GHOSTBUSTERS Pre-Release - film discussion only, no social commentary please!

Neil, that Midnight Edge Video is dead on. What Sony and Feig has done with the GB Franchise is a complete shame.

don't forget pascal. they may not have purposely ruined it with malicious intent, but their own warped view has damaged the property forever. until someone else buys it away from them.

I know i've said this before, but..
out of all that has come out of this, i can't believe people are so desperate for a new gb film, that they'd accept this kind of behavior. never mind the fact that the film just doesn't look good. although if you believe IMDB. some theaters only have 4 pre sold seats so maybe that is a good sign ;o).

Too think..after all this kavetching and moaning, in two weeks i'll have to go back to my old job ;o).

I'm sure you have me blocked NeilT but you can just drop the mic on this thread. Your career is over. There is no way you'll ever out-troll this thread on any other topic. :)
you may have just heard the largest groan and OH MY GOD you've ever heard after i saw this..

Image didn't post for some reason but just in case. found online
you know how i said i haven't seen barely any GB commercials.. i take it all back this weekend.... while watching COPS in this one commercial i have seen GB twice... with everything this weekend i think its safe to say I've seen the whole movie through commercials..

new alleyway scene with the proton power glove... great
This is what happens when you put people with NO understanding of comedy or of what makes a great movie, in charge of making what SHOULD be a great comedic movie based on work done by THE giants in the field. It still stunning to me how this mantle was passed to these incompetents. It was doomed from inception because of WHO was doing it. Great material in feeble hands. Shame on them all, if they're even capable of shame.
Shame on them all, if they're even capable of shame.

From what I've seen of Fig Newton's work I'd say that's not possible as the guy seems to think he's on a crusade for social justice and that's all that matters,the actual content of his films comes a far distant third in his priorities.

He'll just march over to his next masterpiece of woman power and male shaming,guy probably hates himself in private;or this is his ultimate shtick and he's too busy rolling in money to care about anything else.

And the picture Neil posted.....really? I mean did they seriously do that?!
From what I've seen of Fig Newton's work I'd say that's not possible as the guy seems to think he's on a crusade for social justice and that's all that matters,the actual content of his films comes a far distant third in his priorities.

He'll just march over to his next masterpiece of woman power and male shaming,guy probably hates himself in private;or this is his ultimate shtick and he's too busy rolling in money to care about anything else.

And the picture Neil posted.....really? I mean did they seriously do that?!

feig said it himself in that interview posted above. this is the first time he's really had ANY kind of negative criticism. the idiots in hollywood praise him for some reason when working on 'original' stuff (is anything truly original these days?)....and as soon as he hit the franchise world, boom.

He also says he's instantly taken back to those schoolyard bullies anytime someone dares disagree with him. so, basically he never matured past age 12 or so and hates his own gender because of it.

so, in conclusion, thanks to his ruined child hood, he has to ruin ours ;o)

Some "people" are upset of this magazine cover because the Kevin/Jar Jar character is front and center.


first world problems.

Then there is this bought and paid for piece from the delusional wired. which, you can't see without adblock turned off BTW.

Did GB 2 have it's problems? yes. I didn't like the peter/dana rehash. I didn't care for the going back in buisiness again story line. i didn't care for the people not believing in ghosts bit still.

But, despite that, it was STILL the most quotable movie of 1989. The Mayor had an expanded role and had more chances to shine. the new Peck was an even bigger, different type of dick than the original, with different motives. Louis got to break the mold. And need i bring up the star of the movie, yanosh?
It's far from an unwatchable movie and still manages to make you smile, despite the fact that it feels rushed somehow.

that's what happens when you get the top comedic talent and director together.
when you get fly by nights and gimmickers, you get female slimer.

I especially like this line from imdb. "'dont Feig this up..' " The words movie bosses will say to every reboot director from now on unto the end of humanity"

This one isn't bad.
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To be fair, it would make sense that Sony would grant early screenings to reviewers they'd expect to be relatively positive about the film. And others might simply say nothing, rather than saying what a pile of crap the film is.

As I've said before, I think most reviews will include one or more of the following points:

- It's a funny-enough comedy in modern style, rather than somehow tapping into the vibe of the original. Different movie, different style, but very similar to most modern comedies.

- The sexism issue will be addressed, at least tangentially in the review (as will, possibly, the "fan ownership" angle).

I expect most reviews to be around the 2.5-3 star range (out of 5). It won't be viewed as a bad movie, and the film won't bomb. But it also probably won't be viewed as a particularly great movie, and will merely be a serviceable comedy.

On the other hand, who knows. Maybe it'll be terrific or terrible. We'll find out in short order. I, for one, will be glad when it's finally out so that at least the "You can't judge it unless you pay $14 for a ticket, and at least $6 for a bucket of popcorn because that's the only way to judge the film, unless you want to substitute nachos for the popcorn, or possibly Raisinets."
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