Ash vs. Evil Dead (TV Series)

First paper prop from the TV show for my collection. Books from Beyond business cards. Unfortunately I had to order 100 of these :/ :D (anyone want some?), and did so while inebriated. I should have made the yellow brighter!, and the difference in size between US and Europe bus. card sizes, I couldn't fit the full card on to the vista print template. And when I could, the ******* site kept cutting it out over and over :/

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Lots of possibly easy props from the show so far. Would love to get my hands on one of the Trailer park signs:

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Just watched the recent episode. I thought it was pretty good, and can't wait to see the next episode.

Well, now we get a clear idea on why Ruby is after Ash. I just find it funny that she blames Ash for killing her parents (similar to how Annie did when she turned up at the cabin) and killing Annie (am I the only one who found it ironic that Ruby was holding her sister's killer in her own hands, and didn't even realize it?).

Seeing the chase sequence was nice. For once we actually get to see what the Evil force looks likes (or sort of look like). And it appears Ash got some NOS installed in the Delta (which he probably got installed after the last time he tried to outrun evil in the Delta). Of course, we see a bit of the fallout from the last episode. There's a bit of a continuity issue (Ash mentioned him and his friends going up to the cabin, and then, while on his vision quest, he says he took a girl to a cabin. Is this flip-flopping between the two versions of the beginning or does Ash mean that he took Linda along with his friends up to the cabin.

And now we see Pablo working on a new hand for Ash (which I'm surprised Ash didn't have sooner). Seriously, Pablo wiring together electronics to make him a new hand? He must have learned how to do that from working in the electronics department or from having to repair his gaming system (he seems like the kind of guy to have figured out how to repair things himself instead of throwing them away and buying a new one like most people these days).

Also, I love that in the brief internal fight of Ash's head, we got to see the cabin once more. And I've got a feeling we're about to see it again (as there's a mention of "burying the book deep below where your journey began. Anyone whose seen the films would know it began at the cabin).

Can't wait for the next episode.
Kelly will be the biggest threat. Ash, in his drug induced dream was able to 'see' the demon for what it is. Perhaps Kelly will have to die and be brought back for her to be rid of the demon? The talking lizard was a scream too.
Don't be. I suspect the whole eyes sewn shut thing is a part of some sort of voodoo hallucination he has while visiting Pedro's uncle. You know, a vision quest kinda thing.
Are you sure, you're not one of the demons summoned by Ash? That was pretty much hitting the nail on its head.
Just watched the recent episode. I thought it was pretty good, and can't wait to see the next episode.

Well, now we get a clear idea on why Ruby is after Ash. I just find it funny that she blames Ash for killing her parents (similar to how Annie did when she turned up at the cabin) and killing Annie (am I the only one who found it ironic that Ruby was holding her sister's killer in her own hands, and didn't even realize it?).

Seeing the chase sequence was nice. For once we actually get to see what the Evil force looks likes (or sort of look like). And it appears Ash got some NOS installed in the Delta (which he probably got installed after the last time he tried to outrun evil in the Delta). Of course, we see a bit of the fallout from the last episode. There's a bit of a continuity issue (Ash mentioned him and his friends going up to the cabin, and then, while on his vision quest, he says he took a girl to a cabin. Is this flip-flopping between the two versions of the beginning or does Ash mean that he took Linda along with his friends up to the cabin.

And now we see Pablo working on a new hand for Ash (which I'm surprised Ash didn't have sooner). Seriously, Pablo wiring together electronics to make him a new hand? He must have learned how to do that from working in the electronics department or from having to repair his gaming system (he seems like the kind of guy to have figured out how to repair things himself instead of throwing them away and buying a new one like most people these days).

Also, I love that in the brief internal fight of Ash's head, we got to see the cabin once more. And I've got a feeling we're about to see it again (as there's a mention of "burying the book deep below where your journey began. Anyone whose seen the films would know it began at the cabin).

Can't wait for the next episode.
Yeah, that continuity issue is little confusing, I wish they had stuck by one version, but I guess they wanted something to connect with Ash's friends as well as the arrival of Annie Knowby, so that Ruby could be written into AvED. I wouldn't know how to cram it in either without sacrificing one or another movie… since unfortunately as I read AoD is totally out of loop.
I've got to say, I was really disappointed to see the Evil chasing the car. That was one of the things I've LOVED about this franchise- you never see the 'monster', & when you see the people it's chasing, it's silent. All we get is the terror on their faces. Plus, the fact that when we see them being chased (not from the Evil's POV), there's no noise from it, almost like it's giving you the idea it might all be in their heads.

Still a solid show, just wish they hadn't done that.
I've got to say, I was really disappointed to see the Evil chasing the car. That was one of the things I've LOVED about this franchise- you never see the 'monster', & when you see the people it's chasing, it's silent. All we get is the terror on their faces. Plus, the fact that when we see them being chased (not from the Evil's POV), there's no noise from it, almost like it's giving you the idea it might all be in their heads.

Still a solid show, just wish they hadn't done that.

I"m going to think of it as just whipping up lots of dust, but with things so crazy it could still be in their heads.

teaser for the next one...

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Just watched the second and third installments. The second was a blast! I about wet myself during the fight in the car I was laughing so hard. The third show was a bit tame. Really enjoying this.
Anyone have a translation of that last message from Brujo tonight?

And there you have it kids, smoking dope is like putting a shotgun in your mouth.



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Just saw it. Not bad an episode. Glad to see Ash learning to become a better badass than he was before. Is it just me or is Ash's new mechanical hand invoke a similar look the gauntlet from AoD?
Just saw it. Not bad an episode. Glad to see Ash learning to become a better badass than he was before. Is it just me or is Ash's new mechanical hand invoke a similar look the gauntlet from AoD?

It's a slightly weaker episode, but didn't hurt the overall arc, liked the continuation of the Eligos posession and the finding Ash's inner answer. It's not the whole answer, but I guess, it will be revealed bit by bit, when the trio encounters more powerful demons. I hope Eligos is only removed from the physical plane and not forever. Pablo and Kelly, OTP!

Ash's new hand - definitely harkening back to AoD, with more extras, it's the Power Hand 2.0.
The wheel is slowly meeting the highway.

Now, There appears to be more than meets the eye with Ruby. Pablo and Kelly seems ackward, even more so after what happened the last episode. We got some action from the Necronomicon (what is it about that necklace does the book like/not like?). Glad to see the cop finally on the right side of things. And Kelly certainly doesn't seem shy at killing Deadites now.
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