Prometheus (Post-release)

To me, I say that the Engineers are Not the real owners of the ship and equipment. They have built that suit to resemble the Real Owners and it allows them to interact with the ship.

Why would that make any sense? That's seems far-fetched.
I have to say I haven't been so energized and engaged to want to discuss a film in a very long time, and that makes this movie even more of a success for me.
I'm not sure I see the connection between this ending and the condition in which the Nostromo crew found the space jockey. I think it would have been better to show the impregnated engineer struggling to get back into the bio-suit, and having it close just as the chest burster is breaking out. End the movie there and don't even show us a new alien.

I personally think that the outbreak the space jockeys suffered long ago is connected with the incident that killed the space jockey the Nostromo found on another moon.

Oh cr@p! It never occured to me that this was another ship and another moon that the Nostromo found. During the whole movie I thought it was the same. These engineer's ships sure do crash a lot.
Oh cr@p! It never occured to me that this was another ship and another moon that the Nostromo found. During the whole movie I thought it was the same. These engineer's ships sure do crash a lot.

You try flying with a ship full of stuff that is trying to kill you. :lol
You try flying with a ship full of stuff that is trying to kill you. :lol

When Shaw was in that surgical pod, that thing exploded right into her open abdominal cavity. If Holloway was infected by one drop of black goo, imagine what was growing inside of her. She could have climbed into the bio-suit for the long trip to the engineer's home world then bam! Chest burster action and the ship crashes on another moon, and that's what the Nostromo crew finds.

Sorry if this was discussed already.
One complaint I have about Holloway is the funk he dives into after realizing the Engineers are all dead (or so he thinks). He's supposed to be a scientist of note who just discovered man's first encounter with an alien species and all he can do is act like a petulant child. That was a poorly written and executed part. I had the same reaction to the geologist, forget his name, who mutates. He's a total ass hat from the start who clearly does't want to be there..I mean what kind of scientists is that? Those two were for me the weakest character points of the film and could have so easily been handled more deftly.
I was just wondering what the Engineers in the corridor were running from in the holographic playback?

Contagion. I assumed they lost control of their bioweapon and it was coming after them. Some made it to safety of the ship and the others were trapped in the pyramid facility.
All I want to know is, who is going to make David's helmet that he wears to see people's dreams? That was one of the must have props for me.
Contagion. I assumed they lost control of their bioweapon and it was coming after them. Some made it to safety of the ship and the others were trapped in the pyramid facility.

But was it an Alien type thing or the black goo was chasing them down the corridor? Just curious seeing as they were wearing the bio-suits that I assume would at least protect them from a leaky canister.
But was it an Alien type thing or the black goo was chasing them down the corridor? Just curious seeing as they were wearing the bio-suits that I assume would at least protect them from a leaky canister.

I would think it could have been something like the cobra head eels or the such, something they were afraid would violate their suits and infect them.
Another Lindelof re-write.

You know, I will fault him on a great many aspects of dialogue and character he really screwed up in an amateurish fashion, but I am willing to give him credit for what I think is a compelling least as much of that which can be credited to him. I went into this wanting to really hate on him and blame him for everything but left the theater feeling he got a lot right. And I never watched LOST and had no opinion of him prior to reading this thread and knowing his contribution to the new STAR TREK film.
Why have it calibrated for men? It was established that this was a very rare and expensive device; it was calibrated for Weyland. That being the case a caesarean procedure wasn't available; instead Shaw engaged the programming intended for penetrating injuries and had the machine treat the parasite as a foreign object for removal. This was made 100% clear in the film itself. Operating on herself wasn't the problem, being so improbably capable afterwards was.

I get that she got the machine to operate on her even though it wasn't calibrated for females. And I understand that it was there for Weyland. I just didn't see the point. It didn't really do anything for the rest of the movie. All it did was give a quick 'oh no she can't make it' scare, and maybe let us know Shaw was a good hacker (?) You say that it made her improbably capable... Well she grabbed her wound a few times as to remind us she was injured. It sure as h*** was hard seeing that when she was running around like she did.

Here are a few thoughts on the 'autodoc'. There is no argument that men and women are fundamentally different especially in the abdominal region. My guess is that the machine would have to know which gender it was operating on in any case, and that one procedure (to fix penetrating injury) could hardly substitute cesarian. I suppose precision would be of the essence and the machine would have to know exactly where it was operating to be of any use. Therefore it would have to scan the subject in real time with whatever technology it had installed and obviously find out that Shaw was not male, and probably stop as a result thereof... Also, it was so expensive it seems rather stupid not to have files on female anatomy and calibration data.:facepalm
I would think it could have been something like the cobra head eels or the such, something they were afraid would violate their suits and infect them.

That's what I think as well. I wonder why it didn't show up in the recording? Very strange omission.
One complaint I have about Holloway is the funk he dives into after realizing the Engineers are all dead (or so he thinks). He's supposed to be a scientist of note who just discovered man's first encounter with an alien species and all he can do is act like a petulant child. That was a poorly written and executed part. I had the same reaction to the geologist, forget his name, who mutates. He's a total ass hat from the start who clearly does't want to be there..I mean what kind of scientists is that? Those two were for me the weakest character points of the film and could have so easily been handled more deftly.

I agree.. But for me that's just two of many annoyances :rolleyes
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