Obi Wan ANH Saber Screen Used Pics?


New Member
I’m sure this information is already on the board but the search pulls up tons of stuff related to this. Can anyone point me to some good pictures of the screen used Obi Wan saber from ANH? I have found lots of repros but no clear shots of the real deal. Second, has the blade emitter ever been identified?
I’m sure this information is already on the board but the search pulls up tons of stuff related to this. Can anyone point me to some good pictures of the screen used Obi Wan saber from ANH? I have found lots of repros but no clear shots of the real deal. Second, has the blade emitter ever been identified?

The emmiter was discovered here just a few years back! Was very exciting times! I'll see if I can dig up a thread for you. :)

It was off of a Rolls Royce Derwent jet engine It is a piece that was connected to the flame tube. The same flame tube was used to make IG-88's head and also as fixtures in the cantina.

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