Active Member
- Thanks guys!She looks Amazing!
In regards to the tendons have you maybe thought about recasting those sections in a clear rubber or even silicone sealant..
Super flexible and open to pigmentation if desired ?
Only briefly. Aside from not having any molding or casting experience (yet), I really don't want to physically change Bruce Hansing's casting. I did a LOT of cleanup, because the paint was partially damaged and some teeth were broken off, but I tried to keep Bruce's sculpt intact and true to his original work.
Cutting out the tendons and making my own...well then I might as well just make it look like the Aliens or Resurrection queens. But Bruce's tendon sculpt is unique, and the crown paint scheme I serendipitously inherited is similarly unique. Neither are canonical, which put me in an unusual position of being able to create something new without disrespecting the pedigree of the pieces.