Indian buffet, cupping handfuls of butter chicken near if not exactly in my craw. Recall that this was without any specialist knowledge of some all encompassing Stargatey "thing." There may be some rich sideband of data that the true enthusiast may be able to glean, but if it's possible to enjoy the show more than I do at this moment I'd be incredibly surprised.

I've spent the last hour or so trying to find someplace to watch tonight's premiere online, and God knows how many rogue processes have taken root in this machine as a result of this appetite. Indeed, I searched fruitlessly for a long enough period of time that the show cropped up on Hulu in the normal course of events. If you're just getting into it now, you're lucky; you won't have to suffer through a truly brutal cliffhanger. A crisp, ripe show will simply fall into your open palm.
I have been watching it from the begining. I want to give it a chance. I agree with Kerr Avon. Waiting for the Altantus movie...
When I started this episode I had totally forgotten how the first season ended, it slowly started coming back to me though. I've only recently (within the last year) gotten into Stargate.

I do like that this Stargate installment is much darker and has an urgent feel to it. This isn't about exploration, this is about survival. I hope they keep Lou Diamond Phillips on the show, I've loved him since his days as Chavez Y Chavez.
Personally, I quite like SGU. I went back and watched a 'favourite' episode of Atlantis after about a year of not putting the discs in and I found it childish (please don't kill me :confused) in comparison. There always was too much deus ex-machina in SG1 and SGA with a new piece of tech or a conveniently time stargate dial. While that is still present in SGU in a degree, I've found the episodes to be more unique and less repetitive. And they seem to like killing off main characters and destroying vital parts of the ship, something that in SGA or SG1 some magical event would happen to save the persons life.

Don't get me wrong, I still love SG1 and SGA, hanging out for the next movies, but I find SGU more mature, unique and original than the previous series. Would be better if they spent more time off the ship, but I'm finding the psychological issues with the ship constantly in threat of breaking up interesting. I think, given time, the story will turn to the crew realizing that rush has discovered how to control the ship and they'll use it to find more planets, aliens etc. It's just for now they're developing the story. Who's to say the show won't evolve and end in a completely different style to where they began.
Shepherd - "Orders Received, now ignoring orders"


McKay - "That's impossible...WHIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNE, Wait, a second, I can do it, I'm so Brilliant" Now making Snarky Comment #50.

Weir - "I'm dead, no I'm not, Yes I am, Am Not, Are Too, Am No...WTF, Who's writing this crap, fine, pay me in Pop Tarts, just give me a job."

Dr. Zelenka - "I'm as smart as Rodney, I just don't have the stones to tell McKay what an egotistical little troll he is, I'll be in the corner talking to myself in croatian."

Dr. Scotty - "I dinna Ken Hae Lang I can put up with this ****e. Oh sure, replace me with Fookin Jewel from Serenity ya Bastards."

Tayla - I Haven't been relevant to the series for 3 seasons. Excuse me, My Bast... Er, Love child needs changing.

Dr. From Voyager - "I'm so uptight and unbendable I can open a bottle of Coke with My Butt. I'll never bend the rules, EXCEPT for this one instance...and the one after that, and the one after that, and so on and so on and so on."

This Weeks Problem will be solved by
A. an unconventional use of a puddle jumper.
B. It was an alternate universe, timeline, or computer simulation
C. an undiscovered subroutine in the Atlantis/Wraith computer system that can be over ridden/over written resolving the problem.
D. A Wraith/Humanoid Alien has a change of heart at the last minute and helps our intrepid team in their time of need.
E. Ronin runs screaming like Han Solo, Shooting everything in Sight, Killing with abandon Like Lancelot in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Grunts "Let's get out of here" and they do. The End
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I want to know one thing about SGU.

The Ancients built the Destiny, right? Okay, so if they did that, then where are the lights? Everything they have ever built has been almost oversaturated with light. Every outpost, ship and Atlantis has had lights in the ceiling, walls, floor, stair steps, in the control systems, weapon drones, etc. The Destiny is almost completely devoid of lights.

Can someone find the ****ing light switch already?????
Maybe they're keeping them off to conserve energy since they seem to have quite the problem with power.

The amount of energy necessary to push a ship to the speed of light is FAR in excess of what would be necessary to turn on an incandescent bulb, or whatever they use. It wouldn't scratch the surface.
You know what really pisses me off about this show? They have those stone communication things on the ship. Do they contact Daniel Jackson, Major Carter, or Rodney McKay to help figure out how to use Destiny? No, they use it to make intergalactic booty calls. WTF? They totally wasted Michael Shanks' guest starring on that episode he was in.
LOL, I've been thinking the same thing. Destiny is older Ancient tech. Since Atlantis is sitting in the SF Bay. You would think they figured it out already (or did the ZPM die already and the city sank again).

Bring back the Ori so they can kick some aliens "that sound like otters" butt! Be Well MF'ers!

Ohhh,,, I'm getting more out of control than a pissed off Wraith on a Jenny Craig weight loss program...