Avengers: Age of Ultron (Pre-release)

Ok... what's with people's obsession with Deadpool?

I found him so lame when reading his comics... Is there some that i'm missing out that show's why people like him?

Clearly, you never read this scene:


Not to mention, how many superheroes are insane or stupid enough to do this to Wolverine?

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:lol Seen it and found it funny & dumb :lol

How about the fact that no matter how hard you try, you can't kill him. Hell, you can split him in half and he still kicks ass. Plus, he's a real ladies' man.

Just ask Rogue.

Or even ask Mistress Death.

And before anyone says "Batman is better because he's got a tragic life..."


Hell, he'd whip Batman's ass. Not only that, how many superheroes do you know love tacos and chimichangas?

Deadpool is an everliving killing machine and is pretty awesome in his own way (just as much as Spider-Man is cool in his own way, how Tony Stark is cool in his own way, or even how any Marvel characters are cool in their own ways).
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But if John Rambo got decapitated like this...


...it wouldn't matter how much bad attitude he has. :lol

Seriously, Deadpool's healing factor is awesome. Like I said, you can split him in half (and I mean literally in half) and he won't die. He's been shot, stabbed, cut in half, decapitated, head twisted around on his neck... Seriously, the list of injuries he's had would be thick enough that if Batman dropped it on his foot, they'd have to amputate it because all the bones would be smashed to dust.

Plus, he's handled himself well with others. I mean, he and Cable teamed up for a while, he was a member for X-Force, became a member of Thunderbolts, teamed up with Thor once, was a member of the X-Men (though they were really reluctant to do so) and saved the Marvel Multiverse by creating the Deadpool Corps, which included Lady Deathpool, Kidpool, Dogpool and Headpool.

Also, he's the only Marvel character that knows he's in a comic book while the other characters often have no idea what the hell he's talking about.





Seriously, there's a whole list of why everyone should love him.

But if I haven't been able to convince you, oh well. You can always stick to Spider-Man. :lol
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