Bruce Lee and Jet Li

Eh, I'm not sure there is any valid test for the question. From the two videos I would venture to say that Bruce was more fun to watch and seemed to move more fluidly, but Jet seemed more efficient and brutal. Neither fight was a real fight per se though, so its impossible to tell who was really a better fighter.
Bruce beat the **** out of Chuck Norris.

Jet Li was pretty much finished off by a 60 year-old Murtaugh.

I've seen movies, I know things.
I think much of it depends on what kind of fight we are talking about. Are we talking competition, or are we talking, "you touched my wife innapropriately now I'm kicking your ass!"?
See, the first one, most skilled, trained matrial artists could probably hold their own. However, when it comes to rage, a true ass-kicking, you have to be able to maintain a level head and still have the strength and will to WANT and INTEND to hurt someone...badly.
If it's in a competition, I'd say Jet.
In a "only one man walks away", I'd say Bruce, hands down. I'm very much of the opinion, that Bruce has the heart to hurt, Jet does not.
I love both those guys. It's a shame about Brandon as I was a big fan of his.
I think it was on the Lethal Weapon 4 DVD that Mel Gibson said something about having Jet fight at a slower speed because it was too hard to film him at full speed or something like that. Or maybe he meant they couldn't have a realistic fight scene if we went all out on them.
Bruce beat the **** out of Chuck Norris.

Jet Li was pretty much finished off by a 60 year-old Murtaugh.

I've seen movies, I know things.
I chuckled a bit.

Seriously though, Lee took martial arts to a whooooole different realm. He broke tradition and the stodgy old "forms". The big problem I have with Jeet Kun Do though is this: Bruce Lee had a phenomenal understanding of physiology and the martial arts. He had a foundation to build from. Most people don't. I admit that I have never practiced JKD, but in my mind, you would have to at least have a good foundation to build JKD onto.

Jet Li is great with Wushu though.
Bruce would totaly "own" Jet. Whenever judgment day comes and our government takes Bruce out of cryo-freeze you'll see. You'll all see:lol
Jet Li is a style based martial artist, not saying that is a bad thing. But it does lead to the originator vs. follower argument. We cant really answer the question of a pure fight between the 2, one hypothetical is the fighters dont exist in the same era. Advancements in nutrition science and weight lifting drastically help jet li, in speed and power. Evoulution of techniques has granted Jet li great abilities. No fight record for either fighters so that we could compare feasable scoring.

In the long run there is far too much ambugity and too little fight data to answer the question.

A better question would be who has done more for martial arts?

Semi-ot a better match up would be jackie chan vs. jet li.
I have to say fighting is a flip of the coin if you remove all limitations and go no rules... It doesn't matter how well trained you are or if you are the best at anything, a big ol' farm boy with no formal training could win the fight against all odds as well as a highly trained martial arts expert in a no rules contest...
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Okay, is there footage of Bruce Lee and Jet Li doing REAL fighting? Whats with the movie clips? I want to see these guys really going at it while doing actual training stuff. Not planned out stuff.