Elysium Props

Some people just get stuck in a rut I suppose.

I wouldn't say that exactly. There are 2 main factors.
1. Each concept artist has their own aesthetic, so details and styles tend to repeat with minor variation.
2. The producers and director have final say on which designs make it into the film, so their preferences turned out to be the same sort of designs that appeared in Avatar.
Though not confirmed as to which props yet, but some of the props in Elysium including for the characters of Matt Damon and Jodie Foster were created by RPF member kcpstudio (Kenney) :).
Just watched the trailer yesterday, I can't help but think this movie took a lot of design elements from Halo. I herad rumors the District 9 for a long time was supposed to be a Halo movie, but that fell through. I wonder if this was made with some of the left over design notes from that time. Why is this year movie theme post apocalyptic earth? Oblivion, After Earth, Elysium, Pacific Rim.
After Earth - not sure it's postapocalyptic. Or at least not post *our* apocalypse, all we know is that it is set a thousand years after Earth was evacuated. Which apparently must have happened, I dunno, say 25,000 years ago during the height of the last Ice Age given that there's some sort of smilodonoid attacking at the end. A herd of extinct-o-theriums, too.

Time travel, a prehistoric advanced civ, or am I just giving Hollywood too much credit again? :p Edit - checked the viral stuff and no, according to that it does seem to be an alternate history future. Since this is Shyamalan I wouldn't discount the possibility it is all misdirection...presumably there is some twist or other, anyway.

District 9 wasn't itself ever Halo; it was a project funded by Peter Jackson et al after the Halo project fell through. All its design work was original and I'm sure the same is true here. There are only so many ways to design a really big space station that rotates for gravity so you could just as easily invoke 2001. The Elysium colony looks stupendous, IMO.
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Aaron Beck (our weapons designer) says:

"The robot design is by the monstrously talented Christian Pearce, he also did lots of other rad stuff for the film, including a dope sub machine gun, a gold plated pistol, some space ships, and heaps more!"

I love that Neill Blomkamp knows how to shoot crisp, clear, colorful scenes of intense, gritty action and set pieces. He doesn't go for the hyper pretentious monochromatic bull crap that damn near every other director does.
New pics of the weapons from SDCC.

oh man i am so onboard for this movie. it's definitely got that BAA vibe to it, and it makes me giddy! i love the aesthetic, and i really love the tech!
Awesome - thanks for posting those!

And for anyone in doubt: ELYSIUM has been rated R by the MPAA for STRONG BLOODY VIOLENCE AND LANGUAGE THROUGHOUT! AWESOME!

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