Looper Blunderbuss - Pics of Painted Slushcast Kit on pg. 18

Re: Looper Blunderbuss - WIP pics begin on Page 3

This is looking fantastic, good sir! I know I made my own, but I really wish I would have jumped on the slush cast run! Also wish I would have put in the extra work for a moveable slide. Great work!

How much were those swivel sling mounts? I didn't even notice that piece went there until now.
Re: Looper Blunderbuss - WIP pics begin on Page 3

I think it debutes here tonight or next thursday, so I didnt see it yet. I'm gonna though!
Re: Looper Blunderbuss - WIP pics begin on Page 3

This is looking fantastic, good sir! I know I made my own, but I really wish I would have jumped on the slush cast run! Also wish I would have put in the extra work for a moveable slide. Great work!

How much were those swivel sling mounts? I didn't even notice that piece went there until now.

Don't beat yourself too much about it...your blunderbuss turned out great! And I'm not sure how you mounted your slide, but may not be too late to add it to your build.

As for the swivel screw, it was only $1.50 and you can find it here.

I think it debutes here tonight or next thursday, so I didnt see it yet. I'm gonna though!

Trust me...you're gonna love it. I'm already on my fourth viewing, and it hasn't gotten old.

Re: Looper Blunderbuss - WIP pics begin on Page 3

Don't beat yourself too much about it...your blunderbuss turned out great! And I'm not sure how you mounted your slide, but may not be too late to add it to your build.

As for the swivel screw, it was only $1.50 and you can find it here.

Trust me...you're gonna love it. I'm already on my fourth viewing, and it hasn't gotten old.


Thanks! Although with shipping that's a little pricey...may have to fabricate my own.

And I'm afraid the slide will have to stay static. The slide itself could move, but I permanently attached the grip and there would be no way to get to the inside of the gun to attach bolt heads and springs.

Thanks again!
Re: Looper Blunderbuss - WIP pics begin on Page 3

You could try 6mm craft foam. You'll still have to cut out each "tooth" of the rail, but it'll be alot easier than cutting it out of PVC. Just cut a 1" thick strip about a foot long and then cut it into 1"X1/4" rectangles. Then, glue each one in a strip onto your blunderbuss!

Good luck, Brick!


Thanks, thats a really good idea. Im trying to make it as ghetto as possible and not spend any money on supplies. If i went the craft foam route, id have to buy paint too. I was planning on cutting tiny strips of black tape and putting them over the PVC.

Im proud of my trigger/trigger guard made of an allen wrench and a thicker paper clip
Re: Looper Blunderbuss - WIP pics begin on Page 3

Thanks! Although with shipping that's a little pricey...may have to fabricate my own.

And I'm afraid the slide will have to stay static. The slide itself could move, but I permanently attached the grip and there would be no way to get to the inside of the gun to attach bolt heads and springs.

Thanks again!

I'll tell you this...right now I'M having trouble mounting the slide. I actually have to jerry-rig a regular wrench with duct tape and spare bits of metal :lol Good luck with your upgrades!

So, quick update...just finished up repairing the Apoxie Sculpt detailing on the slide and shot it with a coat of primer. I sanded the grip extensions smooth and flush...later tonight, I'll cut in the grip texture and hopefully get them all painted up.

Re: Looper Blunderbuss - WIP pics begin on Page 3

Unweathered...but FINISHED.


Thanks for following, everyone. I'll be posting purdy pics of the completely finished gun soon.

Re: Looper Blunderbuss - Finished Pics on Pg. 11

brilliant job!
will we get the chance to see this baby on film?

Monday is the shooting date. I don't want to blow up the name of the production company until filming is done. I'll post links the the finished film here after it's released.

Re: Looper Blunderbuss - Finished Pics on Pg. 11

Just got some horrible news! It debuted here at the 29th of November... That's a long way to go!
Re: Looper Blunderbuss - Finished Pics on Pg. 11

Thanks for all the kind words, guys!

Just got some horrible news! It debuted here at the 29th of November... That's a long way to go!

Awww, tough break...but like I said, it's worth the wait.

So tonight, I'll be painting it up...wish me luck, guys!

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