re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

hi guys n gals,

I am Callum, im from Scotland, i found this site whilst looking for chucky doll mods, and so far havent stopped reading!! great site wish id found it sooner lol,

re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello, I've been lurking for a while. I'm a big comics guy, so I sometimes cosplay, but mostly I try to make cool Halloween costumes. Right now I'm working on my Han Solo costume, and the rpf has been invaluable. I first heard about you guys when Adam Savage mentioned you in a speech he was giving. Thanks.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello all I have been here in a ****'s age and I don't remember if I posted on here. So here it goes: Names Bill from Louisiana. I'm mentally wrestling with an idea for a steampunk costume.

Hello everyone...
I cruised through the posts and saw an incredible amount of talent here. So glad to be part of your little group. I am a stopmotion animator as a hobby but also recently have begun blacksmithing and knife making. I have a wood shop filled with loud tools and plenty of sawdust. I am in Hawaii on the island of Oahu.

So glad to meet you. If you ever need blacksmith work or a custom blade forged send me a message.

John (castlegardener)
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello all, I'm a brand new member here so I figure I should introduce myself. My name is Nick. I'm a Sophomore in the Mechanical Engineering program at North Dakota State University.

I have many different hobbys. I enjoy rock climbing, weight lifting, wrestling, submission grappling, and Tae Kwon Do. I have a passion for engineering mechanical devices such as airsoft turrets and air powered bazookas.

I am currently working on a replica Portal gun with dainbramage.
It's nearing its final stages of production and more pictures will be coming soon. I really enjoy the project so far.

Well, that's about a long enough introduction. Thank you all for your time and I look forward to becoming a member of this group.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hellooooo dudes my names francisco I live in San diego im a beginner ive never done a prop before and im just really exited to have found this forum that has been really helpful for me. hope you guys help me get through this. lates
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi all! I'm from FL (formerly in shadow of the mouse but now in the panhandle) and have interests ranging from Star Trek to LOTR to Disney's Haunted Mansion. I found the site while searching for Haunted Mansion tombstone pics and was blown away by the skill of some of the members here.

I look forward to learning a lot from the people on the site
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


I guess I should introduce myself.

Some of you know me already (and invited me here), my name is John. I'm a vector/graphic artist who has worked in the sign industry for about 15 years (or so), I currently run a design studio from my home. I will say that I thoroughly enjoy working for myself. Right now I have been too busy with jobs to participate much in making alot of props or enjoying my other hobbies. My biggest hobby for the past 20 years has been Klingon cosplay. I am a member of a large fan organization for Klingons, but have enjoyed the realm of sci-fi and fantasy all of my life.

Some of you may have seen my work (some of you have my work in possession), but if you haven't I have assisted in rebuilding Star Trek bottle labels for fellow fans. The fist one I attempted was the Yridian ale (and Altair water) bottle. So far, the bulk of my prop collection is found props used in the various Star Trek movies (bottles, glasses, etc.). When I have a little more time to search the site, I will give as much info I have found on my own on found bottles. I will say that many of the bottles can still be found at Pier 1 and in thrift stores.

I have been reading up on casting and though I'm a little rusty at sculpting (haven't since college), I plan on tackling a few projects. I'm very interested in learning more about 3D printing and will most likely create alot of props this way as I like clean lines.

I'm married to a wonderful woman who not only supports my hobbies, but enjoys them with me. We have no human children, only a menagerie of dogs, cats, and fish. I guess that's the sum of myself. I look forward to getting to know most of you and learning how to make replicas!
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


I guess I should introduce myself.

Some of you know me already (and invited me here), my name is John. I'm a vector/graphic artist who has worked in the sign industry for about 15 years (or so), I currently run a design studio from my home. I will say that I thoroughly enjoy working for myself. Right now I have been too busy with jobs to participate much in making alot of props or enjoying my other hobbies. My biggest hobby for the past 20 years has been Klingon cosplay. I am a member of a large fan organization for Klingons, but have enjoyed the realm of sci-fi and fantasy all of my life.

Some of you may have seen my work (some of you have my work in possession), but if you haven't I have assisted in rebuilding Star Trek bottle labels for fellow fans. The fist one I attempted was the Yridian ale (and Altair water) bottle. So far, the bulk of my prop collection is found props used in the various Star Trek movies (bottles, glasses, etc.). When I have a little more time to search the site, I will give as much info I have found on my own on found bottles. I will say that many of the bottles can still be found at Pier 1 and in thrift stores.

I have been reading up on casting and though I'm a little rusty at sculpting (haven't since college), I plan on tackling a few projects. I'm very interested in learning more about 3D printing and will most likely create alot of props this way as I like clean lines.

I'm married to a wonderful woman who not only supports my hobbies, but enjoys them with me. We have no human children, only a menagerie of dogs, cats, and fish. I guess that's the sum of myself. I look forward to getting to know most of you and learning how to make replicas!

Hi John,

welcome to the RPF.

re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


I hope I can find some people willing to do quality comission work on here. I have viewed these forums on numerous occasions and finally bit the bullet and joined. I have had one bad experience with comission work and hope to find honest people on here willing to communicate and backup their work. Peace.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hey, my name is Stillman, Recently found the RPF while looking for a replica sonic screwdriver (I'm a huge Doctor Who fan) and I explored around the site for a while and some of you guys are incredible at prop making. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the creations you guys have made and so i decided to pop in and say hello.

Ended up buying the seasons 1-2 CT Sonic and it is, if I might say so myself, INCREDIBLE.
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re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

I am new to this forum but not to making props! Retired Air Force i am interested in making Trek props but love SciFi props in general. Don't know what else to add...:wacko
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello everyone just getting my feet wet with this stuff but I am really ampt about getting started and learning!
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hey guys & gals. I'm Magicman (I'm a professional Magician) Fresh into the world of Cosplay/Prop Building/Costuming/etc. I started with a Captain America TFA costume. Got a great one put together. Will be posting pics of it soon. Very excited to take on some more challenging projects. Maybe a Bumblebee, Optimus Prime or Iron Man. Also, just took up leather work. Taking classes to learn how to build all of the leather work that may be needed on various costumes. Love reading & looking at everyone's posts about their very interesting costumes. Having a blast thus far. Advice is always welcome so please drop me a line and say hello. Hope everyone is well.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello All!

I've been wanting to build my own props and costumes for years, and I've finally built up the funds and the courage to try it out. I've done some research and I've heard nothing but positive things about this forum, so I've registered in the hopes of learning from all of you!

Here's to you guys and the film industry,

re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello Everybody!

I found out about this site after a friend asked me if I could help him out with the Mk VI. After looking for info on how to I came across this wonderful site.
re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

I have no Idea if i introduced myself.

My Name is Nait, Im a theory student focusing all my effort into Props and Costumes.

I Have been working on costumes for a while, and have a long list that i hope to get through in the next year or so.

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