Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

Glad you liked the Moody poster Wooze. You're right, he was quite a character, like him or not.

Speaking of 2013, here's a sneak peak at the next of the Missing posters I'm working on. Last time she was seen, she was floating above a table in Malfoy Manor in front of a bunch of Death Eaters. Not good, not good at all....


Believe it or not, that is an image of the acrtess who played Charity in the film. She obviously looks a little "happier" in her robes at Hogwarts than at she did at Malfoy Manor.

Oh yea, Happy New Year (half of the members here have already celebrated the New Year by now, the rest of us are just gettin' ready to.)

Happy New Year! 2012 was a good year, let's hope 2013 is the same!
Hopefully 2013 is full of new props!
Have fun partying!
Barneyrfd, great work on the posters. Can't wait to see how they turn out!
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:lol:lol:lol I'm glad that somebody finally broke the ice!

Just watched HP7p1 and HP7p2 in Maximum Movie Mode:)

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Maximum Movie Mode where they tell you how they made the parts of the movie that you're watching at the moment. Certain actors remind you of some artifacts,characters, and creatures and when they were seen in the Harry Potter movies. It's on some of the Blu-rays. I can't wait to see what you're working on:)

Sneak Peak ;) I'd done the covers for this one before but I've completely redrawn them with lots of new techniques so now it's almost 100% accurate to the original :) I've attached the old version as a free paper prop for you guys! Happy new year to everyone at theRPF!


...Time to start working on internal pages! ;)

That's awesome! When you're all finished with it could you post it as a free paper prop? That would be so awesome!

Thanks and keep up te great work!

...so now it's almost 100% accurate to the original...
Nice work! One of my favourites, I enjoyed making this one myself recently though it's not quite finished.

Which parts do you think you are off with, perhaps the rest of us can assist. The only things I can see (but I can't tell as the low res might be obscuring it) might be the cream font at the bottom looks wrong, though it might just be compressed funny on the screen.

It should be Acknowledgement from dafont.com, and the A in the word "MAGIC" should be lowecase and the A in the word "OFFICIAL" should be uppercase. Probably a mistake when it was typed as I can think if no reason they would have done that intentionally. One of the A's has a flat top and the other has a sloped top, pretty small details and not that significant overall but I thought I would mention it. lol

The words "MUGGLE - BORN under the Ministry logo are also Acnowledgement, again you might have that there but it looks squished up!

Are you making the inside pages up or trying to follow the few prop shots we have? I'll see if I can find the ones I've managed to collect though I imagine you found them already.
Hey Guys!!!!!!!
Wut is Up? So I just made a site and I would greatly appreciate it if you guys visit it. It contains Different harry potter props (currently only paper Props) Please Lemme Know Wut U guys think....... Thanks Guys!!!!!
The site is at:
Your site is coming along pretty nicely; have you gotten the users permission to post their work on your site? Some of the members utterly dislike their work being posted on people's sites. If you haven't gotten their permission, um, you should get it.

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Hey Guys!!!!!!!
Wut is Up? So I just made a site and I would greatly appreciate it if you guys visit it. It contains Different harry potter props (currently only paper Props) Please Lemme Know Wut U guys think....... Thanks Guys!!!!!
The site is at:


Please remove EVERYTHING from that site- you do not have permisson to post them there, and I suspect most people here would NOT appreciate there stuff being posted on another site without permission- I know II don't: some of my work is there and I certainly did not get asked permission! :angry

edit: the work he's taken is all from this thread and is not even properly credited!

I'm sure the other members of this thread will agree!
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I second the aforementioned!!! Though I have no items posted, I believe that the respect of the authors and/or creators should be upheld!!! In all honesty (and here comes the redheaded me!) that was just a downright stupid thing to do...
In defense of HP1234, he sent a PM to me prior to decat and ffg advising him obtain permission, asking if I would give permission for him to post my contributions to his new website.

While I appreciate his enthusiasm for HP props and his new website, I declined to provide my permission.

Hey Guys!!!!!!!
Wut is Up? So I just made a site and I would greatly appreciate it if you guys visit it. It contains Different harry potter props (currently only paper Props) Please Lemme Know Wut U guys think....... Thanks Guys!!!!!
The site is at:

You must be joking...

Please remove EVERYTHING from that site- you do not have permisson to post them there, and I suspect most people here would NOT appreciate there stuff being posted on another site without permission- I know II don't: some of my work is there and I certainly did not get asked permission! :angry

edit: the work he's taken is all from this thread and is not even properly credited!

I'm sure the other members of this thread will agree!

I agree!!! I know I haven't made many props (3 to be exact) I would have liked to be asked ... and if people can't be bothered to join the RPF and look through the thread they do not deserve the FREE props!!

Rant over .... good work everyone :)
Well I am trying to send as many PMs to others to ask them to display their work there but with little success. I am really trying my best!!!!!!
And Sorry if I hav done anything wrong!!!

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