custom emoticon suggestions


Master Member
I am a member of and they have some of the coolest emoticons over there.

For the RPf I'd love to see some custom emoticons.

Smiley spray painting.

Smiley with a dremel.

maybe an animated dremel vibrating around.

Smiley with a gun and a knife.

blade runner blaster.

pulse rifle (they have one over at scifi you could use I'm sure if you asked)

trek phasers.


smiley jedi.

millenium falcon.

I could go on and on. ;)

Most of the current emoticons are a combination of custom made and customized versions of older emoticons so that they try to form a somewhat cohesive set visually. A few are holdovers from the old RPF which I always intended to update...

For whatever it's worth, themed emoticons like phasers, blasters and what not are usually more trouble than they're worth to make them look good (IMHO) compared with how often they wind up being used. That's just my opinion, mind you. I'm picky about visual consistency

I'd be curious to see the forum you're referring to though.


Just my 2 cents
Head on over to and register. They have killer emoticons over there, best I've seen on any board.

Pulse rifle, M-16's, explosions, Rambo, little dancing characters, tons of different ones, lots of guns, most of them animated too.


head on over to,

............and so I did......took a day to get approved, but then I got access to their emoticons,
which I thought were kinda ok,

for example,








which would be fun on the____New Users Intro Thread___(which I still can not find)

and so,

I know I'm a killjoy, but I've never seen the point in some of those more elaborate emoticons. By definition their purpose is to illustrate the emotion you're trying to convey, in case it isn't clear from the wording. To me there's no reason to have an emoticon that says "welcome" or "wow" when you can just type it. As far as character heads, I've never felt the need to use :fettrotj, , or :ninja, as fine a job as robstyle did with them.

Plus, they can be abused...I'm on an animation forum where there are emoticons of dozens of classic characters available. People are using them in PLACE OF the typed out version of the character names. So you'll have stuff like:

"I like that (bugs bunny emoticon) cartoon where (daffy duck emoticon) wants (elmer fudd emoticon) to shoot (bugs bunny emoticon).

Pictography and roman characters mixed together in one sentence makes my brain hurt. They're a lot harder to read (and type) than normal text. Emoticons are supposed to AID communication, not hamper it. ;)

So my personal preference would be not to have emoticons for emoticons sake, but only those that actually help illustrate an emotion or concept being expressed.

That all said, there have been times that I couldn't find an emoticon that quite showed the emotion I wanted. I'll have to start making note of what I'm looking for when that happens again.