Prometheus (Post-release)

You know, I will fault him on a great many aspects of dialogue and character he really screwed up in an amateurish fashion, but I am willing to give him credit for what I think is a compelling least as much of that which can be credited to him. I went into this wanting to really hate on him and blame him for everything but left the theater feeling he got a lot right. And I never watched LOST and had no opinion of him prior to reading this thread and knowing his contribution to the new STAR TREK film.

Bryan - I'm not actually a Lindelof hater I was just being a bit cheeky. I never watched Lost, the concept seemed to me like something primarily riding on a gimmick with no real thought behind it. I only saw Star Trek the other day and didn't realise Lindelof's involvement until I saw the credits - and hey I thought it was a well needed shot in the arm for Trek.
But definitely Prometheus has moments that surely Lindelof should be able to now look back at and say 'yes, that could do with another pass'. A lot of questions that arise from Prometheus stem more from the apparent episodic structure rather than anything with substance. I feel Scott/Lindelof have likely only half answers for questions they pose and most people here are doing more work than the creators did - chances are that Lindelof will be skimming the web over the next few weeks seeing if he can spice up his ideas for Prometheus 2 with stuff fans have come up with :D

That said there were moments I liked - I liked how David almost seemed to retain a clear conscience by asking Holloway in a veiled way about "what would you do to get answers?" really great stuff, very provocative. The script as a whole though needed much more character moments, a chance to breath in places and take in the rather profound situation.
Prometheus- Review

So? What did ya think?

And if ya have not seen it.

DO NOT read Below!!

I loved it!!

There is so much going on,...and it brings up so many other questions.

WHat did you think?
Am I the only one that saw this as space suits for blow up dolls. lol
Perhaps like the auto pilot from Airplane.
Re: Prometheus- Review

saw it last night, wasnt what i was expecting but i liked it. does make you think and ask questions.

*spoiler* the tentacle thingy that the woman cut out of her, that i guess was a proto-facehugger! cause it attached itself to the engineer via the face, impregnated him, then died.
Why would that make any sense? That's seems far-fetched.

Not as far fetched as having a built-in map system on your arm and constant communications with someone on the ship who's keeping a constant eye on everyone.... AND GETTING LOST.

Or having your lead scientist who's #1 motivation on this trillion dollar expedition is motivated by faith.

Or having this incredibly advanced automated surgical machine be restricted to only male patients.

Or walking around after having your skin and muscles cut into by a laser and pumping yourself up with so much pain killers that you're perfectly suited to suit up and go out on another expedition.

Or having alien DNA from another planet somehow matching human DNA PERFECTLY. Seriously, who's human DNA was that? The only conclusion you would get from that test is that whoever's DNA it took for that sample is the same exact person who lost his head in that temple 2,000 years ago.

Those engineers are no Space Jockeys.
So wait, melting alien dude got the earth pregnant?

This is heavy.

My favorite critique on that scene is that all life came from some magical white guy from space. No matter what your race is, deep down we all come from a white man. Literally.
The "Corporation" subtext is as strong in this telling as it was in Alien and im fascinated with how it will progress with the almost certain Prometheus follow up/up`s. Wayland is gone, his only offspring is gone, the Companys obviously being run by proxy.
The Yutani side of the equation gives Scott a perfect replacement villian to continue the malipulation and there is a possibility that David was left the entire thing, Waylands last laugh. Looks like the weapons in the Yutani period were ramped right up as well. More films please SRS.
Have we ever seen the Yutani character? We've only seen Weyland, right?

I'm hoping that Vickers survived, and will be there when the follow on mission arrives. I guess that's also why I'm hopeful that she was an android copy of the original. Why? She looked fine, fine, fine in that space suit! :D
Yutani is disclosed as a women at the end of AVP Requiem, Scott may go another way though.
Theron is one handsome woman, that whiskey drinkin, durry suckin Captain is one lucky SOB, he "really" went out with a bang.
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