OMG darth vader hilted umbrella?

It's an umbrella?.?

And here I thought it was just a case to keep the Force FX blade from getting scratched.....

man, a lightsaber handled umbrella.... why didnt one of us think of this years ago? I live in Seattle, id SO buy one.
Originally posted by p0sitr0nic@Feb 13 2006, 03:59 AM
man, a lightsaber handled umbrella.... why didnt one of us think of this years ago? I live in Seattle, id SO buy one.

they were for sale last year but only in Japan IIRC.

i have seen a few appearing on Ebay lately.

john :cool
Originally posted by p0sitr0nic@Feb 13 2006, 04:04 AM
yeah, that helps us here... why is everything Japan exclusive? That just chaps my ass...

well they do get the best toys first... :cry

john :cool

Japanese manufacturer Happinet has started preorders for a "Rain Lightsaber" which ships next month. A regular lightsaber is normally used to attack someone but put the word "rain" in front of it and you have an umbrella. Just an umbrella. All is not lost however, since sturdy umbrellas may also be used to attack man and beast when the occasion beckons.

Made of a durable vinyl material which blossoms outwards to 100cm when opened, the umbrella will shield adventurous walkers from wind, rain, and sun. Two types are available for preorder: One features a shadowy Darth Vader who wields a saber and the other one shows a diamond-shaped Vader logo. Pricing is set at Y8000 in Japan or US$85 from NCS. Delivery is expected in mid-late June 2005.
OK, then why are they in the same case as the MR poker set?

This would absolutely ROCK if MR started to put these out as I so want one.
Originally posted by Guitaryojedi@Feb 13 2006, 06:57 PM
Please check on my site:
Nice. :D

In the last shot on page linked above, that's the umbrella between the 1:1 MR ANH on top and the .45 MR ANH on the bottom. I guess a full-sized replica would have made for an impractical umbrella grip.

So, how do you like the umbrella? Do you use it, or is it for display purposes only? :p
Originally posted by darth_manu@Feb 13 2006, 04:01 PM

Thanks for posting this ad, darth manu, and for the supporting information.

Is that a URL in the lower left corner? If so, can you post a link (or just the address)? I tried blowing up the image, but the resolution is too low for me to make it out.

Thanks. :)
Hi temponaut,

Actually I've never used mine yet :p
Hilt is not as good as 1:1 or 0.45 Scale, but
it's well done, I believe.

Hope Graflex Type will come out this year :D
Originally posted by Guitaryojedi@Feb 14 2006, 02:08 AM
Actually I've never used mine yet :p
Guitaryojedi, are you saving it for a rainy day? :D

I just found the Rainsaber on Amazon Japan for ¥6,330. That's US $53.77 at the current exchange rate.

Amazon Japan: Happinet Rainsaber

There are three reviews of this item on Amazon Japan so far, and all of them give it 5/5.

Those of you who are interested in this item might try checking with your local Amazon.
I bought one of these at a toy store in Tokyo last November. It was around $70.00 USD. It's a bit expensive, but it's so cool, I had to have it. I thought the Vader hilt was the same size as the .45 scale MR, but I see from the above pictures that it is not. I don't have any of the .45 scale sabers. I didn't know anything about it when I bought it, and was really surprised to see the cool starfield and Death Star on the underside of the canopy.

It's too nice to use in the rain, and the lightsaber handle really isn't easy to hold. It's a nice conversation piece though.