Active Member
Hey everyone,
I've recently started work on a custom batsuit, and through research and endless Google searches for information/reference pics I came across the RPF.
Now I've joined, and I've started work on my costume so I figured I should start a thread for my very first WIP!
Firstly, I want to say that this batsuit is sort of an amalgamation of several different batsuit designs. Most Batman fans will probably recognise where the different design elements come from, but I thought I'd write them down anyway:
The cowl and neck are from TDK, I ordered them quite a while ago from iconic-collectibles on eBay. I'll be building my own from scratch eventually, but that's a while off.
The upper chest design (pecs) comes from Batman Begins, but significantly modified by me mostly just to fit me, but also because I wanted a more unique look.
The Bat Symbol on the chest is a more generic symbol, fairly reminiscent of the Jim Lee Hush style, but I'm not too sure exactly which design it is to be honest :\
The abs come from Arkham Origins, as do the biceps and shoulders, although I've modified the shoulders to look a bit more angular.
The belt is a generic ish fabric military style belt, again fairly similar to Jim Lee's style but not quite. This is another part that I'm going to scratch build eventually.
The gauntlets started off as Batman Begins templates and I ended up only keeping the fins and the general shape, and the rest of it is completely drawn from scratch by me.
The boots are generic, called "Gotham hero boots" or some such and were bought from eBay.
I've got a grey set of coveralls from an Australian company called Hard Yakka. They are thick and heavyweight and I think they look great.
The cape is another generic eBay affair.
So, I've made some progress so far. I'm building the armour out of thermoplastic by the way, I'm not sure how common or accepted that is as most people on this site seem to prefer foam or 3D printing. But anyway... So far for the bulk of it I've only got templates as it's taken me a while to design and trim them and it took me a long time to actually find some base templates for the stuff I'm not doing by hand. I've just finished the right gauntlet though, and I'm very happy with how it's turned out:

Here is my plan for the chest:

In the top picture on the right you can see the shoulder template and the biceps template.
I haven't taken any photos of the rest of the stuff (the stuff I just bought) as I didn't think it would be very interesting because there's no progress to be made with them, but now that I've thought about it I think I might take some photos when I get back from the Christmas holidays just so you guys can see what I'm aiming for.
So that's basically it for now, I'll update again just after New Year's as I'm not going to be home until then.Thanks for checking this out guys, I hope you like what I've done so far (even though there's barely any progress so far haha)
I've recently started work on a custom batsuit, and through research and endless Google searches for information/reference pics I came across the RPF.
Now I've joined, and I've started work on my costume so I figured I should start a thread for my very first WIP!
Firstly, I want to say that this batsuit is sort of an amalgamation of several different batsuit designs. Most Batman fans will probably recognise where the different design elements come from, but I thought I'd write them down anyway:
The cowl and neck are from TDK, I ordered them quite a while ago from iconic-collectibles on eBay. I'll be building my own from scratch eventually, but that's a while off.
The upper chest design (pecs) comes from Batman Begins, but significantly modified by me mostly just to fit me, but also because I wanted a more unique look.
The Bat Symbol on the chest is a more generic symbol, fairly reminiscent of the Jim Lee Hush style, but I'm not too sure exactly which design it is to be honest :\
The abs come from Arkham Origins, as do the biceps and shoulders, although I've modified the shoulders to look a bit more angular.
The belt is a generic ish fabric military style belt, again fairly similar to Jim Lee's style but not quite. This is another part that I'm going to scratch build eventually.
The gauntlets started off as Batman Begins templates and I ended up only keeping the fins and the general shape, and the rest of it is completely drawn from scratch by me.
The boots are generic, called "Gotham hero boots" or some such and were bought from eBay.
I've got a grey set of coveralls from an Australian company called Hard Yakka. They are thick and heavyweight and I think they look great.
The cape is another generic eBay affair.
So, I've made some progress so far. I'm building the armour out of thermoplastic by the way, I'm not sure how common or accepted that is as most people on this site seem to prefer foam or 3D printing. But anyway... So far for the bulk of it I've only got templates as it's taken me a while to design and trim them and it took me a long time to actually find some base templates for the stuff I'm not doing by hand. I've just finished the right gauntlet though, and I'm very happy with how it's turned out:

Here is my plan for the chest:

In the top picture on the right you can see the shoulder template and the biceps template.
I haven't taken any photos of the rest of the stuff (the stuff I just bought) as I didn't think it would be very interesting because there's no progress to be made with them, but now that I've thought about it I think I might take some photos when I get back from the Christmas holidays just so you guys can see what I'm aiming for.
So that's basically it for now, I'll update again just after New Year's as I'm not going to be home until then.Thanks for checking this out guys, I hope you like what I've done so far (even though there's barely any progress so far haha)
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