Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

Sorry Guys! I clearly didn't know what I was thinking..... I am new so I don't know much about the rules and guidelines here.... The site has all it's contents removed...... i accept my mistake. I ask for apology from you guys if I caused any irritation or problem. I really meant no harm, I just wanted to create a website with all of the contents of this forum since it has become too big and has become difficult to search through all the pages........
We thank you for your cooperation. And rest assured, this subject will be dropped now that it has been handled. We realize now what your intentions were, but we took that matter into our own hands, with the creation of the complete and constantly updated list found at the top of the Harry Potter Thread list. If you would like to view it but cannot find it, let us know and we will be glad to point you to it.
We just ask that you do not perform the same stunts you have already. Thank you!
Sorry Guys! I clearly didn't know what I was thinking..... I am new so I don't know much about the rules and guidelines here.... The site has all it's contents removed...... i accept my mistake. I ask for apology from you guys if I caused any irritation or problem. I really meant no harm, I just wanted to create a website with all of the contents of this forum since it has become too big and has become difficult to search through all the pages........

thank you for removing everything! as has been said, I spent many hours creating a index list to help find everything- but I'd like to know why people don't seem to see it?

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but mostly when items are 'stolen' it is just suff from the front page- ideally it would be better to remove the front page links (that stuff is mostly elewhere in the thread as well) and just have a message pointing to the list- but since Hinky's been inactive for a long time, the front page is kind of stuck as is.

I'm not sure wether such arrangment might direct theives to more stuff, but it would be more effort for them to find things, and the list would be nice and easily noticed for everyone.
I noticed that my school graduation certificate used the Old English font that is on the cover of The Standard Book of Spells, or at least on the version on the front page of this thread. So, I decided to make a Hogwarts version of the graduation certificate. The Idea is to prnt them on parchment paper.

I've attached a version for Hermione, as JKR states the she went back to finish her seventh year (unlike Harry and Ron). I've given Minerva McGonnagall as headmistress, as the introduction to Beedle the Bard mentions that she is headmistress after Dumbledore. assuming that Hermione finished in the next school year after DH, I've dated it as June 1999.

I've also attached two versions with no name, so you can fill in whoever you want, with Dumbledore as Headmaster and McGonnagall as deputy. I wasn't sure whether the Hogwarts crest or the seal looked better, so I've attached both.

The font used is called Old English and is a free font, possibly from Dafont.com.
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thanks for forgiving me guys
@decat Nice graduation certificate!!! BTW wut program do u use since i wanna make props too........ i wanna contribute to the site..... thanks
thank you for removing everything! as has been said, I spent many hours creating a index list to help find everything- but I'd like to know why people don't seem to see it?

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but mostly when items are 'stolen' it is just suff from the front page- ideally it would be better to remove the front page links (that stuff is mostly elewhere in the thread as well) and just have a message pointing to the list- but since Hinky's been inactive for a long time, the front page is kind of stuck as is.

I'm not sure wether such arrangment might direct theives to more stuff, but it would be more effort for them to find things, and the list would be nice and easily noticed for everyone.

hmmm........ looking for the index..... no success yet............
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We thank you for your cooperation. And rest assured, this subject will be dropped now that it has been handled. We realize now what your intentions were, but we took that matter into our own hands, with the creation of the complete and constantly updated list found at the top of the Harry Potter Thread list. If you would like to view it but cannot find it, let us know and we will be glad to point you to it.
We just ask that you do not perform the same stunts you have already. Thank you!

Thanks for understanding:):):):):)........... BTW cud u tell me where 2 find the howler ron got in chamber of secrets?
Hey guys.... Does anyone here have The Last Will of Albus Dumbledore????????????????? I saw jhadha was selling it, but i dont wanna buy it, and I wanna print it...... I need all the prints...... Need it urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm enough with the demands. No one NEEDS any of these. People who make the stuff have the choice to make it available or not. Most just like to show the work they've done.

Decat nice work with the certificates!
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Hey guys.... Does anyone here have The Last Will of Albus Dumbledore????????????????? I saw jhadha was selling it, but i dont wanna buy it, and I wanna print it...... I need all the prints...... Need it urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jhadha put A LOT of time into making that prop. I have a copy and can honestly say it is an amazing piece of work. He has every reason to charge for it!!!

If you want it... buy it!

Again.... like I said at the time, great work as usual. WELL DONE Jhadha
Decat, looks great! Thank you! I am really not sure how you can't find the list when I messaged you with it :confused Here it is again: http://www.therpf.com/f64/list-harry-potter-free-paper-props-rpf-155254/

Thanks again, Decat!


Love the list idea very nice and amazed how much is on it. A small HP fan but the wife / daughter are huge fans will have to find an occasion to present a few of these :)

Thanks for all the hard work on these everyone truly unbelievable.
So the last of my WIP Missing poster trilogy. It's an obvious choice...Garrick Ollivander.

Who can forget Fenrir Greyback yanking that frail old man out of his shop with a hood over his head while people just ran away in panic. Shudders to make you think...


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Hey guys.... Does anyone here have The Last Will of Albus Dumbledore????????????????? I saw jhadha was selling it, but i dont wanna buy it, and I wanna print it...... I need all the prints...... Need it urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

USE YOUR RESOURCES... just saying!

Barneyrfd: AMAZING! Once again your work is mind-blowing! Looks very authentic indeed. Will you post the graphics for the last two missing posters?

Thanks, and keep up the great work!


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