Could Disney finally give us the remastered, unedited Star Wars we want?

I still say alderaan gets the ultimate screw job in the SW universe. Blown up with zero screen time for 28 years, only to get 15 seconds of flying through the forest in ROTS. You wanna make people feel the weight of billions of people dying, show the planet has people on it at some point :) Hell, swap Naboo for Alderaan in 1 and 2 and there you go.... :)

Wouldn't have worked. The death of the Gungans would have been celebrated.
You wanna make people feel the weight of billions of people dying, show the planet has people on it at some point :) Hell, swap Naboo for Alderaan in 1 and 2 and there you go.... :)

Never thought of it that way, I've always just accepted it, but you make a good point.
And yes, technical limitations might've been an issue, since you can't just have a huge explosion go off inches from one of you leads' heads.

James%u00252BCaan%u00252Btollbooth.jpgSometimes your explosions go off on your actors. As they used to on the imperial officers in the detention area, before the special editions nerfed them.
I am currently watching the unaltered original trilogy DVDs included in the 2004 release.

I don't think I gave these DVDs a fair shake. I was aggravated that the quality of the unaltered version was so inferior to the SE versions they were included with. I don't think I even really watched them. Once I saw the presentation, I slammed them back in the case and shelved them, probably with a few choice words regarding GL.

Since then, I have felt the need to suffer through the SE blurays to get my SW fix, trying to ignore the ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC alterations, all the while getting frustrated and angry, and quite honestly severely impacting my love of SW.

But I remembered a time when I was a kid, and all I had was an old VHS copy recorded from a television broadcast ,,,,, and I watched those tapes over and over and over and over. So I decided to give those DVDs another go.

They are not bad!

Don't get me wrong, GL definitely didn't give the fans a fair shake with these versions, but I vastly prefer them to the SE blurays.

The original version just feels right. Just knowing those ASININE additions are not going to pop up as I watch is going a long way toward helping me let go of my hate. I think today is a good day to watch the entire trilogy.

May the Force be with you.
Just look at the cropped-down size of the image (left over from the old TV format). If anyone ever wants proof that GL was giving us the middle finger with the unaltered releases, there it is.

GL is the same guy who used to complain about how much worse SW looked on small TV screens. He knew damn well what he was doing when he left the image that small in the DVDs. And there were no big film restoration costs involved in that issue to excuse it.
I am currently watching the unaltered original trilogy DVDs included in the 2004 release.

I don't think I gave these DVDs a fair shake. I was aggravated that the quality of the unaltered version was so inferior to the SE versions they were included with. I don't think I even really watched them. Once I saw the presentation, I slammed them back in the case and shelved them, probably with a few choice words regarding GL.

Since then, I have felt the need to suffer through the SE blurays to get my SW fix, trying to ignore the ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC alterations, all the while getting frustrated and angry, and quite honestly severely impacting my love of SW.

But I remembered a time when I was a kid, and all I had was an old VHS copy recorded from a television broadcast ,,,,, and I watched those tapes over and over and over and over. So I decided to give those DVDs another go.

They are not bad!

Don't get me wrong, GL definitely didn't give the fans a fair shake with these versions, but I vastly prefer them to the SE blurays.

The original version just feels right. Just knowing those ASININE additions are not going to pop up as I watch is going a long way toward helping me let go of my hate. I think today is a good day to watch the entire trilogy.

May the Force be with you.

As much as I want the OOT on blu ray, I agree with you that the DVDs ARE better than nothing. I would rather watch the unaltered trilogy poorly presented that the SE on blu. I haven't watched the SE since the OOT "bonus" DVD came out, and I'm fine with that. Heck, watching it in low def is how I did it for two decades anyway.

That said, come on Disney.
But I remembered a time when I was a kid, and all I had was an old VHS copy recorded from a television broadcast ,,,,, and I watched those tapes over and over and over and over. So I decided to give those DVDs another go.

Ahh I remember those days with a recorded VHS too. Such memories. :)

Ahh I remember those days with a recorded VHS too. Such memories. :)


Every time I watch ANH when 3po is giving his tractor beam speech, I hear the GoBots theme in my head. I bumped the record button on my VCR remote so my copy has four seconds of a GoBots commercial.
Every time I watch ANH when 3po is giving his tractor beam speech, I hear the GoBots theme in my head. I bumped the record button on my VCR remote so my copy has four seconds of a GoBots commercial.

Ha,money can't buy those sort of memories. :)

View attachment 366662Sometimes your explosions go off on your actors. As they used to on the imperial officers in the detention area, before the special editions nerfed them.

Yeah, but the sequence with Sonny doesn't have an actual explosion (like the smoking craters left in the walls of Mos Eisley spaceport) occur mere inches from one of the lead's head. That's a bit more dangerous, I'd say, than just your average squib.

Regardless, it's pretty clear George didn't actually shoot the scene that way, which suggests that he didn't really want to at the time, or at least didn't think it was doable. And given how he handled the scene still doesn't really work. Missing at point blank range... :facepalm

Just look at the cropped-down size of the image (left over from the old TV format). If anyone ever wants proof that GL was giving us the middle finger with the unaltered releases, there it is.

GL is the same guy who used to complain about how much worse SW looked on small TV screens. He knew damn well what he was doing when he left the image that small in the DVDs. And there were no big film restoration costs involved in that issue to excuse it.

Listen, I regularly take Lucas to task for his decisions, but the 2006 "bonus" discs was intended primarily to combat the appearance of the laserdisc rips that had started cropping up on Ebay at the time. Seeing as how they're identical and all...

In 2006, the OT had already been rescanned and redone as the 2004 SEs. Going back and redoing it would have been expensive and time consuming. More importantly, Lucas did not want the theatrical or even 1993 LD versions viewed as the definitive edition. Lucas has always been a big proponent of creator's rights, and I respect that even if I take the creator to task for their exercise of those rights at times. So, from the perspective of creator's rights, I can see why a creator would care about being able to define what the "true" version of their work is.

Particularly with something like Star Wars, though, I still think the creator has a duty to preserve the version that the audience first saw, rather than a heavily edited version.

Take the "Godfather Saga" -- a televised version of Godfather 1 and 2, shown in chronological order (rather than the parallel sequencing in part 2), which Coppola authorized to raise money for the filming of Apocalypse Now. If he decided "That's it. That's the definitive version," and released it to blu-ray, that'd be fine by me. AS LONG AS he also released the original theatrical versions of Parts 1 and 2. Those films are amazing films, and the regard accorded to them comes from the theatrical versions, not from some curio version that he cobbled together later. Go ahead and release them all, but don't say "No. This is my vision, and it's what everyone has to watch now."
Oh I agree, GL was acting within his creative rights when he gave us the middle finger.

But that's what it was. He had no genuine intention of pleasing the fans who wanted unaltered DVD version.
Oh I agree, GL was acting within his creative rights when he gave us the middle finger.

But that's what it was. He had no genuine intention of pleasing the fans who wanted unaltered DVD version.

Right, but I don't think that was an actual intended middle finger. I think it was literally to kill off a competing market. People were buying ebay rips of the Laserdiscs. Lucas offered the exact same thing. That's it. I don't think it was ever intended to satisfy the fans in terms of giving them exactly what they wanted. I think it was intended strictly as a business decision to capture a revenue stream that he knew wouldn't go away.
Right, but I don't think that was an actual intended middle finger. I think it was literally to kill off a competing market. People were buying ebay rips of the Laserdiscs. Lucas offered the exact same thing. That's it. I don't think it was ever intended to satisfy the fans in terms of giving them exactly what they wanted. I think it was intended strictly as a business decision to capture a revenue stream that he knew wouldn't go away.

Yeah, there is so much emotion and hyperbole surrounding the OT and the OT-SE changes that people begin to assume GL is doing to THEM ON PURPOSE! He's not, he's really not even thinking about YOU, he's thinking about what HE wants in the film he made. It's not personal, but everyone takes it that way.
Do you think...


That GL STILL thinks the SE changes make the movie BETTER? 17 years later?


I think he just let it go... For 4 BILLION.

I can't help but feel that these changes would see several more changes from now till his last day had he not let it go...

I also feel that if he could, and money were no object.... The last incarnation "SE" wouldn't include ANY of the 97 FX....

I know if I were him, and I was THAT adamant that the films were never "done"...

I wouldn't stop now...


Can't believe I bought them honestly.

Yeah, there is so much emotion and hyperbole surrounding the OT and the OT-SE changes that people begin to assume GL is doing to THEM ON PURPOSE! He's not, he's really not even thinking about YOU, he's thinking about what HE wants in the film he made. It's not personal, but everyone takes it that way.
The SE changes were purely for him to see if he could do what he wanted with the prequels. It was a technology test that he got Fox to pay for.
This will probably seem like a silly question but I have a laserdisc box set that comes with a hardbound book. Can't remember the name of it (it's been boxed away for years many years along with my pioneer player, and I'm too lazy to google it... :) Would this be a close to original version people are talking about?
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