Mad Max: Fury Road

Miller went on record (I can't recall where) that Toecutter is dead, and Joe isn't him.

Was it in a recent interview about Fury Road, or was it a past interview from years ago long before Fury Road was written?

NM. Like I said, it's was just a thought and I honestly thought it would have been cool if it was Toecutter who has come back to haunt Max once more.
It's probably a mistake to assume #4 even has that kind of continuity with the original 3 movies. Miller seems to have put #4 firmly into its own separate universe.
I think there would a bit of disconnect considering how old Toecutter/Joe is and how young Max is, unless it was revealed Max was a Jr. or relative of the original, maybe one of the kids in the valley who thought Max was the pilot... already got my tickets for Friday!
It's probably a mistake to assume #4 even has that kind of continuity with the original 3 movies. Miller seems to have put #4 firmly into its own separate universe.

Best thing I've heard, I think it was here, to just think of each film is a tale passed down generation to generation by word of mouth, so they won't all fit together perfectly.
I think there would a bit of disconnect considering how old Toecutter/Joe is and how young Max is, unless it was revealed Max was a Jr. or relative of the original, maybe one of the kids in the valley who thought Max was the pilot... already got my tickets for Friday!

I've actually heard someone suggest that the new Max could be the Feral Kid from The Road Warrior, who idolized Max so much that he became Max after he grew up. It makes some sense as in one of the trailer, Max refers to himself as "The Road Warrior" before saying, "I am Max." Max in the second film never stated he was a Road Warrior. That was something that the Feral Kid (as an older person in the narration) said, as he referred to him as both "Max" and "The Road Warrior."
If the new Max is the feral kid or Max jr it doesn't explain the hot-rod Interceptor at the beginning, It's short a tank & some other details but the car looks like Max's old car. If you recall from #1 that car was a custom build. The wasteland doesn't seem like the type of lifestyle where people have the luxury of building perfect replicas of their father or idol's car from their youth.

All the info we have suggests no continuity with the old movies. I'm going with that.
All of that could be true.

It would still be cool if he's the Feral Kid. It would also be cool if he isn't.

Hell... I just wanna see more Max! Got my tickets already too. :)
Hmmmm, Aliens, T2, and Kill Bill are some of my favorite movies, but I still laugh at the feminist bookstore skits in Portlandia. Where oh where does that leave me in the cultural conversation? Oh yeah, not caring at all about any alleged agenda in Mad Max. Bring on the 'splosions :) Hilarious article btw! Could almost be an Onion piece.

EDIT: having said that, I hope Fury Road's obvious message IS handled deftly. I can't stand preachy, obvious crap like Avatar and Elysium. Hell, I consider myself pretty liberal on environmental issues and Avatar made me want to go burn a field of tires.
Having seen Fury Road I can confirm that the female aspect of the movie isn't overly shoehorned in. In the same vein as Aliens and Terminator.

My girlfriend and I were talking about these articles prior to seeing the movie. Some of the comments are disgusting and completely absent of humanity, particularly the guy in the second article talking about his wife not "setting foot outside the house" without her every move accounted more. People are disgusting and I'd love to see these folks strapped to the front of a nitro-injected muscle car.

Having seen the film and read these prior, I can see a feminist message to the film... if you come in wanting to see it. That said, Alien came out 36 years ago.
To be fair, it's safe to say that The Mad Max Films have been feminist since the second film, since Virginia Hey's Warrior Woman is someone who appears to be able to hold her own up until her demise. Hell, Aunty Entity falls into the same category because she was the head of Bartertown and took over Underworld before Max threw the wrench into the clockwork after she double crossed him.

For me, I don't mind female characters that are able to hold their own along with the men. In fact, I'm all for it, because these days, there's a lot of women who can. I only judge female characters as equally as men. If the character is well written, who cares of the gender? I don't.
To be fair, it's safe to say that The Mad Max Films have been feminist since the second film, since Virginia Hey's Warrior Woman is someone who appears to be able to hold her own up until her demise. Hell, Aunty Entity falls into the same category because she was the head of Bartertown and took over Underworld before Max threw the wrench into the clockwork after she double crossed him.

For me, I don't mind female characters that are able to hold their own along with the men. In fact, I'm all for it, because these days, there's a lot of women who can. I only judge female characters as equally as men. If the character is well written, who cares of the gender? I don't.

I don't think having a competent female character, or even a "strong" character, makes it a "feminist film." It's people. The problem is, many people are used, and uncomfortable with anything beyond, weak female characters, but in constitution and writing.
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