Has George Lucas actually said....????

Or did SW start out on its own and then it was *later* decided that it was "Part 4"?

Nailed it. That's why Star Wars is the only one that works as a stand alone film. Lucas was smart though and left his options open.

If he had an idea of an overarching story it was just in his head. Until Empire came out and they started releasing Star Wars as "Episode 4" there was no indication of previous instalments. Prior to Empire there was no episode title on Star Wars.

I'm not entirely sure where the "trilogy of trilogies" idea came from originally.
...I'm not entirely sure where the "trilogy of trilogies" idea came from originally.

In The Secret History of STAR WARS, it is believed this came before Empire but during the time STAR WARS was being produced as there was a documented interview with Lucas during this period where he states that he had an idea for 7,8,9 (where the characters were passing down the torch) and there was an idea for movies beyond that for 10, 11, 12 where it would have really nothing to do with the movies prior (Something about Wookiees or something rather).

However, that was then; now is now. Things and people change. Good or ill.
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Probably for the best

Way down the road, say 30 years from now, they might make 7, 8, and 9 out of nostalgia for the prequels (kids love 'em and they'll be in their 40's and 50's then, don't think it won't happen). It'll be completely new story & cast.

But GL himself is done. He's passed the torch to TV and collects the royalties.
What about the timeline beyond Luke, Leia and Han?
There was a book written years ago that basically had Leia and Han married with two boys strong the the force. I never read the thing given it based on the characters and not written by Lucas himself (kind of Splinter Of The Minds Eye, if any one remembers that one).
I pretty much stopped reading right there. Everyone has their own version of some grand conspiracy. Hell, the only thing I know he has said is he is done.

To reuse this guy:
Not sure this is entirely accurate, but had GL did what he did with ANH and have the film center around the droids, I think the PT could have been just as good as the OT.

Let the story unfold around characters that happen upon the protagonist and then become background characters. He sort of did this, but no where near as good. This way I think you could focus more on Anakin and the rest of the "plot" is seen through his eyes.

My understanding from my younger days was that Star Wars was going to be a nine chapter storyline in the old serial format. It was to be centered around two characters that would exist though all 9 chapters: R2-D2 and C-3PO.
Just read this on Wikipedia...

The sequel trilogy was a reportedly planned trilogy of films (Episodes VII, VIII and IX) by Lucasfilm as a sequel to the original Star Wars trilogy (Episodes IV, V and VI) released between 1977 and 1983. While the similarly discussed Star Wars prequel trilogy (Episodes I, II and III) was ultimately released between 1999 and 2005, Lucasfilm and George Lucas have for many years denied plans for a sequel trilogy, insisting that Star Wars is meant to be a six-part series. In May 2008, speaking about the upcoming Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Lucas maintained his status on the sequel trilogy:

"I get asked all the time, 'What happens after Return of the Jedi?,' and there really is no answer for that. The movies were the story of Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker, and when Luke saves the galaxy and redeems his father, that's where that story ends."

In January 2012, Lucas announced that he would step away from blockbuster films and instead produce smaller art-house films. In an interview regarding whether or not the scrutiny he received from the prequel trilogy and the alterations made on the original trilogy were a factor on his retirement, Lucas stated:

"Why would I make any more,... when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?"

That last part...:lol
I think some of the confusion about how much the SW movies were pre-planned comes from the changes in Hollywood since then.

GL did a lot of pre-planning on the SW franchise by 1970s standards. But it was nothing remarkable by modern Hollywood standards.

GL was thinking ahead, not writing ahead. Nothing close to detailed outlines or scripts existed until each movie was actually being done. Major changes were made to them all along the way.
"Why would I make any more,... when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?"

Do what Uwe Boll does. Not give a crap.
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