Elysium Props

Just gonna throw this out there, even though others may have already said it: Elysium is almost a straight rip-off of Battle Angel Alita, right down to the aesthetics.

But wait!
Battle Angel Alita is my favorite sci-fi story of all time. While I acknowledge Elysium is a rip-off, it is not a cheap one. It looks very well thought-out and put together. Blomkamp isn't a slouch. Elysium looks incredibly awesome, so I'm not complaining.
omg.... saw the trailer! i haven't been this excited for a movie since 'inception' and everything about this movie looks amazing! props, sets, cast, story! best movie of the year! calling it right now!
Who's gonna be first to make these suits --- >

Civil Cooperation Bureau - Enforcement Technology
Just gonna throw this out there, even though others may have already said it: Elysium is almost a straight rip-off of Battle Angel Alita, right down to the aesthetics.

It *might* owe a big debt to Alita. I admit that was my first thought after seeing the trailer. You've got the BIIIIG space station, the desolate Earth, the class divisions, the cybernetics.

That's not enough to call 'rip-off' though, when all we have to judge by is a trailer. If Damon's character is a participant in a lethal cyborg spectator sport, then okay fine. :lol
Okaaay, um, watched it again and noticed that town *really* looks like the Scrapyard, and there's apparently a bunch of interplanetary terrorist/revolutionaries backing Damon's assault, so, uhhhh... :lol
It *might* owe a big debt to Alita. I admit that was my first thought after seeing the trailer. You've got the BIIIIG space station, the desolate Earth, the class divisions, the cybernetics.

That's not enough to call 'rip-off' though, when all we have to judge by is a trailer. If Damon's character is a participant in a lethal cyborg spectator sport, then okay fine. :lol

1. Main hero is a cyborg (Damon becomes a cyborg, Alita is a cyborg from the outset).
2. There is a high-tech city in the sky where only the super fortunate are allowed to live.
3. The city in the sky is primarily shaped like a giant circle.
4. All the unfortunate civilians who live on the ground live in a giant pile of garbage.
5. The city in the sky seems to be operated and/or populated mostly by Aryan blondes. Granted, we've only seen Jodie Foster's character, but she looks more Aryan than she does in regular life.
6. The main hero breaks into the city in the sky, or at least has every intention of doing so.

7. If it turns out the city in the sky in Elysium is constantly dumping its garbage onto the ground below, then that's similarity #7.

8. If it turns out the people in the city in the sky are conditioned into conformity, then that's similarity #8.

I've got a real strong feeling numbers 7 and 8 are going to figure into the movie.

Motorball only features in 2 out of 9 volumes.
See my next post - you left out Sharlto's little band. Looks very like Alita's Martians!

Umm, what post? Where? You haven't posted in this thread after the post I'm replying to, and it's almost been an hour. Also, I'm not even sure what you're talking about. Alita doesn't have Martians. She is a Martian, and part of a team of Martians. Is that what you're referring to?
'next after the one you first responded to', is what I meant. Yes, Alita is part of a team of Martians...you don't see the apparent resemblance?
'next after the one you first responded to', is what I meant. Yes, Alita is part of a team of Martians...you don't see the apparent resemblance?

I got ya.

Okaaay, um, watched it again and noticed that town *really* looks like the Scrapyard, and there's apparently a bunch of interplanetary terrorist/revolutionaries backing Damon's assault, so, uhhhh... :lol

Honestly, maybe I didn't pay enough attention, but I thought the main fodder enemies that Matt Damon fought against were robotic drones (humanoid in shape). While Alita's team are cyborgs, they're not strictly antagonists. Tiphares doesn't really deploy ground units, except for The Tuned, which are copies of Alita.

Hmm... it's possible you've read The Last Order, which I have not. I don't consider it canon. I mean, I read one volume, and didn't care much for it. It's too.... much of a money grab. It's as though Yukito Kishiro was egged on to write more. The main series has closure, so I don't really see the point to The Last Order. I don't know if it reveals more about Alita's Martian past, so maybe you know more about that than I do.
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Three classes of robot drones apparently.

Not antagonists? Not following; been a while since I read the comic but as I recall they were outright enemies...?
Yeah, it's been a while since I read the whole series too. But as I recall, Alita's team of Martian cyborgs were definitely sinister, but they didn't have a direct impact on anything related to the "present" conditions of Tiphares or the Scrapyard. They were, as I recall, part of a separate battle from centuries earlier.
Although, I'm getting a recollection of her team betraying her. Even if that renders them enemies, they still don't have the same kind of plot significance as Sharlto Copley's drones.

And like I said in my last post, if there is any similarity, it would be The Tuned, which are copies of Alita.
District 9 was basically a darker Alien Nation. Way I see it is a good movie is a good movie, regardless of where it draws its inspiration, and I've been really excited for this movie ever since it was announced a few years back.

Might try my hand at that modified AK.
I just saw the trailer to this and it looks really awesome. I can't wait to see what other members attempt with replicating the props in it.
My suspicions have been confirmed: Aaron Beck is Elysium's weapons designer:

Aaron Beck

And I quote:

"The trailer for Neill Blomkamp's Elysium has just been released, check it out here, it's ****in rad. It also shows a lot of the stuff I designed for the film, like the exo-skeletal power frames that Matt and Sharlto are wearing, and some weapons (like the ChemRail and my favourite, the Russian air-burst bullet encoder, seen on the AK-47 above). Can't wait to see the film, and to be able to show all the designs I did, which were some of my best work I think, including lots of things that didn't make it into the final script."

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The moment you see those triangular waffles all over the shop you know that it's got to be the same designer, and he used the same barrel shape for the chemrail and the guns carried by the walkers in Avatar. Some people just get stuck in a rut I suppose.
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