retroing out the other to be the 2nd pilot version:cool
Guys, if you're talking about the Shanko project, that was definitely a scratchbuild. There are pics of the foam masters.
Due to the fact when he made it he wanted a 1/2 scale to the filming miniture. He hand carved it out of foam, and did a very good job, but it is far from a copy.Then I stand corrected, why the same scale as Jim's?
Roger, I suppose you could say it was an uber secret project. Only those who got kits or were working on it were allowed in the forum.
Roger, I suppose you could say it was an uber secret project. Only those who got kits or were working on it were allowed in the forum.
Perhaps one day I will be able to join the ranks of the "High End" collectors and get in the click. :lol
From what little I did see of the "Shanko Project" he did do a fantastic job with the overall design of the ship. Not many folks around who can work with fiberglass on a design like that.