Darth Vader ESB Lightsaber: Early Filming Variation Identified


Master Member
I was going through some of my reference photos several months ago and came across some behind the scenes/production filming photos of Darth Vader. I had seen them but had never clicked and enlarged them fully. Upon doing so I saw something on the MPP clamp that I had never noticed before. There was a small square greeblie of some sort. I slowly went through every picture I have in my possession to see if I could spot this in other photos and see which scenes they related to. Upon doing this, I believe I have confirmed that the greeblie was in fact on Hoth and on the Executor Star Destroyer scenes. The Bespin gantry scenes and hallway are inconclusive. The bumper had fallen off for the dining room and carbon freezing chamber scenes.

I sent some inquiries out to others that I knew had access to photos and reference I might not have and asked for confirmation. No one I contacted had any previous knowledge of the added greeblie, but it had to be present in filming based on the scenes the photos corresponded with. I spoke with Chris Trevas lonepigeon and he said it sure looked like a part he had and that was used on some other items, but he couldn’t remember exactly where he got it from. He’s going to be posting this to the Parts of SW Instagram page this afternoon also. https://www.instagram.com/p/C2QVjp1uUBC/?igsh=eGxuOHZjc3Qwb2Q2

There are quite a few people I know that help look for items to complete projects. One such friend is cdyoung. I asked if he could help me look for this random item and said it was a square rubber feet/bumpers. I had been looking at computer anti-skid rubber feet because it reminded me of the ones used on the Han rotj dl-44s. It wasn’t quite the same however. cdyoung ended up finding it on an already identified found item, a desktop Texas Instruments or Exactra calculator. Models TI-3000, TI-3500, or Exactra 31, and the TI-3500 just so happens to be the same calculator model newmagrathea had identified for the ANH x-wing control stick, located here: RESEARCH: X-WING CONTROL STICK


Now, on to the good parts, the photos. Please don’t be mad about the watermarks. I tried to make them as inconspicuous as I could, but it was a condition of me being able to post these. Click to enlarge!

One of my ESB MPPs so you know what to look for in the pictures below.


Behind the scenes for Star Destroyer scenes:




Star Destroyer choking:


Star Destroyer going to meet the Bounty Hunters:

IMG_2881.jpeg IMG_2882.jpeg
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Nice! Any theories on the purpose of this greeblie? My first thought was to disguise some imperfection the clamp but the post-production photos of the ESB MPP don’t suggest anything was wrong with it.
It might have been put there to have something for Prowse to grip better with his gloves on when doing scenes. Maybe the Saber was proving to be slippery a little and that gave his thumb something to push against.
Except Prowse never actually handles the saber, in ANY of the films! We never see Vader draw down, it's either off-camera or he already has it ready. IN UNIVERSE though-- you may be on to something. With robot hands, gloves and a big ass helmet, he may have needed the extra tactile response!

At any rate though-- I love/hate this discovery! I love that Chris was able to spot something, yet again, that has been right in front of us for decades and we just didn't notice it. I love it when that happens! But I hate how it looks LOL. I've been staring at my ANH graflex for YEARS, unable to make the grips out of whack on purpose just to be accurate!

If somebody makes a replica of this, can you make it magnetic so I can pop it on and off?
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If somebody makes a replica of this, can you make it magnetic so I can pop it on and off?
Wouldn’t be too difficult to imbed a small rare earth magnet into a rubber foot pad.
Which isn’t a bad idea since both versions with & without this greeblie can be achieved with the same saber just as it did with the original prop.
Both being equally screen accurate.
I love/hate this discovery! I love that Chris was able to spot something, yet again, that has been right in front of us for decades and we just didn't notice it. I love it when that happens! But I hate how it looks LOL.
Good thing it’s equally screen accurate either way with or without this newly discovered Greeblie, but most collectors are completionists so I feel this will largely become the new normal, even though it’s still 100% screen accurate without the foot pad it’s still technically “missing” a greeblie now that we know this.

Reminds me of the Hengstler Counter & Power Cylinder Greeblies on the Stromtrooper E-11 blaster in ANH, the prop can be spotted both with & without them on screen.
Good thing it’s equally screen accurate either way with or without this newly discovered Greeblie, but most collectors are completionists so I feel this will largely become the new normal, even though it’s still 100% screen accurate without the foot pad it’s still technically “missing” a greeblie now that we know this.
my ESB Graflex is sort of an idealized take where I have all the details in place even though some are only there part of the time. This is NOT the hobby for people with OCD!
It might be a collector’s choice to complete the ESB MPP hilt as either 1. an early production version with the bumper greeblie and what looks like a traditional MPP shroud or 2. a late/post production version without the greeblie and a machined steel shroud, weathered to individual preference.
Wow, this is so cool. To rule out any damage to cover up...

There's nothing under that area on the clamp, no hole, no repair.


So, whatever it was, was cosmetic or literally used as a bumper.

Thank you chris!!!!
Not only does it appear that the bumper didn’t cover any clamp defect, it also doesn’t look like it was there for very long to protect the clamp from further weathering. Otherwise, we may see a cleaner square mark on the clamp today, where the greeblie was located.
Is there any hard piece of costume beneath the cape "vest" that would hit the saber? There isn't anything else hanging off the belt and the cod piece is too far...