Eaglemoss 2 foot Enterprise D

What you have looks beautiful, which makes it that much more heartbreaking. I really hope someone's able to deliver the rest of the parts!
Okay this sucks, however you could do an awesome "crashed" Enterprise scene from Generations. Build a little downed forest runway, some dirt, etc.. Maybe the other parts half blown up in orbit?????


Hopefully an update. In short the company who actually made the parts as "Eaglemoss was the middleman" Named PCT wants to continue however those details are to be determined.

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No more news but SOMEBODY posted a completed video of what it does look like. I commented on the video but it's my opinion somebody at PCT is leaking that they Indeed have all the parts. Unless this was a video of the prototype. I doubt that as the stand was not shown in any of the promotional material but is present in this built video. I did subscribe to see if anymore content from the OP is released. I noticed a few pieces falling off while the hull was being mounted to the stand and it's looks like maybe a few of the emergency hatches from the underside of the hull and some of the metal adhesive vents.

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If and when, they get all the pieces together, I would order it as complete kit like I did with the Deago Falcon.
If and when, they get all the pieces together, I would order it as complete kit like I did with the Deago Falcon.
I agree, I would never do a part work again unless they have it as an entire model in stock to avoid this BS
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So the nexus group who uploaded the video had a live chat today which I attended. They are a group of modelers out of the UK and nice folks. That video was made by PCT to demonstrate how easy it was to assemble the saucer section to the hull because Eaglemoss was getting a lot of concerns from customers about just how hard it was going to be to support the heavy saucer section. So it was a proof of concept video from the manufacturer to the middleman (seller) Eaglemoss. It was a leaked video.

So some thoughts from that group were that its obvious that PCT has ALL the parts and is awaiting if the licensing for worldwide and the US will come through but the administration fiasco for Eaglemoss won't be done until 1Q or 2Q 2023
So the nexus group who uploaded the video had a live chat today which I attended. They are a group of modelers out of the UK and nice folks. That video was made by PCT to demonstrate how easy it was to assemble the saucer section to the hull because Eaglemoss was getting a lot of concerns from customers about just how hard it was going to be to support the heavy saucer section. So it was a proof of concept video from the manufacturer to the middleman (seller) Eaglemoss. It was a leaked video.

So some thoughts from that group were that its obvious that PCT has ALL the parts and is awaiting if the licensing for worldwide and the US will come through but the administration fiasco for Eaglemoss won't be done until 1Q or 2Q 2023

Sorry if I missed it but who/what is PCT? The actual manufacturer of parts?
Received this this morning

Please fill out this form
Eaglemoss Collections By Ixo Collections

As we said in our last message, we came to an agreement with EAGLEMOSS UK liquidators to acquire part of their assets. Since we own the tools of several projects that they were distributing, we will help you to acquire the parts allowing you to finish your collection.

Could you please give us by return all the information about the models you are currently building and for which you have missing parts. This will help us to send you briefly a detailed offer to receive these parts

With best regards

IXO MODELS By Ixo Collections
Customer Service
I wonder if I could say I need everything from issue 2 onward.....and buy issue 1 on ebay? im sneaky like that.
I wonder if I could say I need everything from issue 2 onward.....and buy issue 1 on ebay? im sneaky like that.
At this point I am thinking that maybe an option. If they offer the subscription only I will continue. However, if they offer the entire rest of the kit. I'm all in. I'm at the 65% point. Hopefully the premium acrylic cover and display is still an option as the trifold build the Enterprise tripod looks like crap IMHO. If not I'm sure somebody can build one. Still have heard nothing since forwarding all my info. GC
The latest from IXO models... I tried to log in but I am being challenged with a username password. It's not the 11th yet so that may be the issue. Regardless I have asked the senders of the email for a user name and password for the fanhome site.

Dear Customer,
After we acquired some of the assets of EAGLEMOSS LTD., following their bankruptcy, our priority was to allow the collectors, caught by surprise by the termination of their activity, to be able to finish their model
Since August, you have been thousands to reply us through a dedicated Google Form and allow us to collect all the necessary information about your collection(s)

In parallel, we have been in contact with forwarders, in order to unblock all containers shipped to Eaglemoss since January 2022, and awaiting in different ports all over the world. We also took time to produce all the missing parts to allow you to finish your collection and, last but not the least, we have also been in contact with licensors and publishers involved in these collections, in order to find the best way forward.

All this unfortunately took some time, and we do apologize to have been keeping you waiting so long.

Taking into consideration the different needs of all involved parties and some contractual restrictions, but in order to proceed as quickly as possible with the restart of the shipments, we would like to inform you that, from January 11th, you should contact the following links :

DELOREAN UK : https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/uk/movie-series/delorean-1-8
DELOREAN GERMANY : https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/de/movie-series/delorean-1-8
DELOREAN USA : https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/us/movie-series/delorean-1-8

STAR TREK UK : https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/uk/movie-series/star-trek-model-kit
STAR TREK GERMANY : https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/de/filmreihe/star-trek-modellbausatz
STAR TREK USA : https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/us/movie-series/star-trek-model-kit

GHOSTBUSTERS UK: https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/uk/movie-series/ecto-1-ghostbusters-model-kit
GHOSTBUSTERS GERMANY: https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/de/filmreihe/ecto-1-ghostbusters-auto
GHOSTBUSTERS USA: https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/us/movie-series/ecto-1-ghostbusters-model-kit

MUSTANG ELEANOR UK: https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/uk/movie-series/mustang-eleanor-model-kit
MUSTANG ELEANOR GERMANY: https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/de/filmreihe/mustang-eleanor-modellaut
MUSTANG ELEANOR USA: https://fanhome-sf-preview-qa.herokuapp.com/us/movie-series/mustang-eleanor-model-kit

With all these joint efforts, we hope that you’ll be able to finish your model soon. Don’t hesitate to contact use again if you have any question

With best regards
Customer Service,

This is truly great news for builders that have started different Eaglemoss projects having the opportunity to finish their builds with their support. AWESOME!!
I looked a the Fanhome site already Eleanor is there already hopefully the Enterprise will be there tomorrow. It's not there currently. GC.

IXO answered my email with wait until the 11th. I did email Fanhome and asked for a user name and password