Time Bandits (Apple TV series)


Master Member

That's not the New Time Bandits Show.......It's the New Snow White and the Inclusive Dwarfs Show..... :lol::lol::lol:
Is it the 5 white characters out of 6 that makes this inclusive? Or that you can tell their sexual orientation or gender identification from the picture?
That 2 children are dwarves?

I'm just trying to figure out your comment.
That's not the New Time Bandits Show.......It's the New Snow White and the Inclusive Dwarfs Show..... :lol::lol::lol:
Considering Disney shared a picture of that shows they replaced those actors with CG versions of the original Dwarfs from the animated film, this statement makes a lot of sense. XD
Terry Gilliam walking off of the set probably told me all that I needed to know.
It is difficult to imagine being pleasantly surprised by this show. And the photo doesn't do anything to allay any concerns.
Terry Gilliam walking off of the set probably told me all that I needed to know.
It is difficult to imagine being pleasantly surprised by this show. And the photo doesn't do anything to allay any concerns.
I actually couldn't give a damn what that dinosaur thinks... He's stuck in the past and has made his choices on refusing to evolve.

In other words, big deal. His praise on anything modern is hardly a grand endorsement of what's good.

As for the series itself, I'll watch it and hope it's heavy on comedy and adventure. That they intentionally make it hokey enough to parallel some of that 1981 style of humour while making it modern. A series like Ghosts proves that modern humour works very well. That you can still have well written juvenile crass without being bigoted, misogynistic or just mean to people.

Or it'll be more ****** tv with lousy plots, ****** dialogue, and loads of crying. I'll give it an episode.
It wouldn't surprise me that Gilliam walked off the set.

What makes Time Bandits enduring is the love in Terry Gilliam's very personal vision. It is apparent even in his most eccentric films.

If Taika Waititi had the same creative vision he would have made an original work. Gilliam is Rembrandt. Waititi is just some graffiti "artist."
I'd think it is simply the date on that web page that is wrong.

The licensing deal with Terry Gilliam was announced in July 2018, apparently. Waititi joined in 2019. Then filmed in '22 and '23.
Is it the 5 white characters out of 6 that makes this inclusive? Or that you can tell their sexual orientation or gender identification from the picture?
How do you know what the 5 characters melanin identify as? Or can you tell from the picture. I dig the hell out of the original, no need for a remake.
I know nothing of this show but if I had quickly lay down a path,

Follow an adult Kevin whoes children use the map by accident/trickery. It writes itself but modern pop culture will find a way to ruin anything with inclusion and diversity VS what's proper for the story.

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