Just Getting Started...Please Critique My BILLY Props Display


Master Member
Hi all:

There are truly some inspiring threads here with some amazing collections and displays. I figured I'd share my small collection of props. It's not much yet, but I'm getting there!

Basically I went the Adam Savage route of cramming what I could into a Billy bookcase. It's in the living room, as I don't have much space, and have to limit how "nerdy" I can get away with. ;) I lit each shelf using Norm Chan's method (LED-tape on aluminum channels). Seeking a more "museum" look, I also cloth-wrapped some foamcore to cover the tops of the shelves, and bought a bunch of assorted-sized clear stands. This allows me to display things at different heights.

This is a collection of things I have bought, assembled and finished myself, or 3-D printed and finished myself. A couple items I've modified, and a couple I made from scratch. A couple of the items are powered and lit, and some of the items I've acquired from YOU folks here on the RPF!

Still have lots of space to stock, but mostly just little things! I'm just starting out, so I have a long way to go! But when friends or family come over, they always spend several long minutes looking at it all!

Would love any opinions, suggestions or ideas (for content or style). Thank you!


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That is a nice collection. Lots of cool props from different franchises.

you should look for a way to stand up the props that are laying flat like the Oath Markers from John Wick. Also look in the free paper prop section for things you can print and put up on the back of the shelves. It will add to the look of your display and add to the cool factor.
you should look for a way to stand up the props that are laying flat like the Oath Markers from John Wick. Also look in the free paper prop section for things you can print and put up on the back of the shelves. It will add to the look of your display and add to the cool factor.

Nice tips, thank you so much!!!! I'll get right on it!
Looks great,nice bright layout.Not cluttered.Everything is clear to see.(y)

Thank you, appreciate that!

I like it! Hopefully you keep posting as more stuff gets added. I love super dense, crammed display cases, with so much you can't take it all in in one viewing.

Thank you! Will do...I'm already starting to move some assorted props from other locations into this one...I've had Millennium Falcon dice dangling in my car for too long, for example. ;-)
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I like it! Hopefully you keep posting as more stuff gets added. I love super dense, crammed display cases, with so much you can't take it all in in one viewing.
The magic store feel from so many great movies. The cabinet of curiosities. Terry Pratchett would be proud. Great display, you really stepped well past my adhd level of display items in a random pile that then get lost. I already spent my minutes enjoying the collection, very wide range, truly grabbing my attention. I love the idea above with the paper props route for backdrops.
The magic store feel from so many great movies. The cabinet of curiosities. Terry Pratchett would be proud. Great display, you really stepped well past my adhd level of display items in a random pile that then get lost. I already spent my minutes enjoying the collection, very wide range, truly grabbing my attention. I love the idea above with the paper props route for backdrops.

Wow, thank you so much for the kind words, I appreciate that very much! It will be fun to find the right paper props for backdrops. :)
Great collection! I use Billy’s too and one thing that’s always irked me is there’s no doors that are all the way clear. The centers always have those wooden frames. So when you want to store longer items they’re essentially cut in half. Love the way you did the lighting!
Great collection! I use Billy’s too and one thing that’s always irked me is there’s no doors that are all the way clear. The centers always have those wooden frames. So when you want to store longer items they’re essentially cut in half. Love the way you did the lighting!

Thank you! Yes, the trick is that I have to steer clear of putting anything very compelling in the center (hence the Mario cubes). Also, it helps to know that most people come at it from a slight angle anyway.

But when people come over, there's so much reflection on the glass from my room windows anyway, that I usually open the doors to show off.
I've got a lot of really long sci-fi guns and so far I haven't found a display case for those ones. The Regrissor from IKEA fit them but same problem with the doors blocking the center.
Super clean collection! I love how how its organized, I kind of mentally jump from quotes from each movie as my eyes find each prop. I think the display with the wands can be laid out a bit different. It is the only shelf that felt maybe incomplete or was a WIP. I think it is the empty space/spare plexiglass spacer laying next to everything. Take that out fan the wands back out with them all pointing to the top right corner and it will feel way more intentional. Such a nice collection, well displayed!
Super clean collection! I love how how its organized, I kind of mentally jump from quotes from each movie as my eyes find each prop. I think the display with the wands can be laid out a bit different. It is the only shelf that felt maybe incomplete or was a WIP. I think it is the empty space/spare plexiglass spacer laying next to everything. Take that out fan the wands back out with them all pointing to the top right corner and it will feel way more intentional. Such a nice collection, well displayed!

Thank you! It's funny, quoting lines is often what friends and family do when they come over and look at it! A favorite is the llama poison: "Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison."

As for the shelf with wands, you called it, it's a WIP, I got a little sloppy there. Thanks for the tips, will do exactly as you suggest. Also, as I get more stuff in there, I may narrow the wands down to just Harry's and Voldemort's (and later maybe Dumbledore and Newt Scamander).

Also, the lower shelves are the hardest, because I can't expect people to get down on hands and knees, so bigger props, pointed upward, I think, are the way to go...maybe some cool shoes for the bottom shelf? I'm thinking ruby slippers and/or a single gold Hannibal Chau shoe... :lol:

What other "lower-shelf" items make sense in that spot?
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What other "lower-shelf" items make sense in that spot?
Its super awesome nonetheless. I bet if you take the sabers from 1 and 4 you could populate them in the background and lay the wands parallel to one another in front of the sabers. This would allow you to free up some space of some items in 2 (which is a lil crowded comparatively to the rest) to help fill the now empty space in 1.
Its super awesome nonetheless. I bet if you take the sabers from 1 and 4 you could populate them in the background and lay the wands parallel to one another in front of the sabers. This would allow you to free up some space of some items in 2 (which is a lil crowded comparatively to the rest) to help fill the now empty space in 1.

Yep, there's a couple considerations there. Shelf #1 is above eye level, so I have to make sure the things I put up there are either large (to easier see from a distance) or very far forward (like the pirate coins).

Shelf #2 is precisely at eye level, and I made the choice to crowd that one up the most (for now) rather than having six semi-sparse shelves. Shelf #3 is a close second. So the "harder to see" shelves (when you're close) are either more sparse (for now), have bigger items, have upward-facing items, or perhaps have "less interesting" items.

I love the lightsabers so much, I'm hesitant to move them too far down...yet. ;) But I do think there is a way in which they could work there...your example with parallel wands is definitely something to play with.

As you can see, I'm thinking a lot about the viewer experience!
As you can see, I'm thinking a lot about the viewer experience!
I think the fact that you have given it this much consideration shows not only the level of respect you have for your props, but the care and experience it goes to displaying them. These here are my people!
Now that you point out the fact that shelf 2 is eye level, I think you're right to over populate it, you won't want a lot of small items down low. Having some props that pop simply by stepping back is perfect for the lower/higher shelves and angling them toward the viewer is the solution for sure.
I think the fact that you have given it this much consideration shows not only the level of respect you have for your props, but the care and experience it goes to displaying them. These here are my people!
Now that you point out the fact that shelf 2 is eye level, I think you're right to over populate it, you won't want a lot of small items down low. Having some props that pop simply by stepping back is perfect for the lower/higher shelves and angling them toward the viewer is the solution for sure.

Yep, you've pinpointed my thinking exactly. Of course, I do tend to second-guess myself too. But one of my teenage boys is into it and he gives me a little creative advice too. So between him and you fine folks on the RPF, I'm not doing this in a vacuum!
Thank you!