Fight Club Tyler Durden T-shirts?

Hi Guys. I spoke to Jonathan about the jacket tonight, whether it was a vintage find or made by him, this is what he had to say
...."I did get a few samples of vintage jackets to make the original, from Michaels specs. Also I had paint mixed and made to reduce the brightness of the original leather but it didn't adhere to the skin; so I applied the paint to the entire exterior of that coat daily for a good week at least while the movie was filmed in long beach. I remember being so through with the daily painting I gave them the paint to do it on set. I gave them at least a half gallon of the paint. For them to take over...That is my recollection. You should be able to peel the paint off the original"

So there you go, an original creation, based on selected vintage jackets. Dan, they were probably Reed's like you said a long time ago. They're the jackets that look most like it.

Night all.

I do wonder. Why did they paint the jacket and not use a red leather? Was the original leather brown? Or was it red and needed to be redder?
all3.jpgimg189.jpg This jacket was posted in 2010, by steve aleve ffrom the filmjackets site.
3.JPG5.JPG6.JPG7.JPG4.JPG I just bought this vintage Reed on ebay.. I know it is nothing like the FC but I really like the collar and stitching on the jacket. Also really like the fact that it has contrasting white stitching which I really havent seen on a vintage reed. If the sizing works, I'm going to beat the hell out of this jacket until it has a true distressed vintage look. Even gonna try putting it in the oven.


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Now I finally understand what gave the FC jacket such a badass look which everyone and their mothers have wanted since the film came out. It's what I have really never seen in any picture of a logan FC1 jacket, and it's what no one has had Logan do for them to get the look. After looking at countless images of the jacket on Pitt, and on display in the museums, it is very evident that the jacket was meticulously tailored to get this look. With very tiny detail playing a part.

If you look at the jacket, you will see that the upper sleeves are slimmer and more tailored then the lower part of the sleeves, and you will notice that the jacket chest measurement is pretty dead on for pitt, allowing it to basically just button up. NOW, what gave the jacket that look, and I will stand by this, without anyone convincing me different, is that the shoulder measurement, which is the upper part of the shell above the horizontal seams at the front and back, were tailored wide, giving the jacket a uniquely wider measurement across the shoulders. Shoulder pads were possibly added as well. The wide shoulder to shoulder measurement allowed Pitt to look wider from the top, and also the collar to spread out flat across a larger space. What I've seen several times on jal jackets that people have custom made, is that theyve made the collar wider, but they didn't make the shoulder measurements wider. Now say what you will about the jal jacket being THE EXACT SAME BLUE PRINT as what was made for the film, but the film's jacket was tailored specifically for Brad Pitt; possibly by professional tailors, and not by Logan. Now, if logan was making his jacket the way he saw fit, and someone decided to ask him to make a small change, that small change couldve been big trouble for the ending result of how the jacket hangs. I guarantee you, the film's jacket had a wider then normal shoulder to shoulder measurement, that you will not see on any stock jacket, or even any jacket tailored to a man, unless they want that look. Look at every pic and see for yourself. The jacket is not big on Pitt. It's quite fitted perfectly. From sleeve length to sleeve width. The only thing a bit big on him, is the shoulder to shoulder measurement. That's what gave it that iconic look that every wishes they can get from a jacket. Since this jacket has seams across the front and back and even a seam on the top of the jacket from the collar to the end of the shoulder, it can be done. That could be the reason they added those seams. Sorry about the long post. Just thought I should share that.
I think you are confused a bit. JAL is the maker of the jacket. He is the tailor and creator. His blueprint is the exact same jacket made for the film. He didnt make a jacket only to have someone else alter it. JAL has stated this several times.
Aj with all do respect, I didn't say logan didn't make the jacket or that someone altered his jacket. I said he didn't take pitt's meaurements and then decide the specific meaurements to have the jacket fit the way it fit pitt. No way logan decided what meaurements to use and how the jacket would fit. Those specific measurements were almost surely taken by professional tailors and costume designers and the measurents were then given to logan to make the jacket. Logan manufactures the jackets. No way I will ever believe that that jacket, and the way it fits on pitt, were made using basic garment measurements and not detailed specific measurements taken specifically for brad pitt's body. No ones Jal jacket seen anywhere has fit, hung, or folded the way it did on pitt or on the dummy's it's been hung on. Why? Because everyone gives logan their meaurements and what they want the jacket to look like but dont add or subtract from the jacket to give it the
look. Trust me. Look at every image of the jacket.
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Professional tailor for you and I, but not for brad pitt. I'll let you guys disagree with me and wish that your Jal jacket will ever fit like pitt's without keeping the chest measurement snug and adding approximately 1-1.5 inches to the shoulder to shoulder measurement. Inches added from the perfect meaurement.
Anyone know the heel to toe measurement for the lakestream boots in a size 9 or 10? I'd like to really get an accurate meaurement
Professional tailor for you and I, but not for brad pitt. I'll let you guys disagree with me and wish that your Jal jacket will ever fit like pitt's without keeping the chest measurement snug and adding approximately 1-1.5 inches to the shoulder to shoulder measurement. Inches added from the perfect meaurement.

I think you've gone over to the dark place dan. Might be over thinking it slightly. Or perhaps Micheal Kaplan just said "make it look a bit baggy on him, will ya!"
Guys, it's just not as simple as saying, make it look baggy. Not for brad pitt. Have you seen this guys tailoring jobs in the oceans films? You cant just say make it baggy. It's, make it baggy but still fitted. Still short. Jackets just don't come made like that. Wide shoulders, slim chest, long sleeves, short length?? I don't think so. All I'm saying is that the jacket wasn't tailored to pitt's ideal measurements at the shoulders.The s2s measurement was made a bit bigger. That's my recommendation to anyone wanting a logan. But I do agree with you guys. Logan's jacket is it. No doubt about it. Identical. Exact reproductions. To the T
I have to say however, that my jacket that I got made in 2002 has shoulder pads, and it makes a big difference on the fit. But my JAL sits on my shoulders perfectly, pads would make it look really square, like Frankenstein.
I just think it's too big for him but given shoulder pads to make it look square on the shoulders, so it hangs square. I know what you mean, its really big, but somehow looks "fitted".
not only can you see the shoulder pad in this freeze-frame, but it looks small across the chest.

in this same shot about 3 seconds later, it looks loose

My Jacket hangs like the first picture, its almost uncanny, but my jacket is a little bit small. My larger jacket hangs like the second picture. I dunno.

interestingly, in these pictures, the lapel isn't. Folded down over the top button. Mmmm.....
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Aj with all do respect, I didn't say logan didn't make the jacket or that someone altered his jacket. I said he didn't take pitt's meaurements and then decide the specific meaurements to have the jacket fit the way it fit pitt. No way logan decided what meaurements to use and how the jacket would fit. Those specific measurements were almost surely taken by professional tailors and costume designers and the measurents were then given to logan to make the jacket. Logan manufactures the jackets. No way I will ever believe that that jacket, and the way it fits on pitt, were made using basic garment measurements and not detailed specific measurements taken specifically for brad pitt's body. No ones Jal jacket seen anywhere has fit, hung, or folded the way it did on pitt or on the dummy's it's been hung on. Why? Because everyone gives logan their meaurements and what they want the jacket to look like but dont add or subtract from the jacket to give it the
look. Trust me. Look at every image of the jacket.

Just to be clear, Jonathan takes very specific measurements. We're not talking about just chest, length, arms and shoulders. He also needs things like collar, arm eye, waist, upper waist, etc. etc. I had to take about 12+ different measurements for my jacket, but the sheet he sent me had about 20+ measurements on it, he just starred the ones I should take for that particular jacket. But if you took every measurement on that sheet you would have a blueprint for an extremely accurately fitted entire outfit, pants and all.

I just want to emphasize that Jonathan designed the jacket, and I can't speak for if he did the measurements, but I really don't see why not. He's worked in Hollywood for ages on tons of big name productions and he has other iconic jackets besides the Fight Club jackets to his name. There is a big following for the show Firefly and the jacket from that show is another very famous jacket which he created. He's done it tons and tons of times, his list of movies is very long. I also want to say that if you order from him, you are asking for a custom jacket. Brad Pitt's was a custom jacket. It was designed for his body, and it hangs the way it does not only because of how the jacket was made, but also because of how his body is. My Mayhem jacket is very thoroughly thought out – so much so that some of the details are slightly different than Pitt's and that's not because it isn't accurate, but it's because it's tailored for ME and my body is my body, not Brad Pitt's. When I first got the jacket I would wonder, "why is this part slightly different?" and I would inspect the jacket and realize that he really understood how the pieces connected and this piece had to be tailored differently than Pitt's because it fit MY body and not his. Granted, the Mayhem jacket may be a bit more busy in terms of construction than the FC1 jacket. I'm not sure since I don't own the FC1, but the Mayhem is a little more complicated structurally than it appears in pictures. Maybe one day I will upload some pics and point out the differences and why they are not just mistakes, but instead very well thought out design choices that compliment my body type.

I think what people really want is not Brad Pitt's jacket on their body, what they will find really flatters them is a jacket fit to THEIR body. And that is exactly what JAL offers – the original design tailored to YOUR body. Incredible, really. Where else can you get the perfect jacket, in the leather you choose, with the lining you choose, with any modifications you can choose? He will make you a custom jacket from the ground up if that's what you desire. When I inquired about a Mayhem jacket, I almost bought a blue one with red contrast stitching, which default came with 2 stripes across only one arm, and the opposite arm has white elbow padding. He had already designed this alternative Mayhem jacket and it was gorgeous but I disliked some things. I wanted the elbow padding and the stripes on both arms and he was perfectly happy to accommodate that. Hell, I could have asked him to make it green and put weird designs all over it if I really wanted.

Also, you have security when dealing with him. You don't order a jacket and hope for the best based on chest and maybe arm measurements like pretty much every single other manufacturer out there. You get a fabric sample and can make adjustments from there. As he told me when I talked to him the first time, he'd rather "measure 100 times, cut once." So you can verify that fabric sample is what you want until you are completely satisfied. In my case, I let him do the work since he's a professional and I am extremely happy with the outcome.

Anyway, I don't say this because I feel a need to defend my JAL. I will love it regardless of what others think, it is an extremely high quality jacket and I have another jacket that cost the same that just isn't the same level of quality, and certainly not custom fit. I say this because Jonathan is a good guy to work with and he offers what I believe to be the only true reproduction jacket. Like everyone here, I've been all over the internet looking for the right jacket, and I found it with JAL. Even if he wasn't a good guy (which he is) I would still say the jacket is incredible. However you slice it, it's worth it if you want that jacket and you have the cash. You might benefit from reaching out to him. I am sure he would be happy to talk with you. I talked with him via e-mail for a bit before I decided to purchase, and I told him at first that I may not purchase and he was still perfectly willing to provide me with the information I needed. Needless to say, it wasn't long before I e-mailed him back letting him know I wanted to buy something. :D

Just my 2 cents.
cap026.jpg Anyone else notice how bright the OP-523 lenses look?

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Logan is a badass craftsman. He does amazing work and provides exceptional service to his clients. No argument there. Listen, I don't mean to offend anyone or hurt their feelings. I really don't expect to by saying their jacket wasn't tailored like they tailored pitt's, or because their shades aren't the EXACT IDENTICAL COLOR to the screen used color. It's my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right.

I am a skeptic. It's part of who I am. I apologize if I offend you by this. We are all entitled to our opinions. If you all believe that getting the closest screen accurate look for the jacket is as simple as sending Logan your measurements and having him make you the jacket, then all power to you. I just have a different opinion on the matter, that's all.

Just to be clear, Jonathan takes very specific measurements. We're not talking about just chest, length, arms and shoulders. He also needs things like collar, arm eye, waist, upper waist, etc. etc. I had to take about 12+ different measurements for my jacket, but the sheet he sent me had about 20+ measurements on it, he just starred the ones I should take for that particular jacket. But if you took every measurement on that sheet you would have a blueprint for an extremely accurately fitted entire outfit, pants and all.

I just want to emphasize that Jonathan designed the jacket, and I can't speak for if he did the measurements, but I really don't see why not. He's worked in Hollywood for ages on tons of big name productions and he has other iconic jackets besides the Fight Club jackets to his name. There is a big following for the show Firefly and the jacket from that show is another very famous jacket which he created. He's done it tons and tons of times, his list of movies is very long. I also want to say that if you order from him, you are asking for a custom jacket. Brad Pitt's was a custom jacket. It was designed for his body, and it hangs the way it does not only because of how the jacket was made, but also because of how his body is. My Mayhem jacket is very thoroughly thought out – so much so that some of the details are slightly different than Pitt's and that's not because it isn't accurate, but it's because it's tailored for ME and my body is my body, not Brad Pitt's. When I first got the jacket I would wonder, "why is this part slightly different?" and I would inspect the jacket and realize that he really understood how the pieces connected and this piece had to be tailored differently than Pitt's because it fit MY body and not his. Granted, the Mayhem jacket may be a bit more busy in terms of construction than the FC1 jacket. I'm not sure since I don't own the FC1, but the Mayhem is a little more complicated structurally than it appears in pictures. Maybe one day I will upload some pics and point out the differences and why they are not just mistakes, but instead very well thought out design choices that compliment my body type.

I think what people really want is not Brad Pitt's jacket on their body, what they will find really flatters them is a jacket fit to THEIR body. And that is exactly what JAL offers – the original design tailored to YOUR body. Incredible, really. Where else can you get the perfect jacket, in the leather you choose, with the lining you choose, with any modifications you can choose? He will make you a custom jacket from the ground up if that's what you desire. When I inquired about a Mayhem jacket, I almost bought a blue one with red contrast stitching, which default came with 2 stripes across only one arm, and the opposite arm has white elbow padding. He had already designed this alternative Mayhem jacket and it was gorgeous but I disliked some things. I wanted the elbow padding and the stripes on both arms and he was perfectly happy to accommodate that. Hell, I could have asked him to make it green and put weird designs all over it if I really wanted.

Also, you have security when dealing with him. You don't order a jacket and hope for the best based on chest and maybe arm measurements like pretty much every single other manufacturer out there. You get a fabric sample and can make adjustments from there. As he told me when I talked to him the first time, he'd rather "measure 100 times, cut once." So you can verify that fabric sample is what you want until you are completely satisfied. In my case, I let him do the work since he's a professional and I am extremely happy with the outcome.

Anyway, I don't say this because I feel a need to defend my JAL. I will love it regardless of what others think, it is an extremely high quality jacket and I have another jacket that cost the same that just isn't the same level of quality, and certainly not custom fit. I say this because Jonathan is a good guy to work with and he offers what I believe to be the only true reproduction jacket. Like everyone here, I've been all over the internet looking for the right jacket, and I found it with JAL. Even if he wasn't a good guy (which he is) I would still say the jacket is incredible. However you slice it, it's worth it if you want that jacket and you have the cash. You might benefit from reaching out to him. I am sure he would be happy to talk with you. I talked with him via e-mail for a bit before I decided to purchase, and I told him at first that I may not purchase and he was still perfectly willing to provide me with the information I needed. Needless to say, it wasn't long before I e-mailed him back letting him know I wanted to buy something. :D

Just my 2 cents.
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