The Dark Forces series could have been a GREAT new direction in the Star Wars franchise, but they really dumbed it up with JK:Outcast and the T-Rex head Desann (whatever that was all about).
Honestly, I don't know what they're talking about Force Unleashed giving us something we've never seen before: Jedi Knight invented the idea of "kill everything around you with chain lightning".
I probably will never play Force Unleashed simply because... well it's just TOO absurd. Jedi's cannot do those things in my Star Wars universe. (Bringing down whole Star Destoyers? Physically THROWING Tie Fighters? Disintegrating storm-troopers? ALWAYS WITH THE DOUBLE LIGHTSABERS NOW?) The prequels started to dive into that sort of absurdity with (pretty much everything about) Anakin.
Dark Forces was great. Xwing v. TIE was great. JK Outcast was acceptable, as was Obi-Wan and Bounty Hunter... but everything else recent has been crap unless it was 3rd party:
(Galactic Battlegrounds, Knights of the Old Republic, Republic Commando)
On A general scale... it seems like the newer studios are more in tune with the emerging markets. That is to say, games from Bungie, Ubi-soft, Bioware, Bethesda all have incredible stories with insurmountable odds. But these guys don't take it into the "absurd" territory where I roll my eyes.
Maybe it's a taste-thing? Maybe the old guys are over-estimating the need for over-stimulation and absurd story-lines / abilities?