Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

ok,..since ive posted some wrong detail for DP "The Boy Who Lies" so i update it already,.. sorry for the texture ,..for safety but still usefull :)

and my "VERSION" of Snape DP,..i have a 85% sure for the content
that blurred in the original,..what you think??? :) i will post the original
text upper part Snape image,..

and for Bridge collapse DP i change the image for front page
@ecl- someone did the runes cover ages ago, though only the front cover. It's still here somewhere- of course, you can make your own, just checking to see if you knew. there is good reference for that cover in filmwizardry, on hermione's page.

@Jhadha- great DPs, as always!
Love this advertisement. Thanks for sharing. Are there any more advertising posters like this?
Great Prophets 15pezza, again thanks for sharing.
does someone have this paper props and can uplhttp://www.google.ro/imgres?q=harry+potter+werewolf+page+394&um=1&hl=ro&biw=1725&bih=824&tbm=isch&tbnid=gIxPv-2nVLt3LM:&imgrefurl=http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/File:WerewolvesDADAbook.jpg&docid=kcPwJcJlh20l7M&imgurl=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111230012816/harrypotter/images/e/ee/WerewolvesDADAbook.jpg&w=800&h=575&ei=2tz6T6GqHafB0QXPm9CzBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1413&vpy=473&dur=31&hovh=190&hovw=265&tx=195&ty=85&sig=107685048556961833751&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=190&start=0&ndsp=35&ved=1t:429,r:25,s:0,i:143ode
I was able to get some good high resolution reference for the Rune Dictionary book, starting to rebuild from scratch as I want this to be as exact as possible. Right now just blocking in the design elements and will eventually construct it the same way as the prop was, aged and on fabric, gold foil, etc. and bind it the same way too.

Will update with a high resolution file later when it's all finished up which will take some time.
Here's a a bigger file that I just finished up. I think it would look great printed on fabric paper, which is what I'm going to attempt. I'm doing something similar with an updated potions book that I'm doing as well. The foil is a hit or miss, but good thing is that both of these books are heavily worn. For the background I went ahead and used a scan of the prop from the page to screen book, as once it's printed, the printing dots will disappear on the fabric paper anyways.

I have all the layers separated, but flattened them in the uploaded file, so I put in a simulated gold for the foil parts.

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