Scumbag Takes Credit for MCL34N's Spidey Suit...Let's Stop Him!

How about you go F%^8 yourself!

Calm down dude:lol
I was not being a ****, just saying go over and change the name.
No need to flip out when someone points out that you got a fact wrong.
Seriously, I was not being mean, just making a joke of it and your response was pretty damn uncalled for. Wow!!

Way to make an impression here :lol
He has now left a response comment on Shapeways... He states that he "ownes the rights to this file".

So he legally has the right to sell this in his own mind :lol
Im not certain just who the you think you are but I dont appreciate being ridiculed on a forum even if my facts dont happen to be straight.Not everyone is an admitted 'Movie Freak" like you but im glad that you found some humor at my expense and I appreciate you taking the time to visit this thread for the first time just to point that out.

Someone points one fact out that you got wrong and does it jokingly and you throw insults back? :lol
You need some thicker skin to be on these boards and that is all I will say about it. No need to take this thread off topic any further. let the mods deal with your reactions :)
Calm down dude:lol
I was not being a d*ck, just saying go over and change the name.
No need to flip out when someone points out that you got a fact wrong.
Seriously, I was not being mean, just making a joke of it and your response was pretty damn uncalled for. Wow!!

Way to make an impression here :lol

That might not have been your intention but thats the way it came across on my end. Maybe that has something to do with your use of :lol every other sentence. I dont know many people who enjoy being publicly embarrassed or laughed at when they make a minor mistake.

If it truly was your intention to help instead of being a **** then I apologize but I still feel like a simple pm would have been more appropriate and better received.
That might not have been your intention but thats the way it came across on my end. Maybe that has something to do with your use of :lol every other sentence. I dont know many people who enjoy being publicly embarrassed or laughed at when they make a minor mistake.

If it truly was your intention to help instead of being a dick then I apologize but I still feel like a simple pm would have been more appropriate and better received.

Recorded for posterity

FYI. :lol is laughing at the situation, nowhere is it laughing at you. People place :lol after a sentence so you will know it is a lighthearted comment. So placing a :lol after each sentence was not a shot at you, it was making sure you understood each sentence was lighthearted.

Now back on topic :lol
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So, let me ask this: Is there any way at all for the Mcl34ns and Carls of the prop world to gain any sort of legal recourse against this guy, without it then cascading backward and possibly getting the 'good guys' in trouble with the studio? Or do we have to just name&shame in every venue possible in hopes that he doesn't get any further business?
So, let me ask this: Is there any way at all for the Mcl34ns and Carls of the prop world to gain any sort of legal recourse against this guy, without it then cascading backward and possibly getting the 'good guys' in trouble with the studio? Or do we have to just name&shame in every venue possible in hopes that he doesn't get any further business?

That is the slippery slope.
If you push it legally, there is the chance your actions or creating replicas will be called into question... And if it goes far enough, the studios could take note.
I am assuming just keeping vigilant and posting everywhere and blocking as many sales as anyone can is all that could be done.
This guy isnt going to stop what hes doing no matter what. He's already been banned off of several forums and he keeps doing it.

Eventually his scams will get bigger and bigger and he might end up spending some jail time but I doubt even that will dissuade him.

Some people think the world owes them something.
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That is the slippery slope.
If you push it legally, there is the chance your actions or creating replicas will be called into question... And if it goes far enough, the studios could take note.
I am assuming just keeping vigilant and posting everywhere and blocking as many sales as anyone can is all that could be done.

Exactly. I have done 3D art for awhile and have come across more than one situation where, for example, someone has done a "Jedi", or "Sith" and ended up having to give the rights to Lucasarts after being contacted by their legal team because they used the words "Jedi" or "Sith". The original artist retains the creative aspect and ownership of the "art" but the rights completely belong to Lucas
Well, from my point of view the reason I let him have the unfinished files to begin with was so that I could track him when he decided to offer them for sale, there are tell tail signs on the files which would allow me to see, once offered, what name he is using and where he was offering them. I put the word out on other forums to keep an eye out, and even though it was a risk on my part, it was a very small risk considering what the little s**t did to MCL34N. And lets not forget, he has tried to pass off printed files as his own which were created by Sonjou, that he never received either.
I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around, and he'll get what he deserves in then end, just may take awhile to come around. Nice to have this thread though and gauge peoples reactions, and to keep alive the justice that we all feel. Treat people how you would like to be treated yourself, and you will always be a winner!
So this clown is still reading this thread people! just had an email from him asking me to back off :) I have replied in kind!!! And have now blocked his emails. So you are a small minded individual who has no ba**s man up or shut up! Do not think that I am a person who you can mind ****, as I have had tougher c**ps than you son shine! Like I stated in my response to your email:
"Your a very sad individual who feels the need to pass off other peoples work as your own, get off your high horse and start doing things for yourself, this way you may someday appreciate the feeling and accomplishment that is an original creation of your own!"
Can you edit the file upload on shapeways to a different source file, say that of maybe a 3d rendering of a certain body part?
so here are some of the emails he has sent me.

My first email to him when we started our transaction.

Hey sorry for the delay.

Is your name from the highlander cartoon ? Loved that show.

anyway In the two attachments you will have the total cost of what the pattern commission would entail.

The pattern is just a digital file you would send to the printer to have printed.

I do not sew, print, or add any accessories.


His response.

Hey there

I believe i do hold the same name as the main character from that show but Quentin is my name =)

Its a true Scottish name and I had parents that preferred tradition in names.

Then once I found out about the mclean issue. I canceled his order refunded his money and kept my designs.

Actually Quentin, I am going to refund your Deposit, and close these transactions .

The actions on the RPF I read today. that you have been banned. for claiming work as your own.

So I am sorry to say I cannot help you on your suit designs.

good luck with your future suits.


His response

Hi there

i have not taken credit in any form, i was banned without even getting my side of the story out there.

if you can please continue to work with me here, i can pass your name around. i had no intention to resell your suits or take credit.

is there anyway that i can still pay you for the work and get suits made then?

My response

so what is your side of the story? , I have read the 8 pages that have been posted. I have read about your past experiences with the ranger boards, I didn't even know you had an alias besides ichigo.

After everything I have read How can I trust that you wont do any of the things said ?

His response

How can you trust me, thats a good question......... i sew and make power ranger costume well the spandex parts that is, I've never made out to make props or super amazing costumes.

i give credit where its due. on my Facebook i have posted pictures of your amazing photoshop costumes that i commissioned and i have disclosed that i am not the maker only the person that will be sewing them.

if you were to trust me i can always pay you the full about upfront and send you pictures with my face in costume. i would not be reselling spiderman or green lantern, these have been costumes i have wanted to own since seeing the new versions.

as for the 3rd commission i have asked you to do.

Yes i would like to be the full exclusive owner and all credit would be to you. all I'm asking for is a slight chance here.

i was part of RB i did not take credit for others i have made all of my own power ranger costs and have the making process for them all.

My response

What's your real name ? Is it quentin Macleod? Or graham Thomson?

And why not just make another post on Facebook stating McLean made the suit for you?
Or on your twitter. And squash everything early on.

It just seems like this became a big mess, and I don't want to get taken advantage of, especially since I am new at this.

I will have to decline.


Hi there

My name is Graham Thomson, its irrevelent as i hate me my name, its my fathers name and he and i are not on the best of grounds.

I would of said something on Facebook however i never got the chance to before mclean blocked me. Evidence shows that have a twitter account but i don't really! i don't. if you wish to friend me on Facebook please do you you will have full access of all photos and comments to show that i do not take credit for others work.

I am not here to take advantage. I've been very upfront with you and willling to give you full access.

I would love for us to work together. I understand if you don't wish too. but like i said i can always pay upfront and let you have the final word.

Please think about this as id really love one of the concept costumes.

That was the last I didnt email him again.

then I got an email, and in gmail it put the name of the person that controls the account first then the email address. Look at the name at the front.

Graham Thomson
Jul 9 (4 days ago)

to me

Hi there

I saw that you were opperation on the RPF, Can you kindly quote me for a Future Foundation Spiderman costume?

Thanks Will

Take note that he is using a different name but asking for the same suit he commissioned me to design. I didnt respond then i get an email from him.

hey there

Sorry to pester you should you see this as that.

I was wondering if you had changed your mind about allowing me to print the 2 costumes i had commissioned?


Not after this. You tried to send me an email from another address, and using a different name. Also I don't have this address listed on the RPF.

After the below attempt to fool me. We will never do business.

I would prefer you not to contact me again.

I am sorry things turned out the way they did. But good luck with trying to find some else to make it for you.

His response

i think you are mistaken, truly i have 2 email address's and thats it. i had passed your email address to some guy on the RPF before i got banned.

I was giving you plenty of space. I can assure you have have made NO attempt to fool you, as i have been 100%truthful with you.

please believe me here.

And I have not responded since. so if anyone is feeling lucky they can look up this email address too.

I am just glad I did not send any files out.

Thanks to this thread and other diligent Members I was spared the same issues mclean and Carl are having.

As a guy whose been ripped off before I was super pissed when I heard what GT was doing. I don't have the talent you fellas have and the few things I've made are not note worthy enough to go on these boards, I can only imagine how ticked you guys are for having the credit stolen by this jack$&@ for your hard work. I garuntee this guys personal life is a mess as a result of his pathological lies. So as a fan who appriciated all of your work.....thank you for your diligence in making sure poor saps like me dont get suckered by scum bags like this :)
Along all this, the suggestion of watermarking the photos was brought up several times. Is there by any chance a Tut here that explains how to do that using the various different editing software? I for one would be interested but as I use V7 of Paintshop the ones I've found in Google don't work too well.
This irritates me to no end, I have been on the end of someone steeling my work as well one time and they profited over it luckily they were shut down in the end. But what makes it even worse when I was on facebook a friend directed me to this...well jerk because I was looking for a spiderman costume. Luckily I gave it time and did research before I made any contact.
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