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Time for round two...
after finishing the repair and painting of my ADI queen crown: ADI AvP Queen test casting, repair and modification is now time to see about a face.
This was not part of the original plan! I bought the crown as a standalone piece, and I'm totally content to allow it to be so. However this Hansing head, verified by him via Instagram, pretty much fell into my lap and I couldn't pass it up.
Which is not to say that I knew what to do with it! Of course it stands to reason that one might combine it with a crown and make a more full head display out of the two. But there are a few reasons why I might not want to do that: 1) They were produced by different companies, and I want to ensure that proper respect is paid to each, 2) They are from different movies and while similar are not the same creature, 3) They [should not be] the same size so as to fit together - the Aliens queen was much smaller than the AvP queen.
That being said, from my early test fitting (prior to beginning work on the crown) I was surprised that they looked pretty good together. The Hansing face has a sort of wall plaque behind it, and that hindered test fitment to a degree.
And yes, I know it is missing teeth. The seller did not know (for certain) its pedigree and it sounded like maybe he was the third owner. It had seen better days. And also it seems that the teeth were originally fixed in place with hot glue! Which isn't very good at holding smooth hard things together, so it's no surprise that some teeth fell out. I have all of them, and they will all go back on no problem...but my intent is to strip off all the hot glue and re-sculpt the gum details around them using epoxy putty.
But back to the now...I took a saw to the plaque.
And now the test fit is a lot more accurate. Although the depth of the jaw will necessitate pushing the lower part of the crown about 12" off the wall. I have some ideas on how to do that, but it would be important to double-check the security of the hanging wire.
If they hang together then I would paint the face to match ADI's paint on the crown. If they don't hang together another option would be to simply repaint the face like Aliens and hang it separately, maybe over by the tail. Or perhaps below the crown but facing forward. I'm open to ideas.
In the mean time there is work to be done. LOTS of sanding, to smooth out the cuts from the backing plate and to remove some errant hot glue tendrils that were used as minor details from the plate to the face.
Then epoxy putty to fill gaps and seal the raw edges of the MDF (of LDF?).
Then lots more sanding!
Then I signed it, WAY prematurely. Traditionally I would never sign before completion. But it forces my hand to finish the job, and also I wanted to document that it was Bruce's work, revised by me, so there would be no confusion in the future. And I wanted to leave the original MDF visually exposed where it won't be seen because I like seeing the original materials when possible. I then sealed it with some Liquitex Gloss Medium (NOT High Gloss Varnish) because the medium will make it impenetrable to moisture but will allow gases to pass. This will ensure that there is no future buckling of that board from dissimilar moisture levels and also no bubbling if the interior fiberglass continues to offgas.
Then even MORE sanding. After finishing the ADI crown I wanted to have the face's finish quality closer to ADI's. And while a certain "hand of the creator" wabisabi is desirable, there were defects that needed to be ironed out. And the existing paint was of questionable integrity after so many years, so I wanted a good tooth for the primer to bite on.
The teeth will be addressed after I am satisfied with the priming and sanding. There is some unfortunate slime goop in the mouth and on some teeth which seems to be an epoxy. I won't be able to get rid of it, and it's clear(ish) so I need to make sure I don't accidentally spray it or the teeth. So here is a pic where it sort of looks like it's wearing a retainer.
Some pics after priming.
After priming I noticed a lot more, smaller, defects. This led to a lot of time spent with various files and nippers cutting and shaving away unwanted distractions. As example, this recess between lip bulges, before:
And after:
That was just the first little area I attacked, quite a few hours of nitpicking followed. Here is a pic of the side of the jaw.
Much more to come...
And to reiterate: I am open to ideas about display options with or without proximity to the crown.
after finishing the repair and painting of my ADI queen crown: ADI AvP Queen test casting, repair and modification is now time to see about a face.
This was not part of the original plan! I bought the crown as a standalone piece, and I'm totally content to allow it to be so. However this Hansing head, verified by him via Instagram, pretty much fell into my lap and I couldn't pass it up.
Which is not to say that I knew what to do with it! Of course it stands to reason that one might combine it with a crown and make a more full head display out of the two. But there are a few reasons why I might not want to do that: 1) They were produced by different companies, and I want to ensure that proper respect is paid to each, 2) They are from different movies and while similar are not the same creature, 3) They [should not be] the same size so as to fit together - the Aliens queen was much smaller than the AvP queen.
That being said, from my early test fitting (prior to beginning work on the crown) I was surprised that they looked pretty good together. The Hansing face has a sort of wall plaque behind it, and that hindered test fitment to a degree.
And yes, I know it is missing teeth. The seller did not know (for certain) its pedigree and it sounded like maybe he was the third owner. It had seen better days. And also it seems that the teeth were originally fixed in place with hot glue! Which isn't very good at holding smooth hard things together, so it's no surprise that some teeth fell out. I have all of them, and they will all go back on no problem...but my intent is to strip off all the hot glue and re-sculpt the gum details around them using epoxy putty.
But back to the now...I took a saw to the plaque.
And now the test fit is a lot more accurate. Although the depth of the jaw will necessitate pushing the lower part of the crown about 12" off the wall. I have some ideas on how to do that, but it would be important to double-check the security of the hanging wire.
If they hang together then I would paint the face to match ADI's paint on the crown. If they don't hang together another option would be to simply repaint the face like Aliens and hang it separately, maybe over by the tail. Or perhaps below the crown but facing forward. I'm open to ideas.
In the mean time there is work to be done. LOTS of sanding, to smooth out the cuts from the backing plate and to remove some errant hot glue tendrils that were used as minor details from the plate to the face.
Then epoxy putty to fill gaps and seal the raw edges of the MDF (of LDF?).
Then lots more sanding!
Then I signed it, WAY prematurely. Traditionally I would never sign before completion. But it forces my hand to finish the job, and also I wanted to document that it was Bruce's work, revised by me, so there would be no confusion in the future. And I wanted to leave the original MDF visually exposed where it won't be seen because I like seeing the original materials when possible. I then sealed it with some Liquitex Gloss Medium (NOT High Gloss Varnish) because the medium will make it impenetrable to moisture but will allow gases to pass. This will ensure that there is no future buckling of that board from dissimilar moisture levels and also no bubbling if the interior fiberglass continues to offgas.
Then even MORE sanding. After finishing the ADI crown I wanted to have the face's finish quality closer to ADI's. And while a certain "hand of the creator" wabisabi is desirable, there were defects that needed to be ironed out. And the existing paint was of questionable integrity after so many years, so I wanted a good tooth for the primer to bite on.
The teeth will be addressed after I am satisfied with the priming and sanding. There is some unfortunate slime goop in the mouth and on some teeth which seems to be an epoxy. I won't be able to get rid of it, and it's clear(ish) so I need to make sure I don't accidentally spray it or the teeth. So here is a pic where it sort of looks like it's wearing a retainer.
Some pics after priming.
After priming I noticed a lot more, smaller, defects. This led to a lot of time spent with various files and nippers cutting and shaving away unwanted distractions. As example, this recess between lip bulges, before:
And after:
That was just the first little area I attacked, quite a few hours of nitpicking followed. Here is a pic of the side of the jaw.
Much more to come...
And to reiterate: I am open to ideas about display options with or without proximity to the crown.
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