Re: >> New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! <<

Hi all. My name is Josh. I am just starting to get into model making. Primarily the Bandai Star Wars series. I joined to gain some tips and eventually share some of my projects. Thanks in advance!

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Hi all. My name is Josh. I am just starting to get into model making. Primarily the Bandai Star Wars series. I joined to gain some tips and eventually share some of my projects. Thanks in advance!
Hello! My name is Meagan and I am from Ontario, Canada. I started a little home based studio called HYPH8 Studio, but it is really just an excuse for me to spend more time making stuff =P. I do take art, photography and cosplay/prop commissions, but don't really have a shop set up yet.

I joined to expand my knowledge and be more involved in the online community. I have a pretty good tenancy to forget to communicate with other humans, so I'm hoping to do some more of that here.

Thanks =)
Meagan -- HYPH8
My name's Joseph. I been interested in prop making for a long time. I love to make things and repurpose things into props. I have always like to tinker and combine different things. I love movies and the props that's in them. I haven't made my first movie prop yet but I hope to soon. I hope everyone has a great day.
Hi every, just getting into customising/prop making for fun and to complement some photographic work I do. love star wars type props and customising toys/collectables so they appear more screen accurate. heres a few pictures of my most recent/current projects.
Han Solo blaster made from water pistol. And repainted Jakks Pacific Batman Figure with replaced cape.

Still new to a lot of this, so be prepared for questions on techniques etc
Hi Everyone.

I am a SF Bay area nerd who has an interest in Movies and the artistry/craftsmanship that go into making them (which naturally extends to the costuming/prop making associated with it). I have not made anything to date, but I am planning on starting a project soon(I have my mind on the Star Lord helmet specifically).
When I found out about this site from the Tested podcast, I immediately started diving in to the rather expansive forum. I am looking forward to being delightfully overwhelmed by all of the information that this community will provide, and learning from/seeing what everyone is making.
Hello I am new to all of this. Have wanted to join the 501st for a while now. Your great site seems to be a great resource.

Looking to build a reserve tie pilot then work on the Force Awakens Tie Pilot.
Hello peoples of the RPF, thanks for having me.

After bouncing around youtube watching various makers and cosplayer's build videos for a while I've decided to have a crack at this sort of thing myself.

My plan is to practise painting and weathering techniques on some simple NERF customising or perhaps seeing what I can make kit bashing with thrift store toys. I'd like to have a go at making larger foam pieces (everyone needs a pulse rifle right?) but don't really have the space at the moment. Ultimately I hope to make some cool sci fi guns from games/tv and to incorporate some animatronics as I have an electronics background.
Hi everyone!

I'm a long time lurker here, and on the 405th (from wayback when it used to be I've always loved seeing how things were made, and making props has always appealed to the geek in me. I've been working on a project off + on for about two years which I think will appeal to a couple people on here at least, which is why I decided to join!

I'm lookin forwards to sharing my progress with y'all!
hi everyone,

name: patrick
location: germany
interests: all about ALIEN, warhammer, star wars etc.

i´m reading the rpf for a while now but i never managed to register. today is the day!

oh, heres a picture of my nostromo uniform:

Hello all!

Long time lurker first-time poster! I've been doing props and the like for some time now; some armor here, a prop there. I've got some projects in mind that I'm eager to share with the rest of the community.

Greetings from Canada

I found out about the RPF through the Tested podcast. I joined a while ago, and I've realized that I should probably post here :p

I'm very intersted in building up a Lord of the Rings/Hobbit collection, whether I'm buying or recreating props and costumes. Also interested in trying to make props from video games, and perhaps a few of the more recognizable costumes. I've made a costume for the Arch Mage in Skyrim, and a generic wizard costume that everybody assumes is Gandalf because there's a pointy hat.

At the moment, I'm finishing up some wooden swords inspired by Lord of the Rings (for myself) and The Witcher to give to my girlfriend as a present/decoration/replacement for the foam one she made for Comic Con a few years ago that the cat keeps breaking. The next big project I'm looking at is either Dandelion's costume from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or Kass from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
HELLO EVERYONE. I'm an aspiring prop and costume maker. And I've been working on and off on a daft punk helmet for a year. Also I I'm interested in making a full Tron suit. Glad to join the community!!!
Hi all! Been a long time fan of the RPF, just never really had much to contribute of my own! My wife and I own a special effects studio specializing in masks, props and costumes, mainly for the Halloween and haunted attraction industry. I am a designer, sculptor and painter. I have done sculpture work for companies like Ghoulish Productions, Distortions Unlimited and Sony Pictures and produced masks and props for numerous haunted attractions and theme parks including Netherworld, 6 Flags and Universal Studios. I recently started getting more into cosplay, replica building and costuming as a change of pace. I've been active from time to time in the RPF Facebook group, but felt I should be more active on the boards too. I'm very much looking forward to sharing my work with all of you and getting some feedback and tips on it!
Hi Everybody!

I've been browsing the forum looking at all the great work that everybody on here has been doing and got inspired to revisit projects I did back in highschool! I have a wish list of projects to do and hope to start knocking some of them out as well as learn a lot!
Hello I am Andrew (it's weird typing my legal first name....huh, not use to it haha) anyways.......

I am new to the world of replica prop making. I took about a year now off from school to join the military. I am in the United States Marine Corps Reserves (USMCR)... rah to my fellow marines out there. I am going to college in the fall for a dual-degree bachelors program in physics and mechanical engineering. Now that I am home and done with training I discovered Adam Savages' TESTED--- which I love. Before joining the corps I was heavily engaged in metal manufacturing / metal sculpting and of course wood working / furniture making. I dabble a little bit with CAD, some robotics, and I have little to no knowledge in programming. Hopefully I can learn from some of you in this forum. I have some knowledge to give but more knowledge to learn. Since I have been home I have been bored with the lack of things to do. I want to start tinkering around in my garage again and working on some new things. I want to discover some new techniques and materials to work with. I imagine there are lots of you guys and gals that are on here that are in to replicating various guns throughout movies and video games. I find that very interesting and I think that the replicating of weapons is going to be my thing that I explore in. I want to do a portal gun from Rick and Morty, a ray gun and DG-2 "wunder waffe" from the COD zombies universe. If anyone has any tips or tricks they want to share on these I'm definitely all ears. I love sci-fi and apocalyptic things. Not sure what I'm going to ultimately do first but I'll probably start off small. Thank you to all who got to this point in my post.... you stuck it out through all the crap I typed here. Thank you for listening.
Hi everyone. Wolf here. I've poked my nose into the RPF site a few times looking at both costume tutorials as well as miniature models and similar. Now that I've finally established a decently stable career as a teacher, I'm trying to actually develop a hobby of making some things for cosplay and just having around the house. Nice to meet you all.
I'm Matteo, new member, I'm Italian and I live in the orlando area since 2013, I'm a props and cosplay fan... I love to build stuff, I want to start this new adventure and try to make cool stuff with your help.
Thanks to all of you.
hi im chris swinehart the robot man cause i like robots any robot builders in here if so i am wondering if you guys could build me a robot i call my robot gizmo 6 email me if you want details
Hi all i am andy live in london uk and love all things scifi i am currently looking for help i am lkooking for files for bsg new viper helmet 3d files but cnnot seem to find any. now i have join this great group i hope i can get the help i need

thanks for letting me join

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