Bandai 1/72 PG Millennium Falcon (also the Revell Germany rebox)

Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

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Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

I have a question about adding the extra gear boxes. As I understand it, the 32-inch model has different gear boxes, maybe because it was built that way from ground up. When they added the boxes to the 5-foot model, I don't think they line up quite the same. The way I picture it, one the 32-incher, the outer edges of the front boxes line up with the outer edges of the rear gear box. And that's how I think it is on the FM kit and the DeAgo kit. But on the 5-footer, I don't think it worked out this way. I think the rear box is not as wide as the 32-incher. So adding gear boxes on this Bandai kit will mean the front and back won't quite match or it will be inaccurate. Is that about the size of it.

And I know I'm not the only one who hopes for an ESB ship down the road. It can be without the electronics, ESB, and close to the FM original price--as most/all of the the other Bandai kits are nearly the same exact price as the FM counterpart. And I may not get to this model for a while, giving Bandai a chance to get me what I really want.
Mike Todd

Yes indeed,'s an illustration i did using the Crackerjazz Crayola image,....overlaying the additional landing gear housing boxes......which were constructed partially over the maintenance new much smaller bays were made with entirely new greeblies inside

The new digital asset for TFA & TLJ has the maintenance bays moved even further out & are now symmetrical with mirrored greeblies inside

View attachment 5-footer Falcon Bottom View.jpg

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Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

The frequent use of the terms "ESB ship", "ESB version", "ESB edition" in the context of hoping for a 5 landing gear version makes me wonder.
Is it the kit of the 5 foot model retrofitted with gear boxes, which had very limited screen appearance in ESB, that is precisely being hoped for ? Is it the gear boxes that are so important ?
Or is it the 1/72 Perfect Grade incarnation of the 32 inch model, which was used in the most memorable Falcon scenes in the ESB, that is truely wanted by those hoping for an "ESB ship" ?

As much as I like the 5 foot model in its original 3 landing gear state, for me, it is the 32 inch model with the slimmer proportion and the longer cockpit cone that I associate with the film ESB. Of course, that is my very personal view.
Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

The frequent use of the terms "ESB ship", "ESB version", "ESB edition" in the context of hoping for a 5 landing gear version makes me wonder.
Is it the kit of the 5 foot model retrofitted with gear boxes, which had very limited screen appearance in ESB, that is precisely being hoped for ? Is it the gear boxes that are so important ?
Or is it the 1/72 Perfect Grade incarnation of the 32 inch model, which was used in the most memorable Falcon scenes in the ESB, that is truely wanted by those hoping for an "ESB ship" ?

As much as I like the 5 foot model in its original 3 landing gear state, for me, it is the 32 inch model with the slimmer proportion and the longer cockpit cone that I associate with the film ESB. Of course, that is my very personal view.

It's all down to personal taste,....I'm not a fan of the 32"....It was built in a hurry, painted with less care,....decals represented with hand drawn shapes,.....never seen in the film without motion blur except for the shot on the back of the Star Destroyer & hanging on the Medical Frigate.....the 5 footer was the beauty model,....that everything else is based on,...thats why ILM have gone back to that source for the new films & not the lower quality stunt model

I couldn't be happier ....(well I could if I could afford the PG 72 at the minute)....I'm glad that Bandai have made the model of the original, well crafted, sleeker 3 gear Star Wars model,....I prefer her this way, the ship I fell in love with in '77

Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

It's all down to personal taste,....I'm not a fan of the 32"....It was built in a hurry, painted with less care,....decals represented with hand drawn shapes,.....never seen in the film without motion blur except for the shot on the back of the Star Destroyer & hanging on the Medical Frigate.....the 5 footer was the beauty model,....that everything else is based on,...thats why ILM have gone back to that source for the new films & not the lower quality stunt model

I couldn't be happier ....(well I could if I could afford the PG 72 at the minute)....I'm glad that Bandai have made the model of the original, well crafted, sleeker 3 gear Star Wars model,....I prefer her this way, the ship I fell in love with in '77


For me, it isn't so much about whether it's a kit based on the 5-footer or the 32-incher. I just like the extra boxes as a way to make it seem balanced front-to-back. I think I was heavily influenced at the time by the Kenner toy that I had. The thing has all kinds of proportion issues, sure. But it over-exagerated the thickness overall in the back. When I first saw ESB in the theaters, I couldn't really "get" why I thought this ship I was ho-hum about was suddenly bad arse. Oh, to be able to just come home and do a google images search in those days. At the time, I didn't even understand the nature of making a toy all cockeyed to make figures be able to stand up. But even then, as a kid, I wondered why (what I thought of as) 90 percent of the ship is held up by one single gear and the other "tiny" portion with two double gears. Engineering and fantasy aside, it just didn't make sense.

Or so I thought. I think I much prefer--regarding the boxes--the 32-incher as it lines everything up. I didn't even think about it until I started flying the top and bottom halves of the FM kit around my living room (and bedrooms, and bathrooms, and garage, and laundry room, and walk-in closets, and non-walk-in closets, etc.). I started looking at all these angles. The back and front line up in pretty much every way possible and makes so much sense. I guess I'd rather have a Bandai based on the the 32-incher in 72nd scale. But that really, really is a new kit. Not a new sprue. Anyway, I'll get this new kit (already pre-ordered at my friend Amazon) in case it really is limited, and hope for my holy grail. And all respect to those of you for whom this kit ALREADY is your holy grail. Congratulations.
Mike Todd
Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

It's all down to personal taste,....I'm not a fan of the 32"....It was built in a hurry, painted with less care,....decals represented with hand drawn shapes,.....never seen in the film without motion blur except for the shot on the back of the Star Destroyer & hanging on the Medical Frigate.....the 5 footer was the beauty model,....that everything else is based on,...thats why ILM have gone back to that source for the new films & not the lower quality stunt model

I couldn't be happier ....(well I could if I could afford the PG 72 at the minute)....I'm glad that Bandai have made the model of the original, well crafted, sleeker 3 gear Star Wars model,....I prefer her this way, the ship I fell in love with in '77

But I love that shot on the frigate. It might be the best falcon shot in the series

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Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

But I love that shot on the frigate. It might be the best falcon shot in the series

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I love it too,....but you can see, at that closeness, the lack of detail,....while you start to switches scene

Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

I'm still waiting to get my model. I think it is brilliant, and I don't care if it is short 2 landing gear or not.

It's funny to me, but most of us have been hoping for a model Falcon that is this well-researched and crafted by (arguably) one of the finest commercial model making companies in the world, and everyone is nitpicking it. It seems that pointing out what it is not, rather than what it is, is what we do best when we should be grateful for what we are getting. When you get your model, build it to suit your taste and then show photos of your creation so we can ooh and ahh over it. Don't squirrel it away in a closet like some do, just to say you have one.
Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

Pointing out what it's not or its flaws is the way we make it better. I personally know that this model is acceptional and knowing its flaws before I get it saves me a lot of time.

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Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

It's all down to personal taste,....I'm not a fan of the 32"....It was built in a hurry, painted with less care,....decals represented with hand drawn shapes,.....never seen in the film without motion blur except for the shot on the back of the Star Destroyer & hanging on the Medical Frigate.....the 5 footer was the beauty model,....that everything else is based on,...thats why ILM have gone back to that source for the new films & not the lower quality stunt model

Actually, the miniature on the back of the Star destroyer is the tiny (“3 incher”?) one, and the miniature hanging off of the medical Frigate was the “10 incher” (or “8 incher”, depending on who you ask).

Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

Actually, the miniature on the back of the Star destroyer is the tiny (“3 incher”?) one, and the miniature hanging off of the medical Frigate was the “10 incher” (or “8 incher”, depending on who you ask).


Don't be misinformed. Both scenes used the 32" Falcon. I remember seeing it in one of my Star Wars (Chronicles / Sculpting a Galaxy?)books.
Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

Actually you're both right. The 3in and 8in models were used for the long shots, but the 32in was used for the close ups.
Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

Gundam USA told me mid-October. If I have to wait longer, I weel keel myseff!!
Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

Lucasfilm sent me a review kit, and I'll be approaching it from a "I love the original five footer and I build studio scale models" perspective. From a cursory glance of the enormous amount of parts for a styrene sci-fi kit, this thing is insanely perfect. Bandai did their research, as well or even better than a lot of RPFers (they also had access to the model, so there was an advantage, lol). The engineering on this thing is also stunning. Slide molded parts mean a level of detail usually reserved for the military/armor kits/fans.

Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

Gundam USA told me mid-October. If I have to wait longer, I weel keel myseff!!

On a glorious day very soon, Gundam USA is going to send out a bunch of emails saying, "You're order has shipped." And gallons of happy tears will be shed across the country.
Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

If that's true, I will stock up on tissue in anticipation of the forthcoming deluge.:)
Re: Bandai 1/72 Millennium Falcon

I went the Amazon route. Showing Oct 31 release with Nov 6 to Nov 10 delivery (I picked the free shipping option instead of paying for overnight or 2 day shipping)