Aliens USCM Smartgun - a labour of love!

Slightly OT?
I always thought that was pretty stupid of Drake and Vasquez, I mean, they were disobeying a direct order. If they had made it back home, they would have been facing a possible court marshall.

Back on topic.
Dam:eek, what is with those splits in the raw ammo drum? Do they have problems with vac forming it?

Yeah, its better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6. :)

The gun looks great! Now you need one of these:


PM me if you are interested, I might have an extra sitting around. I used to make these. I found the correct toy and casted it, etc.
I thought drake and vasquez had both been recruited out of juvie or prison. Either way, neither struck me as being exactly law abiding folk.

Nice job birdie looks awesome , I been wanting to do one of these for years , so far i have the AR 125 struts . . . . er thats it so far !
The smartgun & the pulse rifle has & always will be my most favorite pieces of Aliens props! We'll next to the facehugger & eggs!!

I really like this prop. I hope you'll show a step by step assemble instructions or a good pic assembling manual. I'd like to make one of these babies. "I just need to know one thing..where they are!"
I don't think they gave a crap abou that when the Xenos started coming out ofthe walls :lol

Vasquez clearly had utter disdain for her CO, and they seemed a pretty undisciplined bunch all round.

Pretty much the entire platoon had utter disdain for the LT, he was, after all, totally green and probably fresh out of OCS, TBS, and SOI. In the end, I think that if they had made it out alive I don't think that they would looked too deeply into what Vasquez & Drake did; while they did disobey an order getting out alive would have counted for something in their favor.
Sadly I don't have this prop anymore, check the post dates at the beginning of the thread ;)

Since posting this thread I upgraded to a real mg ammo drum, but I never really found a way of displaying the gun in a way I was happy with, and eventually reluctantly parted with it to fund a decent HDTV.

Is there a full breakdown of its components (Models of control handels, struts etc.)???
Might be an interesting project besides of all the SW blasters ;)

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