6 ft. TOS Enterprise

Another RPF'er here who is a proud owner of the CR 1/2 SS Enterprise kit. Great kit waiting for the day taht I have a future home with a cathederal ceiling to hang it from.
Another RPF'er here who is a proud owner of the CR 1/2 SS Enterprise kit. Great kit waiting for the day taht I have a future home with a cathederal ceiling to hang it from.


Hello fellas,
...it is my own design TOS Enterprise, I made molds of and lay up the fiberglass.
Last year, when I began this project, I really wanted to avoid ANY hassles (Fiberglass phasers). So for the starship, I went totally private at Kev's site with the team of 10 or so guys working on the different aspects.
In the beginning I started showing progress pix at ASAP, so everyone basicly saw my 66" starship in space dock.
I decided to mold 12 starships in 2 runs of 6 each.
Other guys designed the warp effect, domes, shuttle craft, decals, and helped by providing plans, and documentation pictures.
These guys were the nucleus of the project and got special deals for their starships. I numbered each one.
Some are not molded yet, and available. Numbers 9-12.
You can reserve a starship by contacting me. I havn't tried to sell them.
They require some sanding, but my starship has more detail than any other TOS starship model ever done that I'm aware of, because I molded in all the steel plate panel lines, just like our buddy Ed M. did on the original 11 foot model. My molds cost about 2000, and I dont care.
My own starship is worth 5 times that to me.
Guys are building them now, and I expect you'll see them around this summer.
I worked hard on it,
I hope you'll like it.
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Yep, Ron certainly did a fine n' dandy job on that kit. Like others who have chimed in here, I have been witness to his work on this project since Day One, watching him working from his blueprints to shaping the master to casting/molding.

And like Kev, I'm pleased to say I will be one of the proud owners of this awesome piece of craftsmanship (mine's Production Number 05).

I'm also one of the "guys" he referred to that's helping out in other aspects of the project. Namely, scratch-building the master for the Shuttlecrafts that will be included in each kit.

I don't mind coming out and saying so, as I feel very honoured to have been given the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful project, working with such a great group of people. Definately one of my highlights of being in this hobby.

He and I have collaborated on the details and dimensions, in scale with the Enterprise, to ensure that they are an accurate representation of that small, yet significant, aspect of the kit.

Can't wait to get around to building mine! :)
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Yep, it's been great working with Ron and everyone else on the kit. Working with Ron, it's obvious all he wants to do is create the best Starship he can for the love of the hobby.

I myself am providing the decals.
Yep, it's been great working with Ron and everyone else on the kit. Working with Ron, it's obvious all he wants to do is create the best Starship he can for the love of the hobby.

I myself am providing the decals.

You guys have been great hobby buddies. The best of the best.
Hardworking but having fun, honest and smart.
It has been my pleasure to make models with you guys.

I'm sorry I've been away for a few weeks, my new job starts at 6am so I have to get up at 5. It's so hot up here that we must start early.
To toil in the sun can be both rewarding but takes it's toll on you.
So I get home and am too hot to go into our hobby shop and start laying glass.
The weekend is the only way, and those have been busy with Edith's horse, car repairs, .
...and dam MOLES that ruined our yard and desimated our garden..
I caught 3 moles so far, and instead of killing them, I put them in a bucket, (each timeI caught one) and had Edith walk across the street to dump them on this neighbor's side of the road.
See, he parks his posht boat on the road right across from our driveway gate. And I have a Maxivan that needs to be backed out straight, and it's 20 ft. long.
So anyway after I bumped it and he still wont move it.. I said "let's give him a serious mole problem"... ha ha.

Back to the starships,
They are shell kits. I wanted a ceiling hung model, so it is light.
I include some bracing, but I leave it up to the builder to decide how his starship will be constructed. Everybody wants different things.
A plywood stand is required to build and set the ship on a table.
I include patterns. Warp domes are included, as are 2 sets of decals and 2 shuttlecrafts.
I made all the steelplates exactly on the same lines as the 11.

We are still developing some systems, so no completed starships exist yet, that I know of. Mine was #1 out of the mold, and you know how it is..kinda a demo, so I went the total shell route. Grinded, epoxied and primered it. Then drilled windows and lit it.
I'm making the turbolift go up and down the main dorsal windows...Like Scotty's running up to the bridge and back down to engineering.

I used stock Schmitz domes, transparent orange tinted slowly spinning inners with transparent red fans expertly applied, running under a sandblasted 3 1/2" outer dome.
This is running over a warp light disc designed by TM, and somewhat modified by me, and looks very much like the original 11ft studio model.
His design took many months of research including warp tests posted on Youtube.
Testing a warp engine and using a digital camera to document it is nearly impossible because the ccds in the camera see pink lights. So it was frustrating to try to show test results.
When he came up here on a day trip to pick up his starship kit (#2), he brought with him a running warp setup, and we did a few tests involving steelwooling the outside of the sandblasted outter dome.
This diffused the light and looks promising, but many more tests need to be done to be sure we got the effect as accurate as possible.
Using leds may not make the effect exactly because originally they used Chrismas lights.
I'll post more pix later on.

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:eek:love:thumbsupThat is an incredible project! That's one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time! Please, more pics! I for one would love to see some in progress shots. Please keep us posted on your progress!:cheers

Thanks, I'm still thinking about building an 11ft model, and in fact, at one of the houses my companys building, in the yard is 4x8 sheets of foam 8 inches thich that no one wants.
They are left over from the roof insulation.
I want to build an 11, but sanding foam makes a hell of a mess, and has to be contained and disposed of. It clings to everything and must be bad to breath dust from.

Anyway, back to the 66" fiberglass starship shells,...
Here is some construction pix to amuse and entertain you.
Some showing the steelplates of the saucer top like you asked for.
I used the same plans G. Jein used to build the "Trials and Tribbulations" starship. I used roofing urethane foam, covered those masters with paper "steel plates" cut to match the 11's paint job at the Smithsonian.

These pix are of the starship just getting drilled and lit.
You can see how I braced the saucer inside.
The saucer top, screws down, with 25 screws inset around the edge, so it is removable. I wish I had the decals.
Access also is thru the bridge deck hole.
I used leds, strung around and tacked in place with goop.
Later I'm definitly adding some incandesant bulbs, like car body bulbs.
So the warm glow will be in certain sections of the hull, while other windows'll have the stark blue white of the leds.
Phasers will be installed, firing red lasers and most likely green or blue lasers will be added
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:eek :thumbsup

Well Ron! I got to tell ya that is one bang up job!! I know I haven't been very civil in the past!:redface I listened to a lot of people when I shouldn't have and for that I apologize...................you are a true master!

Keep the pix coming! she is a thing of true beauty!
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Hi bruce, I except your apoligy. No harm done.

A house divided against itself will fall.

If fans unite instead of compete...life is good.

We could all get more done if we joined the same team.

I like your TOS command chair, and your other work.

Thanks Ron!......and how true! life is way too short for the bs! enough of that happens on it's own with out creating it!!!
thanks for the kind words too!..............

Now keep the pix coming when you get time and your project moves along!!! :love
"My god, that's a tall ship..."

Boy, oh boy, if I only had the time, the patience, the room...oh yeah and the friggin' TALENT to make something that awesome!

That right there boys & girls is what this game is all about!

Can't wait for more updates.

Most in this group are familiar, but those that aren't, I have a complete history and photo construction of a 66"r here:

I think anyone who has tackled this project, as a scratchbuild, kit or otherwise should all be commended. It is such an iconic ship, and there are a lot of wonderfully talented folks out there that do a great job with this subject.
You did an excellent build Sean, (THE best I've ever seen)..
...and your website pages are a great resource of building info.
I like your style of writing, and how you made sections on different aspects of the starship being built.
Your pictures are great, and the detail you've put into everything is an example to follow.
I'm happy we are friends, your input in our private starship club is most welcome. You have been there, building a huge starship, and solved so many questions and problems as you went.
Did you add weight to the front of your warp engines to balance their weight on the pylons? I reccomend that, it's then easy to keep the engines aligned. Also I designed my engines to be adjustable, with a block between the warp pylons in the engineering hull that can be moved forward or back to "adjust the tailpipe".
I like how you did the electrical systems in your ship.
I was thinking about filling some of my windows, and read what you went through, and how you filled them with the clear dental resin.
I'll be painting my starship soon, and want to use a blue gray latex house paint, and weather, rust stain, and streak my hull like Ed Miarecki did on the 11.
How is your starship displayed today? On the planet base stand?
I know you must have moved it off the pool table, do you have any new pix?
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