Yeah, sounds likely! I guess Marty's jacket would have most likely used the fabric from the original shirt, whichever one that may be, not a later re-release version from a different company.
I didn't release any information from London. I didn't even speak to him about this shirt. You and London both publicly announced it was an old vintage shirt, so I did my own research based on the information you both provided (that it was a vintage shirt with that design on) to find out more about said shirt. The information I found was all publicly available on the internet and anyone could have found it, I just collated it together in a post. All the information I shared was from various sold listings of this shirt on etsy, not from posts from you or London, so no, London was not the source of the information I shared, other than the fact that the design was from a shirt, which you had already publicly stated on Facebook and the RPF. The images I posted were from the etsy listings, not London. They are not his images. Neither you or London own the design of the shirt, you found out information about it which I made sure I credited you for, and then I posted further information that I found through my own research. So no, I didn't "release" London's findings, I shared some information that I found myself, which I can provide links for if you don't believe me.
I was the one who identified Jennifer Parker's watch and people do not credit me or thank me when they buy one and post about it, and I wouldn't expect them to. Not sure why this is such a secretive topic anyway. Remember, we are all fans of this trilogy, and it's good to help each other out. We do this for fun, to show our love for a brilliant franchise, and just like you are interested in Marty's jacket lining, so are lots of other fans.
If you and London wanted the shirt to remain "top secret", instead of helping the fandom and fellow cosplayers out, you wouldn't have started posting online about it. It's nice to share findings with the fandom and other cosplayers.
If you're going to use an argument about people "checking in" with others before doing things, then I must ask, did you check in with Universal and the company who made the shirt before you started replicating their design and selling it on Spoonflower?
Anyway, just wanted to start a friendly and informative discussion about this cool discovery, not a heated debate, so let's keep things on topic.
Looking forward to hearing yours and London's theories about the two different versions of the shirt.