Has George Lucas actually said....????

Old GL just got lucky... He's a a man of great vision that created an amazing universe that has resonated with millions of people (me included) Star Wars was and still is a big part of my life especially my childhood.

But as a film maker he leaves a lot to be desired which I feel the PT proves why He, himself chose to write and direct them is beyond me (and hopefully a lot of other people) when there was/is a huge amount of people in the industry who could have done a far better job. which is why I'm looking forward to the TV show to see what happens when it's in other peoples hands (who presumably, are folks like us who grew up with Star Wars and love it as much as we do)

7,8 and 9 shouldn't be touched or even thought about. The extended universe (should just be left to carry on as it is, maybe get some decent talent to write some books maybe a cgi show along the lines of the clone wars would be ace)

If a new series of films was warranted a knights of the old republic would be awesome but ultimately unnecessary.

Just my 2 pence.

a tv series of the mike stackpole rogue squadron comics and novels would be awesome. ensemble cast. space battles, original trilogy action and next to no jedi or force powers to get in the way of things.
My understanding from my younger days was that Star Wars was going to be a nine chapter storyline in the old serial format. It was to be centered around two characters that would exist though all 9 chapters: R2-D2 and C-3PO.
It's amazing that as much joy and fun that Star Wars has brought us, how JADED we are towards Lucas and his failures.

Well, it's because the bar was set so high. Up until SW, Lucas was a young, talented director with what amounted to a couple of low-budget Indie films under his belt, the second of which tapped into an American nostaligia and brought in $$. NOONE expected anything from his modern day take on Flash Gordon, even Lucas himself! He was HOPING for a $15 million box office return, as that would be a "Decent" sci-fi film.

We wanted "bigger, faster, more intense". We got it with ESB. We lost a little with ROTJ. We got it with the IJ trilogy, more-or-less; at least Speilberg was there to help guide the process.

The prequels were a let-down. Lucas can and HAS done better, but not when he's in complete control. That, I think, is the issue. Lucas had TOTAL CONTROL over everything in the PT, and it shows. It's almost like he has A.D.D. or something - wild jump offs, half thought out ideas, histories that don't match with his own establish mythos, etc. There was noone around with a good dose of Ritalin to help calm and center him on the PT, ESPECIALLY not McCallum. George got EVERYTHING HE ASKED FOR on the PT, and it turned into a mess.

It would be similar to a total bomb from PIXAR - we would be UPSET with them for not identifying the obvious problems, when they already have an established record of solid film-making.
My understanding from my younger days was that Star Wars was going to be a nine chapter storyline in the old serial format. It was to be centered around two characters that would exist though all 9 chapters: R2-D2 and C-3PO.

Yup- and the big "reveal" at the end of episode 9 was that the entire saga was being shown/told via R2's holographic projector.

Seriously- that was the rumour back in '83.

"My understanding from my younger days was that Star Wars was going to be a nine chapter storyline in the old serial format. It was to be centered around two characters that would exist though all 9 chapters: R2-D2 and C-3PO."

That's what I remember being discussed in articles when I was a child.
I don't think George will ever do another live action Star Wars, maybe if he passes someone else will step up and do one, or remake them, but I doubt he has any interest in doing more. Would be cool though.

Highly unlikely. Lucas is the type of person to put something in his will that would forbid anyone from messing with "his masterpiece" (Emphasis on HIS) for at least 50 years. with about 100 pages of specifics to make sure there were no loopholes.

Everything I have read on 7-9 is/has/will be nothing but rumor. If I remember correctly he has even stated that he has never mentioned doing a 7-8-9 and if he has it was just a conversation that was more than likely mis-interpreted. But then again, my memory isn't all that great so even that little tid-bit may be nothing more than someone told bob who told mary who put it on the interwebs where geeks like me read it. Hey, if it's on teh interwebs it HAS to be true right??!?! :lol

EDIT: wow just saw the date on this thread. Whose been playing around with the ressurection stone?!?!
I hope he never makes a new trilogy. I used to love the idea but then came the prequels.
here, here! Before Ep. 1, I was hoping someone like David Fincher would direct Ep. 3. Ahhh, to dream..........
Has anyone heard anymore about the Star Wars Live Action Tv series that's set in the time period between episodes 4 and 5?

I read a while back that the main "plot" of the series involved people from the future travelling back in time to this time period in order to try to murder Darth Vader.

I remember groaning at the "Time Travel" premise but then wondered if maybe this was Lucas's attempt at trying to possibly recton stuff and change things around.
I read a while back that the main "plot" of the series involved people from the future travelling back in time to this time period in order to try to murder Darth Vader.

I remember groaning at the "Time Travel" premise but then wondered if maybe this was Lucas's attempt at trying to possibly recton stuff and change things around.

OH MY GOD NO! He's going to pull a JJ and reboot Star Wars! :eek

(Yes I'm joking but I wouldn't put it past him...)
This thread has confused me. Admittedly I'm not and have never been a big SW fan.

1. I thought that from before the first camera ever rolled, that Episodes 1 thru 9 existed as books already.

2. If the above is incorrect, was it just 1-6? Or did SW start out on its own and then it was *later* decided that it was "Part 4"?

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