Ghostbusters movie by Paul Feig

If only their equipment could be worn somehow...

What a BS argument. Proton pack, containment, and detection equipment. You're not seriously saying that four motorcycles is a more practical way for the ladies to get to the scene than a single emergency vehicle are you? Or even a logical evolution of their startup business?

Not to mention the risk to the equipment during travel and the extra safety gear you have to/should be wearing while driving the motorcycle. Completely insane from a real world perspective.
What a BS argument. Proton pack, containment, and detection equipment. You're not seriously saying that four motorcycles is a more practical way for the ladies to get to the scene than a single emergency vehicle are you?

Not to mention the risk to the equipment during travel and the extra safety gear you have to/should be wearing while driving the motorcycle. Completely insane from a real world perspective.
I couldn't imagine getting in a wreck with all that equipment on, never mind the nuclear material.
I think if given the choice of seeing this movie on opening day or a comet hitting and destroying the earth…i would take the comet.

I don't know. I kind of like the idea of living. If that was my two choices I would have to see the movie, assuming they would pay my admission of course.
Plus, if it does poorly it increases the odds of the proper continuity retaking its place as the mainstream one.

that would probably make it the first time it EVER has happened. I can't think of a time where an old continuity returned after a new one has be en introduced.

So, since it seems like more lovers are working their way in now that comic con has started, and things are getting out...... here's a theory for you all...

eventually, even I will wear out on the hate, and just ignore it for a year. what would it take to make you turn the tide on your opinion?

So far, all we have are known quantities.
Paul Feig and his past projects (all similar by reports..crude humor, lots of swearing. mostly casts women)
Mellisa Mcarthy and her body of work (chris farley like characters and fat jokes aplenty( I didn't like Chris Farley either))
the history of how this movie came about (throwing dan a producing credit to keep him in line....ivan reitman backing out of the train wreck. ernie hudson voicing disapproval till sony lawyers got to him. A hateful woman executive who got fired due to some lewd emails and incompetence. I.e. her movies not being good)
Bill Murray being the cause of this whole thing. So apparently protective of the franchise by not doing a third terrible one, that by not doing a third terrible one, he caused a terrible reboot instead.
Lackluster looking and un inspired props.
Fans drawing battle lines and spreading vitrol everywhere..most suffering from one bad reboot after another and just hitting overload.

What would make you suddenly say 'hell, lets give this thing a chance?' the first preview? 4 minutes of 'leaked' footage?
is there anything that could turn you around to support it?
I've already said I'm a fan of the property, but I wouldn't call myself a 'supporter' of this film. Mainly because I haven't actually seen the thing yet.

There's no reason to explain any feelings, thoughts or opinions in this thread, because some people are doing nothing but trying to belittle others. When that isn't happening, the amount of exaggeration & hyperbole just to show how much the idea of this thing is hated, is laughable. either way, I still like to discuss this film with like minded people, so...

I'm a fan of the original packs a bunch. When I got older & saw that fans had actually decided what each individual component does, it made it a lot more 'real' to me. The new packs are growing on me from a design standpoint, ever since Feig posted some pics that explained what the individual parts did. Seeing some of the fan builds, with the packs in a different situation than just leaning on a wall has helped.

Not thrilled with Ecto, but no idea what else they could have done to bridge a design.

I was happy with the picture of the suits on the rack, but the one with it on MM made me think that it's missing...something. Then again, I don't know if they were filming at the time, or she was just walking to the set, & wasn't in full gear yet.

The bikes kinda make sense to me. If you're regularly traversing the streets of NYC in emergency situations, it would stand to reason you'd need something like that, like a messenger or a delivery person. In the originals, we saw situations where only a couple of the team went on certain calls, & if there were multiple calls but only one team, then multiple vehicles make sense. Kinda goes along with what I've heard about the far-reaching 'infestation' of ghosts in this film.
The bikes kinda make sense to me. If you're regularly traversing the streets of NYC in emergency situations, it would stand to reason you'd need something like that, like a messenger or a delivery person. In the originals, we saw situations where only a couple of the team went on certain calls, & if there were multiple calls but only one team, then multiple vehicles make sense. Kinda goes along with what I've heard about the far-reaching 'infestation' of ghosts in this film.

Messengers and delivery people don't have nuclear excelerators on their backs. Hell, a few smart cars would make more sense if we're talking about splitting the team up to combat an infestation.
what would it take to make you turn the tide on your opinion?


What would make you suddenly say 'hell, lets give this thing a chance?' the first preview? 4 minutes of 'leaked' footage?
is there anything that could turn you around to support it?

If a movie's good, a movie's good. Unless it looks truly truly awful in and of its own right (like the Bay-produced Turtles movie, which despite my high level of interest in the property I've never seen and likely never will), I'll watch the new Ghostbusters (at home), and I'll rate it on its merits as well as against the original (since it's begging for it). My main gripe is with how the film was greenlit and developed. We can't know how the resulting film will turn out until we see it, but the track record of Amy Pascal, Sony Pictures, and Paul Feig (I loved Freaks and Geeks but have yet to enjoy one of his features) does not have my expectations set high.
Messengers and delivery people don't have nuclear excelerators on their backs. Hell, a few smart cars would make more sense if we're talking about splitting the team up to combat an infestation.

OK. I misread the schematic. I see that there's a Tritium level check. I was thinking that it was leaning toward being more of a 'Plasma Pack' than a 'Proton Pack' based on the image posted. When I saw that the bottom box, that some are assuming is the trap, was shielded I assumed it shielded against radiation.

Still, we saw the original team take some pretty hard bumps during combat. Maybe not at the level of a traffic accident, though.:p
If a movie's good, a movie's good. Unless it looks truly truly awful in and of its own right (like the Bay-produced Turtles movie, which despite my high level of interest in the property I've never seen and likely never will), I'll watch the new Ghostbusters (at home)....

It´s an absolutely okay interpretation of the TMNT. Except for the noses I personally can accept that version. Give it a shot. The characters are as far as I am concerned well interpreted, Shredder may be a bit over the top, the foot clan could have been a tad more Ninja, but all in all it was a nice movie. If you´ve seen a post or two that I have made about a movie you may have noticed that I don´t take me movies lightly :p

I, too, will watch the new GB movie, just not sure if on screen or at home.
It´s an absolutely okay interpretation of the TMNT. Except for the noses I personally can accept that version. Give it a shot. The characters are as far as I am concerned well interpreted, Shredder may be a bit over the top, the foot clan could have been a tad more Ninja, but all in all it was a nice movie. If you´ve seen a post or two that I have made about a movie you may have noticed that I don´t take me movies lightly :p

I, too, will watch the new GB movie, just not sure if on screen or at home.

I'm sorry, but from my point of view, it really isn't.

Shredder was originally going to be sachs. A white guy. Fans complained, so we got some random japanese guy thrown in and his arch no longer made sense.
The actual HUMAN Version of shredder we see is fine. but because he has no motive at all thanks to the sachs issue, he's not even a character. he's just kind of there walking around beating people up.
The SUIT is an abomination. Another round of people who don't design so much as just throw elements together that they think look cool. Like the new 2008 KITT. Just a ford car with a weird scanner does not a KITT make. same goes for Shredder. you can't make him into a robot, and not have one piece of his suit look recognizable. You kind of have to stare at it for a minute to pick out things and that's just bad design.

The TMNT Where turned into hoodlums, basically. especially mikey, who always gets the short end of the stick. It's bad enough Don in the new turtles toon is a total creep toward april. Mikey is even worse making rape jokes. sex jokes in a kid cartoon (My shell is tightening!)....thanks michael bay.

the turtles hardly ever use their ninja weapons. not even for defense. THe first half of the movie is basically an april talks to humans movie. we don't get enough time with the turtles to really get to know them. the movie just kind of assumes you do. it's a by the numbers generic action flick that has so little thought put into it, Turtles 3 is far more enjoyable. yes, I said it. Schwing and all.

ugh. I'd go on, but my inner child is crying for lack of vision ;o).
It´s an absolutely okay interpretation of the TMNT. Except for the noses I personally can accept that version. Give it a shot. The characters are as far as I am concerned well interpreted, Shredder may be a bit over the top, the foot clan could have been a tad more Ninja, but all in all it was a nice movie. If you´ve seen a post or two that I have made about a movie you may have noticed that I don´t take me movies lightly :p

I, too, will watch the new GB movie, just not sure if on screen or at home.

A ninja turtle movie where they're not ninjas, but learned some karate from a book because Splinter thought it'd be good for them to know self-defense before realizing they'd grow essentially into walking tanks? Where there's none of the personal history/drama between Shredder and Splinter - just a nod to japanese culture altogether? Full of weightless CG characters and devastation? No, thank you! If there's one thing I learned from Indy IV and the Star Wars prequels it's that I really do not need to see everything released concerning characters I love. If I'm pretty sure it'll detract from my enjoyment of them, I'd much rather skip it.
I was thinking of bringing up that point ;o). Greedo still gets a shot's just edited a bit more off so it looks like han is quicker ;o)

No, Greedo never shot. Han is the only one to fire a round. Period.

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If only their equipment could be worn somehow...

Yeah, just HAVING motorcycles isn't a problem. In heavy NYC traffic a motorcycle would be handy because it could drive on the sidewalk and between cars to get somewhere in an emergency.

The problem is they look like ****. If slapping a sticker on one is the best their prop people could do, under Feig's direction, then they missed. Horribly.

Now if they did an Ecto 2, like in the RGB, then that'd be awesome.
I'd like the bike if it was an old thing one of them already drove, maybe with a sidecar or something for stability and comedic value. Getting a fleet of bikes on purpose, mounting cannons to the handlebars, that's very cartoonish.

Alright guys... Bring it on.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, that is totally a Real Ghostbusters Egon look Kate McKinnon is sporting and it's awesome.
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