IRON MAN Hall of Armor W.I.P. Updates

Re: IRON MAN Hall of Armor W.I.P.

Does anyone have concept art of tony stark's under armor from Iron Man 1? This would help a lot. Thanks in advance!
Re: IRON MAN Hall of Armor W.I.P.

Quick update or those who aren't on the FB pages, I am starting the tech and painting on the mark vi, and I am now starting the mark IV, VII,VIII, and War Machine. But mostly focusing on the VII from the Avengers.
Re: IRON MAN Hall of Armor W.I.P.

in that screen shot, they are blocking the armor in the mkII position. is it a remodeled mark II? or is the War Machine seated there?

btw, the iron patriot is a repaint of the MkVIII with some extras.



EDIT: now that i look at it sidebyside, i think the patriot is a whole new armor in itself, save for the same MkVIII helmet. see the exhaust on the ribs? the shoulder bells are similar, but the trap and clavicle areas are different, the abs are different, etc.
Re: IRON MAN Hall of Armor W.I.P.

A lot of people have been asking me questions on from different sources, so I have decided to give the answer to all of them here on the RPF:

Q: Why did you make separate Facebook pages, and not just put all the updates on the RPF?

A: Since Iron Man is a popular subject right now on The RPF, I decided to try and keep everything organized and simpler. If enough people would like to see major updates also directly on the RPF, I wouldn't ind putting them here on this page.

Q: You said you would make a Arc Reactor tutorial months ago. Where is IT!?!

A: I have been busy on perfecting it so when I do make the tutorial it will be better quality.

Q: What armors to you plan to make?

A: Every Iron Man Armor from the comics, video games, and movies. Also some of the villains including Iron Monger etc. I plan to finish them all before Iron Man 3. I am first starting with the movie versions though.

Q: Can I buy one of your suits.

A: I suggest you make your own. But if can't after i finish the Hall of Armor. I will gladly sell new ones.

If anyone else has anymore questions please feel free to ask me on Facebook, in a PM, or here in the comments.
Re: IRON MAN Hall of Armor W.I.P.

Your attempting to make them before may third... like next years may third? Wouldn't that mean that you have to make more than 1 suit a week for 9 months straight...
Re: IRON MAN Hall of Armor W.I.P.

yeah thats kind of .... unhuman also if you go to school sleep eat some free time and some posting on the rpf....
Re: IRON MAN Hall of Armor W.I.P.

Yes I know it sounds hard, that is why I am doing the main ones first, so if I don't get them all done in time, I at least have around 15
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