Scumbag Takes Credit for MCL34N's Spidey Suit...Let's Stop Him!


Sr Member
Okay, as some of you just saw, some guy on Twitter is claiming that MCL34N's amazing Amazing Spider-Man suit is his own...

WOOOW Some ****** bag is claiming to have made my suit on twitter. Even tweeted Marc Webb about it-!/G_Thomson1986/media/slideshow?

PLEASE! Anyone with twitter, run this jacka$$ into the ground

That's right, the jerk even tweeted Marc Webb (The movie's director, claiming to was his own work)

And if that wasn't enough...

The webshooters are the 3d model made for me...what a C***T bag, taking your hard work, months of detailed craftmanship the sweat and tears.
And TheNickfox, just copied and pasted your message on twitter, hope you dont mind, but this scumbag is the lowest of the low!

That's right, he also ripped off the 3D model of a webshooter and claimed it as his own.

So, I tweeted this:

"@MarcW Do not believe @G_Thomson1986, he stole those pictures and is claiming them as his own. #WithGreatPower"

Starting the hashtag #WithGreatPower as a way to track the tweets about this ******bag.

Please copy and paste at will...or come up with your own. Let's show this guy how much we dislike ripoff artists, and at the same time throw our support behind MCL34N for all the amazing work he's done.

Where my Wolverines at?

The funny thing is that I've been doing business with someone named Graham Thomson on Facebook. I wasn't sure if it was him or an imposter, but a friend on Facebook did some sleuthing and the Twitter IP address is consistent with the his hometown. What an idiot!
The funny thing is that I've been doing business with someone named Graham Thomson on Facebook. I wasn't sure if it was him or an imposter, but a friend on Facebook did some sleuthing and the Twitter IP address is consistent with the his hometown. What an idiot!

so he's not only an idiot he's a complete moron as well....
and a mutual friend informed me that he has been reposting my photos on facebook for weeks and claiming they were his own, and he edited the security so that I wouldn't see them. Funny thing is that I actually came ahead in this situation. I agreed to make him a suit for $1700 on the condition he pay me $800 up front. Now I dont have to make a suit and I get the $800!
and a mutual friend informed me that he has been reposting my photos on facebook for weeks and claiming they were his own, and he edited the security so that I wouldn't see them. Funny thing is that I actually came ahead in this situation. I agreed to make him a suit for $1700 on the condition he pay me $800 up front. Now I dont have to make a suit and I get the $800!

sounds like a win your side then lol and $1700....... i know what im saving for after i've finished my scarlet suit lol
Sorry, I don't do the twitter thing, but that just sucks!

Yeah, I've no doubt he's likely pulling in some suckers' Kizzash selling Vaporware... :angry
Like I've said many times, these days you have to watermark every photo that someone might steal. Put a big ghost image of your name right across the center, and they can't claim it's theirs.
DUH! Why didn't I connect these dots? This guys name is Ichigo here on the forum, if you look in the junkyard you can see the same shooters in the Interest section.
No, his are different. Wouldn't be surprised if he stole them from someone else though. Please DON'T PURCHASE FROM THIS GUY!
I don't tweet, myself, but I'm sure it won't take long for this guy to discover the power of a united RPF. Also: If he's a member here, isn't this a banning offence?
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