£20 mannequin - a few progress pics of my X-wing suit display


Sr Member
Here are a few pics from a tutorial I posted over on TPZ: http://1.myfreebulletinboard.com/viewtopic...rdoftherin#4245

Basically, I wanted an inexpensive and quick way to display my Luke x-wing costume. I decided to scratchbuild a mannequin using PVC pipe, chicken wire, duck tape and padding. I bought some materials (for around twenty quid) and made a start today - Here are a few progress pics:





A lot more padding and tweaking later...




It's not quite finished - I need to improve the hands and the face shape a little bit - but I'm quite pleased with how he turned out. It's looking like Rebel Alliance corner over there, aside from the renegade Trooper helmet... :p
That looks great Al. I might try something similar for my Vader as Prowse-proportioned mannequins are hard to come by.

(By the way, where did you get the tall glass cabinet with the R2/3PO/trooper/remote inside? I NEED one of those.)

Hi Jeremy

That's one of the Ikea Detolf cabinets mate - nice bits of kit and they only cost around £35 if I remember correctly, The lights cost a bit more though - an extra £12 I think.

A Prowse sixe mannequin would be very doable usingh this method. You might need a bit more chicken wire and foam to bulk him out. :)
Thanks for that Al, Ikea here I come.

Looks like you've got some great things in your collection. :)
