Cool Stormtrooper ref pic


Master Member
I was at my local book shop this weekend and found a book called "The George Lucas companion" for a couple of dollars in the bargain bin.Half interested seeing it was only a couple of dollars I decided to buy it.Flicking through it I found this nice big pic of an ESB trooper.I`ve seen many pics from this shoot but not this one and not this big either.Anyway I just thought I`d share.Sorry about the poor scan,it was the best I could do and I`ve uploaded it full size as well. :)

Kind regards

Wow , thanks so much for sharing.

The level fo details is very good.

:thumbsup :thumbsup
Have seen the pic before but NEVER at that res. Thanks so much for sharing. That is GREAT...
Wow. What a great pic. I knew that most of these costumes have seen better days during filming, but MAN. I never realized how bad they look up close. :eek
Seeing this pic, I just noticed something which Ive never noticed before. It looks like the details on the abdomen plate are seperate and glued on. Im no expert on trooper armor, but I don recall ever seeing/hearing such a detail before. Any comments on it from the experts?
Originally posted by Aeryk@Jan 30 2006, 03:44 PM
Seeing this pic, I just noticed something which Ive never noticed before. It looks like the details on the abdomen plate are seperate and glued on.  Im no expert on trooper armor, but I don recall ever seeing/hearing such a detail before.  Any comments on it from the experts?
Well, I'm in no way an expert, but the fact that the abdominal detail is glued on is because all the suits are based on the Sandtrooper design, iirc, which did not have those details (bottons) on the ab-plate. Most "accurate" stormtrooper fan costumes comes with this detail, where you have to glue those pieces on.

Hope that helps. And if I'm completely off, then please, someone who knows more than me, enlighten me too. ,)

Oh yeah, and gizmo: thanks for sharing. Much appreciated.
Great photograph - Thanks for sharing, Gizmo. Check out the detail on the shoulder straps and the ab-detail... very cool stuff... don't see photographs of the ST armour at that resolution/detail too often. Very nice.
Thanks.. I thought the ab detail was part of the abplate on the ROTJ suits.
:eek That's an EXCELLENT pic Gizmo... thanks for sharing.

An original Stormtrooper costume and Carrie Fisher in one pic - it doesn't get any better than that. :love

Originally posted by Funky Jedi@Jan 30 2006, 05:01 AM
Wow.  What a great pic.  I knew that most of these costumes have seen better days during filming, but MAN.  I never realized how bad they look up close.  :eek

Agreed. Goes to show you how "junky" those suits were in person. And reminds you how much the camera hides.

GREAT FIND. I've only seen that pic supper small, you see ALOT of detail in this hi-res pic. THANKS.
Originally posted by Jack Bauer+Jan 30 2006, 02:00 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Bauer @ Jan 30 2006, 02:00 PM)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Funky Jedi
@Jan 30 2006, 05:01 AM
Wow.  What a great pic.  I knew that most of these costumes have seen better days during filming, but MAN.  I never realized how bad they look up close.  :eek

Agreed. Goes to show you how "junky" those suits were in person. And reminds you how much the camera hides.

GREAT FIND. I've only seen that pic supper small, you see ALOT of detail in this hi-res pic. THANKS.

I agree 100% Jack... :) The camera was kind to these suits.......LOL That is a great shot of CF

Very cool, thanks for sharing. Man, that helmet looks huge next to Carrie's tiny head.

And I love how the black paint on the frown skips the one gap -- I thought they painted all ESB helmets solid.

One question: What's this?

Looks likethe cap/backs edge. Or it could be an extra piece of plastic to help fill the gap.

I recon its just filler, they probably did it on the ESB helmets as part of the repaint/redetailing etc.

Great pic btw Gizmo, I wondered if the helmet might have been one of the two sold off at Christies two/three years back (Mollo's and the Patched one) but after compariong photo's it doesnt seem to mtach

