Test 3 - dissolving silicone.
If this sets and cures, it might just be the Alien drool you've been looking for.
This was made by combining cheap caulking silicone and mineral turpentine. I could not find Naptha anywhere - apparently it is "listed substance" and guy at the hardware store said that mineral turps is used to clean up silicone all the time, so given the price ($3 for a litre and I had some at home anyway) why not experiment. 500 gram tubes of silicone start at just $4, so 2 x 4 + 3 makes a 1KG of silicone for just $11. At those volumes you might want a paint stirrer and a power drill. Pretty cheap if this sets. I am also curious to see if this can not be degassed due to all the bubbles from mixing.
So for this test, I squirted a big dob of silicone into the cup, than added about what felt to be about the same weight in the mineral turps. I had gram scales on hand but didn't use them...go figure.
So initially the silicone went into clumps and as I mixed it, started to become a gel. After 5 minutes (and a heap of stirring) it had become quite a smooth mixture. It did not heat up or even feel warm. It does not seem to pour, rather is just a very workable version of itself and sticks to vertical surfaces. So here is hoping that the mineral turps evaporates enough to allow this to turn from a gel and back into a solid. Maybe I will test this with acetone which does evaporate fast. I will know tomorrow.
If this does work, then a really cheap way to make an easy to work silicone. If not, then it is a gooey mess that will need to be thrown out before the kids find it.
Notice the slight pink colour? Ok this is because used the same cup from last night and there was some red (cured) silicone left in the cup and it appears to have dissolved that back into the mix taking the red dye with it. Not a bad thing as this could mean minimizing waste.
Test 4 is applying it to cloth and is also curing. I didn't bother with a photo at this stage but was impressed with how easy it was to layer into the cloth. Something I forget to do last night was to apply a release and so the red silicone has bonded really well to the plastic. Tonight I remembered to prep the surface with good old Vaseline. It will be really cool if this sets and just peels off.
NOTE: This stuff STINKS REALLY REALLY BAD! So bad that I have taken it out of the workshop and left it under an eve to set (if it even does that) over night.