47a Firefly Mal's pistol

Hey all,

Thought y'all might like to see the mod I just did with my Model 47a.


Since I've also got an original Model 47, I also wanted an all-metal Serenity version (I had the Sidkit a while back, but had to sell it). The machinist who helped me recreate Vera was supposed to do some addon parts for me but I haven't heard back from him in a long while so I decided to have a go at making them in styrene myself. It was just a quick job...took an evening to do and the color matching of the real brass and spray painted styrene parts isn't perfect (the real brass is a tad less saturated) but it'll do for the time being.
ive been all over this site and im still having a hard time figuring out who i talk to to get help on my captain mal gun. it doesnʻt help that a lot of the threads are old and the replicas out here are either super rare or kinda crappy :p
Beautiful! Congratulations to anyone who snagged one.

I'll be lucky just to get my hands on the rubbishy QMx metal plated version.

EDIT: Aha, I just saw this was a necro. Well hopefully rawrtigerrawr can get some help with his/her pistol build, and people will post their other pistols!
ive been all over this site and im still having a hard time figuring out who i talk to to get help on my captain mal gun. it doesnʻt help that a lot of the threads are old and the replicas out here are either super rare or kinda crappy :p

Head over to fireflyprops.net and message a guy named Badger. HE was the one that made the 47a
Head over to fireflyprops.net and message a guy named Badger. HE was the one that made the 47a

Not much point in doing so uless you just want to give him praise. The 47a is long gone, no more will be made an Badger does not have any parts left. Your only shot of getting one is to search... an offer an insane amount of money. Even then, don't count on finding one.
Beautiful! Congratulations to anyone who snagged one.

I'll be lucky just to get my hands on the rubbishy QMx metal plated version.

EDIT: Aha, I just saw this was a necro. Well hopefully rawrtigerrawr can get some help with his/her pistol build, and people will post their other pistols!

I keep wanting to do pics of mine, but keep putting it off... :behave
Head over to fireflyprops.net and message a guy named Badger. HE was the one that made the 47a

thanks, ive been reading up on/ talking to him. turns out he works for qmx now and no more are his unlicensed copies. so my only real option besides qmx is to make one or fine a reaally rare replica :D
correction, he worked for. He left the company some time back. Some people are do'ers, not watchers. When that type of person is presented with wishers walls, they do the do someplace else. Good or bad, thats the gist of it.
As someone who hasn't seen the movie or tv series, but I know it is a sci if space theme, why are all the guns Wild West or antique? Silly question but I've been curious after seeing so many of these builds.
As someone who hasn't seen the movie or tv series, but I know it is a sci if space theme, why are all the guns Wild West or antique? Silly question but I've been curious after seeing so many of these builds.
Because the show was basically a western in space... Complete with cattle in one episode. ;)
As someone who hasn't seen the movie or tv series, but I know it is a sci if space theme, why are all the guns Wild West or antique? Silly question but I've been curious after seeing so many of these builds.

Certain planets are only just now being settled. The level of technology would be roughly analogous to our Western Frontier, since they are frontier planets, so to speak. The tech would be durable, easily repairable, and easy to replicate with a low level of technology until it could be built up. That's the most easily accepted reason. It's not so much a question of "Hey, we're the frontier so we should look like the frontier" but more of a "Hey, this old timey stuff really works so that's what we'll use" kind of thing.
As someone who hasn't seen the movie or tv series, but I know it is a sci if space theme, why are all the guns Wild West or antique? Silly question but I've been curious after seeing so many of these builds.

Do yourself a favor and watch the TV series and movie on Netflix. You'll be hooked!
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