Scumbag Takes Credit for MCL34N's Spidey Suit...Let's Stop Him!

Along all this, the suggestion of watermarking the photos was brought up several times. Is there by any chance a Tut here that explains how to do that using the various different editing software? I for one would be interested but as I use V7 of Paintshop the ones I've found in Google don't work too well.

Any editing software that allows you to layer images or text will do. Just create a new layer on top of the photo and type your name across the center of the image or put a logo in the center of the image. Then adjust the opacity level if that text or logo down to maybe 25%. You may have to take the opacity level lower or even higher depending on the photo lighting levels and based upon eyeballing it. Once you get that level done just save the image as a RGB jpeg for online use and you are ready to use them.

Hope that was helpful
Way to be vigilant guys :)
His Shapeways page is now gone.

And... way to go!!... to the two people who posted on his comments section. I read his comment asking them to "back off", then one of them said it will never happen :lol
They told him that they will find him wherever he posts and out him and keep going until his name is mud and he will never be able to con anyone or buy anything.

So way to go guys... Keep finding him and keep him from selling the stolen goods :)
His response

i think you are mistaken, truly i have 2 email address's and thats it. i had passed your email address to some guy on the RPF before i got banned.

I was giving you plenty of space. I can assure you have have made NO attempt to fool you, as i have been 100%truthful with you.

please believe me here.

Haha, this guy cracks me up! :rolleyesThe bit in bold in particular; so giving your supplier a false name blatantly doesn't count as lying...
Geez, he's not the sharpest crayon in the box is he?:behave
Any editing software that allows you to layer images or text will do. Just create a new layer on top of the photo and type your name across the center of the image or put a logo in the center of the image. Then adjust the opacity level if that text or logo down to maybe 25%. You may have to take the opacity level lower or even higher depending on the photo lighting levels and based upon eyeballing it. Once you get that level done just save the image as a RGB jpeg for online use and you are ready to use them.

Hope that was helpful

Yes it does, that explains it a lot better than the stuff I found on google. Thank you.
Reading this, I can't help beat my head against my desk...

In my case, I'm happy with a pep file that's not unfolded. Well, karma does come back to haunt thee. :cool

Hope his bad karma that keeps piling up drops on him like a big bag of horse****. :lol:lol
Along all this, the suggestion of watermarking the photos was brought up several times. Is there by any chance a Tut here that explains how to do that using the various different editing software? I for one would be interested but as I use V7 of Paintshop the ones I've found in Google don't work too well.

It's very easy to do. several programs will automate it for you like IRFANVIEW, and FASTStone

but real professionals will do a batch process in Photoshop.

Guide: Batch watermarking photos in IrfanView 4.20 « Victim of a Cereal Killer

Wow, this thread was unbelievable. I'm not normally one to wish bad things on people.... but I hope he steps on a lego in the dark :confused
this guy really thinks he can get away with something like this i mean all of us united can stop this guy from scaming....... .hes a big fat CRAP!!!!!!
Photos of MCM EXPO GROUP | Facebook

Looky who I found at the MCM Expo this year (didn't physically meet him, but turns out he was there nonetheless). Turns out Graham's set up a new Facebook account also, either that or he blocked me on his last page.

Not 100% sure if it is MCL34N's suit or not, so I thought I'd post this to see if anyone can identify it.
Hate to bump this old thread but it looks like he's back. Graham Thomson is selling spidey masks (based off McL34N's design) on facebook in the Heroes for Hire / Costumes for Sale Group.
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