Hi, found this site when looking for Harry Potter things. There is some amazing work on here! You are all very talented :)
Hi all.

So after years and years of digital model making, I'm getting back into physical making..

I'm mid way through the DeAgostini Falcon(32"), and just starting in on the R2D2 and DeLorean builds...

I've also just got a 3D printer (Origional Prusa i3 Mk2) - and I currently have a baby groot and DL-44 on the Go...

ive also been known to dabble with paper craft..

I'm here mainly because Adam Savage (yes, that one) keeps talking you up on Tested.

I look forward to learning lots from you guys (gender not implied :p)



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Hello RPF,

My name is Dave The Gator and I'm really excited to be joining the community. I've always been fascinated by all things prop but have never had the support or connections to actually pursue prop design and replication as a hobby. I'm a graduating senior in college and have rather limited resources as far as tools and working space but I refuse to let that stop me. I'm looking to really grow my skills as a tinkerer and a craftsmen and to establish connections to further pursue this passion. As of right now I only have a minimal understanding of prop making and I'm desperately looking for guidance and tutelage. To start off, I'm trying to find a rather simple prop to replicate, something that isn't going to drive me to the limits of my finances or my sanity but still provide healthy doses of challenge and fun. Any and all suggestions are appreciated and I can't wait to hear from some of y'all!

Sincerely Excited,
Dave The Gator
Hello all
Im Randy
New to the Forum,Brand new to prop building.
Ive built models as a kid,but that was years ago.
Im a Sci-Fi and Fantasy fan.
Ive decided to try my hand at building a BlasTech A280-CFE based on the Rouge One movie.
I built a couple actual AR-15s,but this will be based from an Airsoft rifle receiver.
this is the rifle I built.
Been watching many videos from folks like Punished Props,Happy Trooper,and Cosplay Chris to name just a few.
thankyou for adding me.
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Dirk Beefhammer is my 80s action movie name, and I've recently been interested in model making. What brought me here at first was the Nuka-Cola Thirst Zapper from the Nuka-World DLC. After seeing Rogue One I became interested in the Rebel Soldier helmet from the movie. I'm glad to finally join, and I can't wait to see what everyone does!

Dirky B
Hello everyone! I'm Teo, livin' in California. I've been browsing through your threads for a while now, mainly because I was looking for the best grail Diary I could find. Really awesome work the people on here. So I decided to join!

Currently looking for a good replica of the grail itself. Anyway, Glad to be here and hope to talk to some of you!
Heyo! I'm new to prop making in general. I'm currently working on my Master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering so most of my experience has been in electronics and programming. Through my campus' makerspace I've also gotten some experience with lasering, waterjetting, 3D printing, and lathe/mill use. I've always wanted to make some props but I lack the experience in "artsy" design, as in I could CAD up a blaster and 3D print it but then I'm not yet able to finish it, paint it, and add details like wear.

Looking forward to more props!
- Striker
Hello my lovelies,
I made this account a while back, I am the overseer of the Predatorium one of the RPF's sister sites. I have a passion for props and despite being waiting on an operation throughout the duration of my prop making journey that hasn't stopped me from trying my hardest. I was left handed but after several injuries I rendered it almost useless so I taught myself how to write,paint and such with my right. Nonetheless i'll post every once in a while.

#Predatorium ;)
Hi I'm Astolfo, I've been lurking for years now on this forum and finally decided to join. I've always wanted to be apart of a cosplay community and make incredible props and cosplay just like the people on this forum do, but being as young as i am, resources are hard to get with little money and school. I've only ever made one cosplay of the character Wrench from the videogame Watchdogs 2 because I fell in love with the character and his anarchist pop-punk attitude, I've also always been a huge fan of Star Wars and recently I acquired a 3D printer and created a Shoretropper helmet. I have come to the RPF community for a little help because I have no idea how to make the armor and was wondering if anyone had any templates or could point me in the right direction.
Hi all my name is Damian i live in Bolton in the uk ive only just started with the whole prop making and figure modding since my health got bad ive had 3 heart attacks and a triple heart bypass so i needed something to occupy my mind and keep me from going mad lol i hope to become part of the community and learn loads of new tricks while here take care all and hope to speak soon
Hello, all - Gary here. Southern California tech guy with a creative bent and too many "making stuff" hobbies - cooking, photography, brewing, light woodworking. I've worked in and around the entertainment industry and have a few RPFers in my circles. I've watched from the sidelines for years, but a foray into 3D printing has finally led me to indulge. I don't know how crazy I'll get with it, and for now it's about tarting up others' designs, but I'm getting my feet wet with modeling and hope to produce some originals soon.

I feel like it's a hackneyed rite-of-passage thing, but here's effort #1 - fully 3D-printed and hand finished (but not yet fully weathered);


I look forward to getting into the mix and learning some things.
Hello, everyone I am a engineering student and have gotten into making things for fun along with going to school so I am excited to see a large community of people who are the same way.

I guess I should introduce myself, you can call me Why (because I'm always wondering 'why' I sign up for so many different sites). I was recommended this site by someone to check all the props for Harry Potter. I am planning of doing a theme party in the summer and I thought I could find some great props or idea here.

I have recently joined as a way to learn new skills and obtain research. Every year my village holds a carnival. As part of this my family and plenty of others prepare floats and costumes around a theme. So far we have done Harry Potter, Pokemon, Australia and Star Wars. This year we are doing LOTR. Shh its a secret! Anyhow I am starting now (carnival is end if September) Building the swords and assembling the costume pieces. My new 3d printer is going to get loads of use :)

I'm Ari. I've been a longtime reader of this forum. It's been a great resource for me and I finally thought it was time to register. I've got some upcoming prop builds as part of a larger project that I'm excited to work on.

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