Alleged Screen Used Hero TOS Phaser up for auction (now the aftermath)

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Specifically, I do not expect them to take an active roll on this forum, or any other. I expect them to be aware of the evidence presented between the hand wringing and comic foil posts - the reason I would like to see a condensation of just the facts, to memorialize the case made. It is very hard to refute this evidence, but if it is such a sure thing, with the so called "secret' information, now that the auction is passed, but the controversy is not, it is the time to address it on their own terms. They have many tools at their disposal to deal with it.

I do expect silence, but I think that will come, at a cost.
How do the "experts" explain this?

View attachment 1477684
The bottom photo is of course the HA phaser
They don't. Just like they don't explain the lack of a screen match or the construction of the P1.

It's entirely possible that this prop, even with its eccentricities, is real. So far, none of the experts has told us why they made their determination despite all the contradictory physical & historical evidence.
Specifically, I do not expect them to take an active roll on this forum, or any other. I expect them to be aware of the evidence presented between the hand wringing and comic foil posts - the reason I would like to see a condensation of just the facts, to memorialize the case made. It is very hard to refute this evidence, but if it is such a sure thing, with the so called "secret' information, now that the auction is passed, but the controversy is not, it is the time to address it on their own terms. They have many tools at their disposal to deal with it.

I do expect silence, but I think that will come, at a cost.
If any "secret" or undisclosed information supported the premise that the phaser is authentic, and production made, I could see a case for releasing it for PR purposes. If it just creates more questions, rather then answering any, would that really help them?

I'm not defending their actions, I'd LOVE for their expert's to chime in, I'd love for there to be more transparency, I just don't think it's going to happen.

I expect the deafening silence to criticism to continue until it is no longer profitable for them to do so. They're big enough, and have their hands in so many areas, that the loss of one small market won't hurt them too bad.
They don't. Just like they don't explain the lack of a screen match or the construction of the P1.

It's entirely possible that this prop, even with its eccentricities, is real. So far, none of the experts has told us why they made their determination despite all the contradictory physical & historical evidence.

Yep. I'd be a lot more open to the possibility that it's real--which I still am--if this had been handled better, and the evidence (ANY evidence) actually laid out.

But the red flags are screaming at me.
Before he was banned... again - did Ron Shenko state the consignors were Wah's family?
Sort of. He invented a Wah scenario that sort of explained the history of the P1 & P2 but contradicted the LOAs. Earlier in the thread he had evidence that the P2 was one of his or, at least, a modern replica.

By far, the oddest actual claim comes from both MARK M3 & Shenko. MARK M3 outright stated that the buyer had seen the evidence the rest of us haven’t. That’s pretty sketchy. The kindest read I have for that is what I said earlier: A clique of aficionados got excited & talked each other into buying a phaser that’s probably going to turn out to be a fake.
From the above press release:

"Another stunner hit the transporter Friday: one of only two original-series "hero" phasers known to have survived Star Trek's three-season run in the late 1960s. Designed by Trek's first art director and production designer Matt Jefferies, the man responsible for the U.S.S. Enterprise, this Type-2 phase is called the "hero" with good reason: It consists of three components: the palm-sized Type-1 phaser inserted into the Type-2 pistol, with the brass handle that doubled as a power pack (as seen in the episode The Omega Glory).

It's a hero, too, because it sold for $250,00.00."
The sale is likely to be as fake as the phaser. I'd have more confidence buying from a random ebayer.
Is there really a "secret" group of "experts" with "special" knowledge about the show? That would be an incredibly pathetic group of self important individuals.
It's an old TV show not the secret of eternal youth!
From the above press release:

"It's a hero, too, because it sold for $250,00.00."

Selling for $250,000.00 is what makes it a HERO?

We've been reading this all wrong. The HA HERO is a hero figuratively, not literally. We all thought they meant, LITERALLY. laugh 2.gif
The kindest read I have for that is what I said earlier: A clique of aficionados got excited & talked each other into buying a phaser that’s probably going to turn out to be a fake.
That’s not something I considered. Hmmmm.

I say it again, this whole thing is really sketchy. If there is evidence besides someone’s say so, let’s see it. I did not see but I heard the herocomm boards were ripe with ‘fake’ until suddenly it wasn’t with no info other than a version of ‘we now say it is’.
I would love this to be real and will happily accept proper evidence that it is, but until then I do not see it as genuine in the slightest.
What if, a bunch of people that had never heard of "GONE WITH THE WIND" examined the book? They might say, "Look at all the things that are RIGHT about the time, and culture, and events of the civil war....isn't it likely that Gone with the Wind is.....NON-fiction?"

They'd still be dead wrong, if they didn't involve people in the discussion that KNOW that Gone with the Wind is a work of FICTION. Only talking amongst themselves and not getting outside input could make them make a mistake in identification.
Good one!
Good one!

Yes, if they would state their reason for believing what they do....we might even be able to say "THAT'S BS!" in a way that *THEY* could understand. They believe their secret evidence is foolproof, but that's only because they limit the secret evidence to people that WANT to believe. Showing the secret evidence to someone whom is capable of doubt, could allow that person to see the truth and EXPLAIN the truth that it's fake to others. That's what they're afraid of.

If you told baseball fans that it was the best sport on earth, why would they ever doubt you?

Only people who AREN'T baseball fans would even doubt the statement.

[sports references aren't banned, right?]
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I think is the best evidence to how lucky we are, the people who have been here for years and dealt with so many things in everything that epitomizes the RPF.

It's nothing new for a new member to jump in, make a lot of claims, and IMMEDIATELY discover that they are way out of their depth.

But when it comes to legit technical information, both by people in the industry and also directly related, this is the best source in one spot.

I can't speak for what happened here on this topic, but it absolutely would not be the first time that somebody dipped their wick thinking they would have the most knowledge and experience, only to rapidly find that they were in the kiddie pool around many who swim deep.

I think it's fake. I also don't have a quarter mill for fun, I have a family to keep above board. What I do appreciate is you guys, especially old timers, playing devil's advocate and considering the CHANCE it might be legit. In my mind, NOPE, but thanks for being diplomatic. We're all only right until we are proven wrong. :)
IF it somehow turns out to be *real,* it's STILL not screen-used. What would be the motivation to pay that much for something that never appeared in the show? Must be something huge we don't know about... or they're just completely deluded- and yes- one hell of a sucker.
No matter how you slice, dice, chop or julienne this mushroom, it was still grown in the dark and is full of _hit.

It was never on screen, ergo it isn't screen used. Heritage patently misrepresented it. Since I doubt a buyer was found in the 11th hour, I don't feel bad for anyone. It's all very comical.
I don't think there is a chance in hell of the buyer, if there is one, allowing anyone to examine it that might prove it is not real. Since HeroComm and their experts have already said it was real then they might get to examine it again. And for those of you who said HeroComm did NOT say it was the real thing and they only reported that GJ and his experts said it was real, that is NOT what HA said, they were very quick to point out that HeroComm had endorsed it as the real deal.
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