Bruce Hansing Queen face repair and modification

She looks Amazing!
In regards to the tendons have you maybe thought about recasting those sections in a clear rubber or even silicone sealant..
Super flexible and open to pigmentation if desired ?

- Thanks guys!

Only briefly. Aside from not having any molding or casting experience (yet), I really don't want to physically change Bruce Hansing's casting. I did a LOT of cleanup, because the paint was partially damaged and some teeth were broken off, but I tried to keep Bruce's sculpt intact and true to his original work.

Cutting out the tendons and making my own...well then I might as well just make it look like the Aliens or Resurrection queens. But Bruce's tendon sculpt is unique, and the crown paint scheme I serendipitously inherited is similarly unique. Neither are canonical, which put me in an unusual position of being able to create something new without disrespecting the pedigree of the pieces.
Here are the Pshopped test hang pics.

On the green side I increased the silver area of the tendons, and did a more sophisticated blending of colors through the brown/aqua/green tones to help integrate the tendons but also hint a difference toward the lips.
23,02-04, green pshop.jpg

On the blue side I mostly changed the bottom transition points of the main tendon, making it more irregular and a little more extended. Then I also changed the refraction color from aqua to brown, blending to aqua away from the lightest area. I think this sells translucency a little better.
23,02-04. blue pshop.jpg

Then it was time to do it for real. Starting, of course, with more silver drybrushing!
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And then more silver drybrushing.
23,02-04 (3)more silver drybrushing.jpg

Then airbrushing clear brown.
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I actually started drybrushing the Freak Flex clear brown on the green side, extending it far further down the tendon, to help separate that texture from the jaw's. I was very surprised how well it drybrushed, and that you could lay it on slightly wet and feather it easily too.
23,02-04 (6)airbrushing brown.jpg

Then brown (Tamiya, not Freak Flex) edge highlighting. I really liked how this made the tendons look thinner, less tree bark-like. And how the brown over aqua blended into a sophisticated color.

And that's it, I think the tendons are done! It suddenly looked "whole" to me.
23,02-04 (7)brown edge highlighting.jpg

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On to the clearcoat...but how? I hadn't painted the underside of the head yet. But I really wanted to protect the paint that I have applied. So I decided to hang it, clear the existing paint, then later I'll paint the underside and hang it again to clear the whole head.

I threw some paracord up over my lift's truss, and a truckers hitch around a lift arm. Seemed to work.
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Used Upol clear again. Seems to have cleared really well. Definitely comes "alive" with clear!
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The last day.

Dean is not having a good day. I used this old, very soft, shirt to protect the finish while I flipped the head over to paint the underside.
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I started by doing a little revision on this tube type area. I thought it read as a little too steampunk so I brought more aqua in places. Seems more integrated now.
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Started with aqua (Jade, to be accurate), pulled colors around the corner and figured out where I wanted them to feather in the middle. I tried keeping the termination points a bit staggered and natural.
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Dark green and black were next, continuing the green side.
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Then black on the blue side. As you can see by the pic below (which looks less finished than the pic above), the angle of the light changes the perceived values a LOT. You have to keep moving your head to change the angle of incidence to check your work.
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Clearcoat time, just a single coat is fine for the bottom. It'll probably never be seen again. This will also be a second coat for the sides and top.
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I put a diaper on the crown. Kinda. The unfinished fiberglass of the underside is a bit rough. Didn't want to scratch the head installing it.
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Possibly the last time I'll see the head's crown, I really like how it turned out.
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And just like's done.
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What a wonderful thing to look at everyday when you come home... that's what it's all about. ...Makes me feel good just knowing you get to enjoy it every day.
- Thanks guys!

Only briefly. Aside from not having any molding or casting experience (yet), I really don't want to physically change Bruce Hansing's casting. I did a LOT of cleanup, because the paint was partially damaged and some teeth were broken off, but I tried to keep Bruce's sculpt intact and true to his original work.

Cutting out the tendons and making my own...well then I might as well just make it look like the Aliens or Resurrection queens. But Bruce's tendon sculpt is unique, and the crown paint scheme I serendipitously inherited is similarly unique. Neither are canonical, which put me in an unusual position of being able to create something new without disrespecting the pedigree of the pieces.
The finished piece looks Amazing!
Thanks guys! I was kinda in that postpartum phase for about a day, apparently I really enjoyed the process of working on this one, bummed it was over. Then the chore of cleaning up and putting tools away. Nice to have the space freed up least until I work on the egg. Might focus on some smaller not-props projects as a break, I'll share on therpf as appropriate.

As always, if there's any part of the process that I didn't document or that you want to know more about, just ask. I don't have any secret techniques. Ask in this thread so it can be shared.

And if you want to see the queen in person, PM me. (and no, she's not for sale)
I had a thought today: She needs a name. Because at some point I'm going to die and some time after that she'll end up at auction somewhere. All the other Aliens stuff is easily referenced by movie title, but my queen is a composite of two things related to two different productions but not actually part of any production. And made by two different companies, then finished by a third [unhinged] individual. So at this point I think she is an art piece. And art needs a title.

How do we feel about "The Green Queen"?
I had a thought today: She needs a name. Because at some point I'm going to die and some time after that she'll end up at auction somewhere. All the other Aliens stuff is easily referenced by movie title, but my queen is a composite of two things related to two different productions but not actually part of any production. And made by two different companies, then finished by a third [unhinged] individual. So at this point I think she is an art piece. And art needs a title.

How do we feel about "The Green Queen"?
I'd go with the "Scream Queen" meself;)