GHOSTBUSTERS Pre-Release - film discussion only, no social commentary please!

Relax. That's definitely a parody.

can you blame me? it's getting harder to tell :)

i am going to be so dissapointed if the dance scene is cut!

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Okay. That´s it. I think the viral marketing got to me in the end. I feel sick. @NeilT you made me rewatch that International Trailer way too often because of that stupid dance scene. And you know what? I think that Patty character is kinda hot. There. I wrote it. Now I have to lay down. Or take a shower. Just like Louis had to.
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Okay. That´s it. I think the viral marketing got to me in the end. I feel sick. @NeilT you made me rewatch that International Trailer way too often because of that stupid dance scene. And you know what? I think that Patty character is kinda hot. There. I wrote it. Now I have to lay down. Or take a shower. Just like Louis had to.

Hang on, I'm going to send some SJWs to their safe space by talking manly.

just repeat to yourself 'MCKinnon is the only hot one.' 'MCKinnon is the only hot one.'

come back and see me in two months. that'll be $45's.
So, what's the film opening against on the 15th?
It has to deal with The Secret Life of Pets that opens the week before. If Secret Life is good, then Reboot is screwed. The families will keep seeing Secret Life of Pets like they did with Finding Dory.

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I sometimes wonder what articles are paid off, and how many truly believe into what paul feig says.

It'd also be fun to do a feig lie detector count going...
Excuses. I call that article a last second attempt to save the reboot.

'open up a window and turn on a fan'?

I guess because a spirit is whispy and it'll blow it away?

i've already spent way too much energy trying to decipher feigumor.

sigh. i no longer look at this as joy. i look at it as extreme pandering cause everyone hates the fall out boy version.
It was posted/reported that Sean Bishop provided those four original proton pack replicas for that. And that the crew and dancers were careless and two of the four proton packs were destroyed. The original proton packs just don't look right with the stolen MTA worker uniforms.
Excuses. I call that article a last second attempt to save the reboot.
How is that a last second attempt? Feig said the same thing in an interview right after the reboot news hit in 2014. Rolling Stone, maybe?

Hang on, I'm going to send some SJWs to their safe space by talking manly.

just repeat to yourself 'MCKinnon is the only hot one.' 'MCKinnon is the only hot one.'
Safe space? Neil is the one that blocks people-- :lol

...and I would definitely consider Wiig hot:


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In that first pic she looks a bit like the lost Olsen sister. By the way, is it a bad sign that the product tie in commercials (Progressive, Papa John's) seem better than the movie?

...Would they be mad at Neil Armstrong for leaving a golf ball on the moon?

That's another problem today, people who have no respect for past works don't know history either. It was Alan Shepard that left the golf ball.

just repeat to yourself 'MCKinnon is the only hot one.' 'MCKinnon is the only hot one.'

I could watch her lick stuff all day.
It was posted/reported that Sean Bishop provided those four original proton pack replicas for that. And that the crew and dancers were careless and two of the four proton packs were destroyed. The original proton packs just don't look right with the stolen MTA worker uniforms. this case, it's more pandering. everything about this video screamed 'classic' yet they wore the new reboot uniforms? didn't make any sense.

wow, really? that sucks.

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you know, all those tie in commercials feature male GBs. What is up with that.

bait and switch for the uninformed.

I feel sorry for the spanish speaking audience. they have that one with the futbol star and if that's who they think is going to be in the movie, or at least have it be all male, sorely dissapointed :) this case, it's more pandering. everything about this video screamed 'classic' yet they wore the new reboot uniforms? didn't make any sense.

wow, really? that sucks.

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bait and switch for the uninformed.

I feel sorry for the spanish speaking audience. they have that one with the futbol star and if that's who they think is going to be in the movie, or at least have it be all male, sorely dissapointed :)
We will find out how the international crowd reacts to the reboot sooner than later. I think they are planning for the European release on July 11. Funny how the US general release comes after that.

Oh, and FYI. Sony canceled the NYC movie premiere party. See photo.
We will find out how the international crowd reacts to the reboot sooner than later. I think they are planning for the European release on July 11. Funny how the US general release comes after that.

Oh, and FYI. Sony canceled the NYC movie premiere party. See photo.
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I asked this of westies a few posts back. I posted something like 'LOL, they cancelled the NY premier, afraid to show it in it's home town?' on another area of the net, and got taken to task by pro supporters without really answering what i asked.

What I want to know is... having the VR experience and that two day 'secret party' in NY is one thing. but isn't a premier KIND OF a big deal?
I know it's mostly for the cast and crew, but don't they use it to get free tv time and good will thrown there way too?
It's a totally separate animal from those other two things, isn't it?

to me, it makes it look like they don't have confidence in it to show it in NY.
Or, they think the local LA press will be kinder to it and easier to buy off....
Neil, the LA premiere is being held by Sony on Friday, July 9. They sent out an invite to all these franchises to come and attend like two weeks before the premiere. But this time, no free ticket or hotel room. I guess they spent that money when they flew out the pro reboot die hands to Ghost Corp to see the trailer debut the day before the trailer hit YouTube. Their only reward is their own "midnight" showing of the reboot and some free goodies. I do think Sony is hoping that all these die hard pro rebooters will go out and spread the word on how 'good' the reboot is. Cheap marketing on Sony's part when you get right down to it. Hell, even Sony paid actors and dancers for their event in Japan.

I guess those GBs that go out to LA will be the ones with money and are not afraid of having the airlines lose or damage their proton packs. My franchise is anti reboot, but we still got an invite to the reboot premiere. None of us are going.
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I asked this of westies a few posts back. I posted something like 'LOL, they cancelled the NY premier, afraid to show it in it's home town?' on another area of the net, and got taken to task by pro supporters without really answering what i asked.

What I want to know is... having the VR experience and that two day 'secret party' in NY is one thing. but isn't a premier KIND OF a big deal?
I know it's mostly for the cast and crew, but don't they use it to get free tv time and good will thrown there way too?
It's a totally separate animal from those other two things, isn't it?

to me, it makes it look like they don't have confidence in it to show it in NY.
Or, they think the local LA press will be kinder to it and easier to buy off....
It is very strange for Sony to cancel the NYC premiere considering there was a sweepstakes being run to attend this premiere with the Kevin dude. Sad to be the sweepstakes winner. LOL.

I found the interviews of lies and backpeddling in it's full glory.

here's the ones I believe fall into that category...
I was still in production on Spy, and was in Budapest. I got a call from Ivan Reitman [director of the first two films, producer of this one]. He called me because they had a sequel script that had been written for Ghostbusters 3.

As i Recall, what really happened was amy pascal hounding him for a year. and then when bill murray said he'd like to see mcarthy in the new ghostbusters movie, that's when feig got his ' brain storm'...

To me, it felt like it’d been so long since Ghostbusters 2 even. It felt like a big gap. I love Ghostbusters 2, but even the way they had to start that up with them being disgraced - how would the Ghostbusters be disgraced after they’d saved New York? Because they left it in a mess? Would they be mad at Neil Armstrong for leaving a golf ball on the moon?


barring what was already pointed out..
if you read the novel, feigs busters are nothing BUT disgraced left and right. his whole movie doesn't make sense because they don't get the chance to be heroes. so, even if their business stays open, who's going to believe them enough to call? now that i think about it, this could be intentional on feigs part showing how he feels women aren't 'given a chance to succeed' in his view of the world

>>> Yeah. They’re great. But at the same time, every time I’d read their names you’d suddenly start comparing them to Bill, Dan, Harold and Ernie. It clouds your head.

Like you wouldn't with women? it's inevitable. it happened with EGB, it'd happen anywhere.

Was that your thing, then? You needed to find a way to make it distinct?

Yes. How to make it distinct. And for me, how I could have creative energy to do it. The minute I thought of that, I thought now I get it. That gets me excited. The idea of seeing four hilarious women in those roles, there’s a lot you can do there. But then it was like, it could be a sequel then. They could be their daughters? And I was like, I don’t know. I didn’t like the idea of a world that had seen two ghost attacks. The idea of here’s your equipment, on you go.>>>

In a more simplified reason,

In other areas of the net, he basically said he didn't want women having ingenious equipment handed to them. this other stuff seems like fluff to get to his only point.

What I wanted to do, then, is to put those questions directly to you. And let’s get those answered.
Please do. And please know: I’ve never said that all the criticism is misogyny.>>>

So, should we post all the articles and talk show appearances again? or am I still a swear laden person for thinking this'll suck?
I feel like if you said that at ANY point, it was because ivan reitman MADE you say it so as to not drive away more people.


Positivity does, in fairness to you, run through your work.
Yeah. I like good-natured stuff. My mother put in my head, don’t put negative things out into the world. When the Jerry Springer-style shows came up, it was like ugly negatively is the worst that humankind has to offer. It always stuck with me. I’m a positive person.


HAHAHAHA! In Spy, one character literally says 'I just killed a's So.. ME!' THAT'S Positive? having a a man fall on a spike and then get vomited on is positive? having a guy get his throat dissolved is positive? basically trashing men any chance you get is positive? I realize it was 'an original movie' on the spy genre, but i think your mother failed..

and yeah, the tweet that started it all. like he expected people would want an all woman ghostbusters..


what a complete load of back peddling crap this article is.
and the sad part of it is, I think he really believes all the lies he's telling at this point.

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I found the interviews of lies and backpeddling in it's full glory.

here's the ones I believe fall into that category...
I was still in production on Spy, and was in Budapest. I got a call from Ivan Reitman [director of the first two films, producer of this one]. He called me because they had a sequel script that had been written for Ghostbusters 3.

As i Recall, what really happened was amy pascal hounding him for a year. and then when bill murray said he'd like to see mcarthy in the new ghostbusters movie, that's when feig got his ' brain storm'...

what a complete load of back peddling crap this article is.
and the sad part of it is, I think he really believes all the lies he's telling at this point.

To help quell the spread of complete misinformation, here's the next question in the interview that Neil conveniently left out of his post. There's no back peddling. This is exactly what Feig has been saying about the project's development all along, since the big interview post-announcement.

...and on the Murray front, he was throwing out his casting ideas AFTER the reboot/Feig had already been announced. That obviously didn't sway Feig...

Major, major hater reaching here.

What changed?
Amy Pascal called me again [Pascal was head of Sony Pictures at the time]. And just as I was heading into post-production on Spy, she took me for lunch and asked ‘why don’t any of you comedy guys want to do this?’
I said it’s this giant thing. It’s like redoing The Godfather. And she said it’s this great franchise. It’s sitting there forever and it’s such a cool thing. But I left, saying no.
Yet I thought she was right. It’s such a great idea. I love the original movies so much, but there’s so much more you could be doing with that. The next day I got thinking: if I was going to do it, how would I do it? Let’s think positively. And I thought wait, I could do it with the funny women I know.
I’d been reading all these articles about the guys they were thinking of casting, and I know all those guys and I love them [the likes of Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill had been linked].

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